• Authors:
    • Parrish, D. J.
    • Ebinger, M. H.
    • Lal, R.
    • Sartori, F.
  • Source: Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences
  • Volume: 25
  • Issue: 5
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: Energy crops are fast-growing species whose biomass yields are dedicated to the production of more immediately usable energy forms, such as liquid fuels or electricity. Biomass-based energy sources can offset, or displace, some amount of fossil-fuel use. Energy derived from biomass provides 2 to 3% of the energy used in the U.S.A.; but, with the exception of corn-(Zea mays L.)-to-ethanol, very little energy is currently derived from dedicated energy crops. In addition to the fossil-fuel offset, energy cropping might also mitigate an accentuated greenhouse gas effect by causing a net sequestration of atmospheric C into soil organic C (SOC). Energy plantations of short-rotation woody crops (SRWC) or herbaceous crops (HC) can potentially be managed to favor SOC sequestration. This review is focused primarily on the potential to mitigate atmospheric CO2 emissions by fostering SOC sequestration in energy cropping systems deployed across the landscape in the United States. We know that land use affects the dynamics of the SOC pool, but data about spatial and temporal variability in the SOC pool under SRWC and HC are scanty due to lack of well-designed, long-term studies. The conventional methods of studying SOC fluxes involve paired-plot designs and chronosequences, but isotopic techniques may also be feasible in understanding temporal changes in SOC. The rate of accumulation of SOC depends on land-use history, soil type, vegetation type, harvesting cycle, and other management practices. The SOC pool tends to be enhanced more under deep-rooted grasses, N-fixers, and deciduous species. Carbon sequestration into recalcitrant forms in the SOC pool can be enhanced with some management practices (e.g., conservation tillage, fertilization, irrigation); but those practices can carry a fossil-C cost. Reported rates of SOC sequestration range from 0 to 1.6 Mg C ha(-1) yr(-1) under SRWC and 0 to 3 Mg C ha(-1) yr(-1) under HC. Production of 5 EJ of electricity from energy crops-a perhaps reasonable scenario for the U.S.A.-would require about 60 Mha. That amount of land is potentially available for conversion to energy plantations in the U.S.A. The land so managed could mitigate C emissions (through fossil C not emitted and SOC sequestered) by about 5.4 Mg C ha(-1) yr(-1). On 60 Mha, that would represent 324 Tg C yr(-1)-a 20% reduction from current fossil-fuel CO2 emissions. Advances in productivity of fast-growing SRWC and HC species suggest that deployment of energy cropping systems could be an effective strategy to reduce climate-altering effects of anthropogenic CO2 emissions and to meet global policy commitments.
  • Authors:
    • VandenBygaart, A. J.
  • Source: Canadian Journal of Soil Science
  • Volume: 86
  • Issue: 3
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: The distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) in the landscape is governed by multiple factors and processes occurring at multiple scales. Thus, an understanding of landscape processes and pedology should aid in designing approaches to study SOC stock changes. Numerous factors affect distribution of SOC in the landscape at varying spatial and temporal scales. Each of these is summarized to set the stage for outlining a proposed approach to monitoring SOC in the agricultural landscape. Many tools are used to assess the variability of soil properties at varying spatial scales. Pedological knowledge and interpretation of landscape processes can be used to understand the spatial distribution of SOC in the landscape. I show that semi-variograms and the minimum detectable difference may be of limited value in deriving a universal approach to assess SOC change. Issues to be considered or resolved before initiating a monitoring system include depth of sampling and influence of management, compositing and sub-sampling, changes in bulk density, landscape effects and SOC dynamics. After considering these issues, I propose an approach to monitor SOC stock change in agroecosystems, acknowledging that any methodology likely cannot be strictly and universally applicable. The approach considers issues such as location, plot layout, and experimental and statistical design. Such an approach, derived from a landscape and pedology perspective, may make the measurement and verification of SOC at varying scales a less daunting task.
  • Authors:
    • Angers, D. A.
    • VandenBygaart, A. J.
  • Source: Canadian Journal of Soil Science
  • Volume: 86
  • Issue: 3
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: In response to Kyoto Protocol commitments, countries can elect agricultural carbon sinks to offset emissions from other sectors, but they need to verify soil organic carbon (SOC) stock change. We summarize issues we see as barriers to obtaining accurate measures of SOC change, including: soil depth, bulk density and equivalent soil mass, representation of landscape components, experimental design, and the equilibrium status of the SOC. If the entire plow depth is not considered, rates of SOC storage under conservation compared with conventional tillage can be overstated. Bulk density must be measured to report SOC stock on an area basis. More critical still is the need to report SOC stock on an equivalent mass basis to normalize the effects of management on bulk deisity. Most experiments comparing SOC under differing management have been conducted in small, flat research plots. Although results obtained from these long-term experiments have been useful to develop and validate SOC prediction models, they do not adequately consider landscape effects. Traditional agronomic experimental designs can be inefficient for assessing small changes in SOC stock within large spatial variability. Sampling designs are suggested to improve statistical power and sensitivity in detecting changes in SOC stocks over short time periods.
  • Authors:
    • Spokas, K. A.
    • Dolan, M. S.
    • Baker, J. M.
    • Venterea, R. T.
  • Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
  • Volume: 70
  • Issue: 5
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: Few studies have examined the impacts of rotational tillage regimes on soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N). We measured the C and N content of soils managed under corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean (Glycine max L.) rotation following 10 and 15 yr of treatments. A conventional tillage (CT) regime employing moldboard and chisel plowing in alternate years was compared with both continuous no-till (NT) and biennial tillage (BT), which employed chisel plowing before soybean only. While masses of C and N in the upper 0.3 m under both BT and NT were higher than CT, only the BT treatment differed from CT when the entire sampled depth (0.6 m) was considered. Decreased C inputs, as indicated by reduced grain yields, may have limited C storage in the NT system. Thus, while more C was apparently retained under NT per unit of C input, some tillage appears necessary in this climate and cropping system to maximize C storage. Soil carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes under NT were greater than CT during a drier than normal year, suggesting that C storage may also be partly constrained under NT due to wetter conditions that promote increased soil respiration. Increased temperature sensitivity of soil respiration with increasing soil moisture was also observed. These findings indicate that long-term biennial chisel plowing for corn-soybean in the upper mid-west USA can enhance C storage, reduce tillage-related fuel costs, and maintain yields compared with more intensive annual tillage.
  • Authors:
    • Jakas, M. C. Q.
    • Rosenberg, N. J.
    • McGill, W. B.
    • Williams, J. R.
    • Izaurralde, R. C.
  • Source: Ecological Modelling
  • Volume: 192
  • Issue: 3-4
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: Soil carbon sequestration (SCS) has emerged as a technology with significant potential to help stabilize atmospheric CO2 concentrations and thus reduce the threat of global warming. Methods and models are needed to evaluate and recommend SCS practices based on their effects on carbon dynamics and environmental quality. Environment Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) is a widely used and tested model for simulating many agroecosystem processes including plant growth, crop yield, tillage, wind and water erosion, runoff, soil density, and leaching. Here we describe new C and N modules developed in EPIC built on concepts from the Century model to connect the simulation of soil C dynamics to crop management, tillage methods, and erosion processes. The added C and N routines interact directly with soil moisture, temperature, erosion, tillage, soil density, leaching, and translocation functions in EPIC. Equations were also added to describe the effects of soil texture on soil C stabilization. Lignin concentration is modeled as a sigmoidal function of plant age. EPIC was tested against data from a conservation reserve program (CRP) 6-year experiment at five sites in three U.S. Great Plains states and a 61-year long-term agronomic experiment near Breton, Canada. Mean square deviations (MSD) calculated for CRP sites were less than 0.01 (kg C m(-2))(2), except for one site where it reached 0.025 (kg C m(-2))(2). MSD values in the 61-year experiment ranged between 0.047 and 0.077 (kg C m(-2))(2). The version of the EPIC model presented and tested here contains the necessary algorithms to simulate SCS and improve understanding of the interactions among soil erosion, C dynamics, and tillage. A strength of the model as tested is its ability to explain the variability in crop production, C inputs and SOC and N cycling over a wide range of soil, cropping and climatic conditions over periods from 6 to 61 years. For example, at the Breton site over 61 years, EPIC accounted for 69% of the variability in grain yields, 89% of the variability in C inputs and 91% of the variability in SOC content in the top 15 cm. Continued development is needed in understanding why it overpredicts at low SOC and underpredicts at high SOC. Possibilities now exist to connect the C and N cycling parts of EPIC to algorithms to describe denitrification as driven by C metabolism and oxygen availability. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Authors:
    • Rochette, P.
    • Pattey, E.
    • Newlands, N.
    • McAllister, T. A.
    • McGinn, S. M.
    • Masse, D.
    • Lemke, R.
    • Helgason, B. L.
    • Gregorich, E. G.
    • Gibb, D. J.
    • Ellert, B. H.
    • Dyer, J. A.
    • Desjardins, R. L.
    • Bolinder, M.
    • Boehm, M.
    • Angers, D. A.
    • Janzen, H. H.
    • Smith, W.
    • VandenBygaart, A. J.
    • Wang, H.
  • Source: Canadian Journal of Soil Science
  • Volume: 86
  • Issue: 3
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: Greenhouse gas emissions from farms can be suppressed in two ways: by curtailing the release of these gases (especially N2O and CH4), and by storing more carbon in soils, thereby removing atmospheric COT But most practices have multiple interactive effects on emissions throughout a farm. We describe an approach for identifying practices that best reduce net, whole-farm emissions. We propose to develop a "Virtual Farm", a series of interconnected algorithms that predict net emissions from flows of carbon, nitrogen, and energy. The Virtual Farm would consist of three elements: descriptors, which characterize the farm; algorithms, which calculate emissions from components of the farm; and an integrator, which links the algorithms to each other and the descriptors, generating whole-farm estimates. Ideally, the Virtual Farm will be: boundary-explicit, with single farms as the fundamental unit; adaptable to diverse farm types; modular in design; simple and transparent; dependent on minimal, attainable inputs; internally consistent; compatible with models developed elsewhere; and dynamic ("seeing" into the past and the future). The Virtual Farm would be constructed via two parallel streams - measurement and modeling - conducted iteratively. The understanding built into the Virtual Farm may eventually be applied to issues beyond greenhouse gas mitigation.
  • Authors:
    • Bullock, D. G.
    • Hao, X.
    • Robertson, G. P.
    • Kravchenko, A. N.
  • Source: Agronomy Journal
  • Volume: 98
  • Issue: 6
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: Lack of information about the spatial variability of soil C in different management systems limits accurate extrapolation of C sequestration findings to large scales. The objectives of this study were to: (i) describe and quantify variability of total C in three management systems, chisel-plow (CT) and no-till (NT) with conventional chemical inputs and a chisel-plow organic management practice with cover crops (CT-cover) 15 yr after conversion from conventional management; (ii) assess the strengths of spatial correlation in the three studied systems; and (iii) evaluate contributions of topography and texture to the overall total C variability and its spatial components. The data were collected at 12 60 by 60 m plots at the Long Term Ecological Research site, Kellogg Biological Station, MI. The data consisted of elevation measurements taken on a 2 by 5 m grid and a total of 1160 measurements of total C, sand, silt, and clay contents taken from the 0- to 5-cm depth. Overall variability of total C in NT was more than four times greater than in CT, and in CT-cover the variability was more than two times greater than CT. Spatial correlation of total C was the strongest in NT, followed by CT-cover, and then by CT. Stronger spatial structures in NT and CT-cover were found to form in response to topographical and texture gradients. Effects of texture were largely associated with topographical effects; however, even when topography was controlled for, texture still substantially contributed to explaining total C variability.
  • Authors:
    • Paustian, K.
    • Lokupitiya, E.
  • Source: Journal of Environmental Quality
  • Volume: 35
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are required to submit national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories, together with information on methods used in estimating their emissions. Currently agricultural activities contribute a significant portion (approximately 20%) of global anthropogenic GHG emissions, and agricultural soils have been identified as one of the main GHG source categories within the agricultural sector. However, compared to many other GHG sources, inventory methods for soils are relatively more complex and have been implemented only to varying degrees among member countries. This review summarizes and evaluates the methods used by Annex 1 countries in estimating CO2 and N2O emissions in agricultural soils. While most countries utilize the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) default methodology, several Annex 1 countries are developing more advanced methods that are tailored for specific country circumstances. Based on the latest national inventory reporting, about 56% of the Annex 1 countries use IPCC Tier 1 methods, about 26% use Tier 2 methods, and about 18% do not estimate or report N2O emissions from agricultural soils. More than 65% of the countries do not report CO2 emissions from the cultivation of mineral soils, organic soils, or liming, and only a handful of countries have used country-specific, Tier 3 methods. Tier 3 methods usually involve process-based models and detailed, geographically specific activity data. Such methods can provide more robust, accurate estimates of emissions and removals but require greater diligence in documentation, transparency, and uncertainty assessment to ensure comparability between countries. Availability of detailed, spatially explicit activity data is a major constraint to implementing higher tiered methods in many countries.
  • Authors:
    • Perez, A.
    • Ali, M.
    • Pollack, S.
    • Lucier, G.
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: The U.S. fruit and vegetable industry accounts for nearly a third of U.S. crop cash receipts and a fifth of U.S. agricultural exports. A variety of challenges face this complex and diverse industry in both domestic and international markets, ranging from immigration reform and its effect on labor availability to international competitiveness. The national debate on diet and health frequently focuses on the nutritional role of fruit and vegetables, and a continued emphasis on the benefits of eating produce may provide opportunities to the industry. In the domestic market, Americans are eating more fruit and vegetables than they did 20 years ago, but consumption remains below recommended levels. In terms of per capita consumption expressed on a fresh-weight basis, the top five vegetables are potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, sweet corn, and onions while the top five fruit include oranges, grapes (including wine grapes), apples, bananas, and pineapples. The industry also faces a variety of trade-related issues, including competition with imports. During 2002-04, imports accounted for 21 percent of domestic consumption of all fresh and processed fruit and vegetables, up from 16 percent during 1992-94.
  • Authors:
    • Giardini, L.
    • Berti, A.
    • Lugato, E.
  • Source: Geoderma
  • Volume: 135
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: Crop residue incorporation is recognised as a simple way to increase C input into the soil, with positive effects on C sequestration from the atmosphere. However, in some long-term experiments, a lack of response to soil C input levels has been observed as a consequence of saturation phenomena and/or interactions between C input and fertilisation. This paper analyses the outcomes of a long-term experiment in north-eastern Italy that started in 1966 and is still ongoing, where residue incorporation is compared with residue removal, over a range of mineral N fertilisations. A general decrease of SOC content was observed in the first 10 years of the experiment, followed by an approach to a steady state. However, SOC content differed markedly according to residue management and, in plots with residue incorporation, to N fertilisation. Considering 20 years as a compromise period for reaching a new equilibrium after a land-use change, the sequestration rate of residue incorporation in comparison with removal resulted as 0.17 t ha-1 of C per year. The measured data were then simulated with Century, a model based on first-order decomposition kinetic, to evaluate if the data could be interpreted by this kind of decomposition process. Model performances were good in most cases, but overestimated SOC decomposition in the more limiting situations for C and N inputs. A possible explanation is given for this behaviour, involving a feed-back effect of the microbial community.