- Authors:
- Zegada-Lizarazu, W.
- Zatta, A.
- Barbanti, L.
- Monti, A.
- Source: Global Change Biology Bioenergy
- Volume: 4
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2012
- Summary: The contribution of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), a perennial C4 grass, in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions was reviewed under three main areas; the impact on carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), and methane emissions (CH4), whilst also taking into account the effects of land conversion to switchgrass. Switchgrass is able to enhance biomass accumulation in a wide range of environmental conditions, which is the premise for considerable carbon assimilation and storage in the belowground organs. The progress in some areas of crop husbandry (e.g., tillage and fertilization) has fostered benefits for carbon storage, while restraining GHG emissions. As root biomass is the main indicator of soil carbon sequestration, switchgrass's dense and deep rooting is a relevant advantage, although uncertainty still exists about the crop's belowground biomass accumulation. In agreement with this, most LCA studies addressing CO2 emissions report significant benefits from switchgrass cultivation and processing. Beside CO2, switchgrass performed better than most other biomass crops also in terms of N2O emission. In the case of CH4 emission, it may be argued that switchgrass should act as a moderate sink, i.e., contributing to mitigate CH4 atmospheric concentration, but a substantial lack of information indicates the need for specific research on the topic. Land conversion to switchgrass is the latest issue which needs to be addressed in LCA studies: not surprisingly, the net CO2 abatement appears remarkable if switchgrass is grown in former arable lands, although it is slightly negative to positive if switchgrass replaces permanent grassland. In conclusion, switchgrass could significantly contribute to mitigate GHG emissions, although areas of uncertainty still exist in the assessment of soil carbon storage, N2O and CH4 emissions, and the effects of converting lands to switchgrass. Further improvements must, therefore, be achieved to strengthen the crop's remarkable sustainability.
- Authors:
- Paustian, K.
- Swan, A.
- Ogle, S.
- Source: Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment
- Volume: 149
- Year: 2012
- Summary: The efficacy of no-till agriculture for increasing C in soils has been questioned in recent studies. This is a serious issue after many publications and reports during the last two decades have recommended no-till as a practice to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions through soil C sequestration. Our objective was to investigate the possibility that the lack of C increase in some no-till systems may be due to changes in crop productivity and subsequent C input to soils. A meta-analysis of 74 published studies was conducted to determine if crop production varies between no-till and full tillage management. The results were used to estimate the change in C input due to no-till adoption and the influence on soil organic C stocks at steady-state using the Century model. We found that crop productivity can be reduced with adoption of no-till, particularly in cooler and/or wetter climatic conditions. The influence varies, however, and crop productivity can even increase in some regions following adoption of no-till. In cases where crop production and C inputs decreased due to no-till, the potential reduction in soil organic C stocks was offset by a decrease in soil C decomposition rates, except in cases where C inputs declined by 15% or more. Challenges still remain for understanding the full impact of no-till adoption on soil organic C stocks, such as changes on C inputs in deeper subsurface horizons, the influence of variation in NT seeding methods on soil disturbance, and changes in SOM stabilization due to saturation limits in mineral soil fractions, which may further modify net C storage in soils. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- Authors:
- Sauer, T.
- Soolaneyakanahally, R.
- de Gooijer, H.
- Bentrup, G.
- Schoeneberger, M.
- Brendle, J.
- Zhou, X.
- Current, D.
- Source: Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
- Volume: 67
- Issue: 5
- Year: 2012
- Authors:
- Zhang, C.
- Lu, C. Q.
- Ren, W.
- Liu, M. L.
- Chen, G. S.
- Tian, H. Q.
- Xu, X. F.
- Source: Biogeosciences
- Volume: 9
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas which also contributes to the depletion of stratospheric ozone (O-3). However, the magnitude and underlying mechanisms for the spatiotemporal variations in the terrestrial sources of N2O are still far from certain. Using a process-based ecosystem model (DLEM - the Dynamic Land Ecosystem Model) driven by multiple global change factors, including climate variability, nitrogen (N) deposition, rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), tropospheric O-3 pollution, N fertilizer application, and land conversion, this study examined the spatial and temporal variations in terrestrial N2O flux over North America and further attributed these variations to various driving factors. From 1979 to 2010, the North America cumulatively emitted 53.9 +/- 0.9 Tg N2O-N (1 Tg = 10(12) g), of which global change factors contributed 2.4 +/- 0.9 Tg N2O-N, and baseline emission contributed 51.5 +/- 0.6 Tg N2O-N. Climate variability, N deposition, O-3 pollution, N fertilizer application, and land conversion increased N2O emission while the elevated atmospheric CO2 posed opposite effect at continental level; the interactive effect among multiple factors enhanced N2O emission over the past 32 yr. N input, including N fertilizer application in cropland and N deposition, and multi-factor interaction dominated the increases in N2O emission at continental level. At country level, N fertilizer application and multi-factor interaction made large contribution to N2O emission increase in the United States of America (USA). The climate variability dominated the increase in N2O emission from Canada. N inputs and multiple factors interaction made large contribution to the increases in N2O emission from Mexico. Central and southeastern parts of the North America - including central Canada, central USA, southeastern USA, and all of Mexico - experienced increases in N2O emission from 1979 to 2010. The fact that climate variability and multi-factor interaction largely controlled the inter-annual variations in terrestrial N2O emission at both continental and country levels indicate that projected changes in the global climate system may substantially alter the regime of N2O emission from terrestrial ecosystems during the 21st century. Our study also showed that the interactive effect among global change factors may significantly affect N2O flux, and more field experiments involving multiple factors are urgently needed.
- Authors:
- Azooz, R. H.
- Soon, Y. K.
- Arshad, M. A.
- Lupwayi, N. Z.
- Chang, S. X.
- Volume: 104
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Wood ash has the properties to be an effective liming material, and research is needed to compare its effectiveness relative to agricultural lime on acidic agricultural soils. Wood ash at a calcium carbonate rate of 6.72 t ha -1 was compared with an equivalent rate of agricultural lime on a clay loam soil with an initial pH of 4.9. Replicated plots were managed under a barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.)-canola ( Brassica rapa L.)-pea ( Pisum sativum L.) rotation for 4 yr (2002-2005). Soil pH increased in the order of: wood ash=lime > control (without lime or wood ash). Available soil P increased in the order of: wood ash > lime ≥ control. The effect of wood ash and lime application on pH and available P was greatest in the 0- to 5-cm depth, less but still significant in the 5- to 10-cm depth, and not significant below 10 cm. The effect on soil aggregation was: wood ash > lime > control. Averaged over 4 yr, application of wood ash increased grain yields of barley, canola, and pea by 49, 59, and 55%, respectively, compared to a corresponding increase of 38, 31, and 49% by agricultural lime. The increase in crop yield with wood ash compared with lime is attributed partly to increased P availability in wood ash-amended plots. It is concluded that wood ash applied at rates equivalent to agricultural lime improved some soil chemical and physical properties and increased crop production relative to agricultural lime.
- Authors:
- Tenuta, M.
- Sparling, B.
- Bell,L. W.
- Entz, M. H.
- Source: Web Of Knowledge
- Volume: 158
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Soil carbon stocks are useful indicators of both C sequestration capacity and sustainability of agricultural systems. Yet, most investigations have only studied the effects of agricultural management on soil carbon in surface layers (<0.3 m). Current soil organic carbon (SOC), total soil nitrogen (TN) and plant available phosphorus (P Olsen) to a depth of 1.2 m was measured at two long-term (9 and 18 years) farming systems experiments in southern Manitoba, Canada. Both experiments compared an annual-crop rotation, an alfalfa ( Medicago sativa L.)/crop rotation and re-established perennial grassland. At one site the two cropping systems were managed conventionally as well as in adherence to organic farming guidelines, but without manure additions. Due to higher net primary productivity and higher carbon inputs, particularly below ground, SOC stocks (0-120 cm) were 21-65 t C ha -1 higher under the re-established grassland than cropping systems at the clay soil site after 18 years, but not at the site with sandy loam soil after 9 years. On the clay soil, 30-40% of the additional C in the soil profile under the re-established grassland was found below 30 cm indicating the capacity of deep plant roots to sequester C in the sub-soil. Using alfalfa cut for hay in crop rotations did not increase SOC or N stocks compared to annual crop rotations, but plant-available P concentrations were depleted, especially under organic management. SOC was 25-30 t C ha -1 lower under organic than conventionally managed cropping systems, due to lower inputs of plant C (0.8 t C ha -1 yr -1) over the life of the experiment. This highlights that without additional C inputs organic management can reduce SOC compared to conventional cropping systems unless C inputs are maintained which may require manure or compost additions.
- Authors:
- Van Eerd, L. L.
- Vyn, R. J.
- Lauzon, J. D.
- O'Reilly, K. A.
- Source: Canadian Journal of Soil Science
- Volume: 92
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2012
- Summary: In order to improve N best management practices in southwestern Ontario vegetable farming, the effect of cover crops on N dynamics in the fall and spring prior to sweet corn planting and during sweet corn season was assessed. The experiment was a split plot design in a fresh green pea - cover crop - sweet corn rotation that took place over 2 site-years at Bothwell and Ridgetown in 2006-2007 and 2007-2008, respectively. The main plot factor was fall cover crop type with five treatments including oat (Avena saliva L.), cereal rye (Secale cereal L.), oilseed radish (OSR; Raphanus sativus L. var. oleoferus Metzg Stokes), mixture OSR plus cereal rye (OSR&rye) and a no cover crop control. Compared with no cover crop, sweet corn profit margins were higher by $450 ha(-1) for oat at Bothwell and $1300 and $760 ha(-1) for OSR and OSR&rye, respectively, at Ridgetown. By comparing plant available N over the cover crop season, the cover crops tested were more effective at preventing N loss at Bothwell than at Ridgetown likely due to higher precipitation and sandier soil at Bothwell. Despite differences in site characteristics, cover crops did not result in increased plant available N compared with no-cover during the sweet corn season at either site, indicating that these cover crops will not provide an N credit to the following crop and growers should not modify N fertilizer applications based on cover crops.
- Authors:
- Monk, Wendy A.
- Baird, Donald J.
- Peters, Daniel L.
- Armanini, David G.
- Source: Journal of Environmental Quality
- Volume: 41
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Agricultural land use can place heavy demands on regional water resources, strongly influencing the quantity and timing of water flows needed to sustain natural ecosystems. The effects of agricultural practices on streamflow conditions are multifaceted, as they also contribute to the severity of impacts arising from other stressors within the river ecosystem. Thus, river scientists need to determine the quantity of water required to sustain important aquatic ecosystem components and ecological services, to support wise apportionment of water for agricultural use. It is now apparent that arbitrarily defined minimum flows are inadequate for this task because the complex habitat requirements of the biota, which underpin the structure and function of a river ecosystem, are strongly influenced by predictable temporal variations in flow. We present an alternative framework for establishing a first-level, regional ecological instream flow needs standard based on adoption of the Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration/Range of Variability Approach as a broadly applicable hydrological assessment tool, coupling this to the Canadian Ecological Flow Index which assesses ecological responses to hydrological alteration. By explicitly incorporating a new field-based ecological assessment tool for small agricultural streams, we provide a necessary verification of altered hydrology that is broadly applicable within Canada and essential to ensure the continuous feedback between the application of flow management criteria and ecological condition.
- Authors:
- Source: Bioresource Technology
- Volume: 106
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Five cereal (triticale, durum wheat, CPS wheat, feed barley, oats) and two oilseed (canola, mustard) straws were fractionated with pressurized low polarity water in a flow-through reactor at 165 degrees C with a flow rate of 115 mL/min and a solvent-to-solid ratio of 60 mL/g. The conversion and extraction of the major carbohydrates and lignin from the reactor system during hydrothermal treatment was largely completed within the first 20-30 min. Glucan content of all straws were enriched by the process. More. than 90% of the xylan and nearly 50% of the lignin were extracted and there was no effect on yield due to crop species. However, there were differences in solid residue and liquid extract composition. Cereal crops yielded a residue richer in glucan and lower in lignin. Oilseed crop residues contained very low levels of ash. Xylo-oligosaccharides from oilseed crops contain more acetyl and uronic acid substituents. Crown Copyright (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
- Authors:
- Source: Canadian Journal of Soil Science
- Volume: 92
- Issue: 6
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Residues from paper and wood mills are a valuable source of nutrients for field crops, but little is known about the effectiveness of repeated applications over many years. A study was initiated at Yamachiche, QC, to assess the effect of continuous applications over 9 yr of combined papermill biosolids (PB), applied alone or with several liming by-products, on grain yield, plant nutrient accumulation, and soil fertility in a loamy soil cropped to grain corn, dry bean, and soybean. The PB treatments (0, 30, and 60 Mg wet ha -1) and liming by-products [calcitic lime (CL), lime mud (LM), wood ash (WA)], and two magnesium residuals, each at 3 Mg wet ha -1 along with (30 Mg PB ha -1) were surface applied annually at post-seeding. In the last 6 yr, the two treatments receiving magnesium residuals were replaced with 90 Mg wet PB ha -1 and mineral N fertilizer (MIN), respectively. Repeated annual applications of LM followed by CL increased soil pH the most (up to 1.4 unit). Crop yields were not significantly affected by treatments in the first 3 yr but subsequent applications of PB at 90 Mg ha -1 increased yields in grain corn (+1.9 Mg ha -1) and dry bean (+0.77 Mg ha -1) relative to the control, while PB with WA increased yield in soybean (+0.85 Mg ha -1). The PB at 30 Mg wet ha -1 with supplemental N (average of 45 kg N ha -1), or at 60 Mg wet ha -1 applied alone, achieved yields comparable with MIN treatment under corn. The PB applications increased soil organic matter and all major soil nutrients except K and Mg. The results of this study indicate that PB and alkaline residuals can be effectively applied to agricultural soils over many years although PB exceeding 60 Mg wet ha -1 yr -1 induce significant nitrate leaching.