- Authors:
- Anderson, R. L.
- Beck, D. L.
- Source: Weed Technology
- Volume: 21
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Producers in the Great Plains are exploring alternative crop rotations with the goal of reducing the use of fallow. In 1990, a study was established with no-till practices to compare 8 rotations comprising various combinations of winter wheat (W), spring wheat (SW), maize (C), chickpea (CP), dry pea (Pea), soyabean (SB), or fallow (F). After 12 years, we characterized weed communities by recording seedling emergence in each rotation. Downy brome ( Bromus tectorum), cheat ( Bromus secalinus), redroot pigweed ( Amaranthus retroflexus), and green foxtail ( Setaria viridis) were the most common weeds observed. Weed community density was highest for W-CP, being 13-fold greater than with Pea-W-C-SB. Downy brome and cheat were rarely observed in rotations where winter wheat was grown only once every 3 or 4 years; in contrast, density of the brome species was 75-fold greater in W-CP. Warm-season weeds were also affected by rotation design; density of redroot pigweed and green foxtail was 6-fold greater in W-C-CP compared with Pea-W-C-SB or W-F. One rotation design that was especially favourable for low weed density was arranging crops in a cycle of 4, with 2 cool-season crops followed by 2 warm-season crops.
- Authors:
- Vigil, M. F.
- Nielsen, D. C.
- Mikha, M.
- Benjamin, J. G.
- Calderon, F.
- Henry, W. B.
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 71
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2007
- Summary: No-till cropping systems in the semiarid West have the potential to improve soil physical properties by increasing cropping intensity and crop diversity. An investigation at Akron, Colorado, USA, compared soil conditions in winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum)-summer fallow (WF) plots with soil conditions in wheat-maize ( Zea mays)-fallow (WCF), wheat-maize-sunflower ( Helianthus annuus)-fallow (WCSF), wheat-maize-millet ( Panicum miliaceum) (WCM), and a perennial grass/legume mix. The study began in 1990. Bulk density, pore size distribution, and saturated hydraulic conductivity were measured 7, 11, and 15 years after inception. Bulk density in the grass plots decreased from 1.39 to 1.25 Mg m -3 in 15 years. Bulk density in the annually cropped plots decreased from 1.38 to 1.30 Mg m -3 during the same time period. The pore size distribution became more uniform among the cropped treatments 15 years after the start of the experiment. Saturated hydraulic conductivity increased in the grass plots from 27 to 98 mm h -1 in 15 years. Saturated hydraulic conductivity in the annually cropped plots increased from approximately 14 to approximately 35 mm h -1 during the same period. The results show that improving soil physical properties by cropping system alone may take many years. Perennial vegetation may be more effective than annually cropped systems at improving soil physical conditions because of less surface compaction from planting operations and the apparent ability of perennial root systems to create a more stable, continuous pore network.
- Authors:
- Mentreddy, R. S.
- Cebert, E.
- Kumar, S.
- Bishnoi, U. R.
- Source: World Journal of Agricultural Sciences
- Volume: 3
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2007
- Summary: In the southeastern USA, winter rape in addition to winter wheat can become another commercial crop with benefits such as breaking of disease and insect cycles caused by continuous wheat cropping. Information on agronomic production practices and comparative profitability of rape and wheat for the southeastern USA is lacking. Therefore, from 1998 to 2005, a series of field experiments were conducted on rape to determine the optimum planting date, seeding, nitrogen and sulfur rates, rotation suitability with summer crops and comparative economic value to winter wheat. Results from three planting dates, three seeding rates and four nitrogen rates experiments showed that rape planted in early October produced significantly higher seed yield (3204 kg/ha) than from mid to late October 10-15 (2362 and 2058 kg/ha) plantings. The seeding rate of 6.0 kg/ha and 180 kg N/ha gave the highest (3779 kg/ha) seed yield. Rape response to sulfur application was significant and highest seed yield (3259 kg/ha) was obtained with 30 kg S/ha along with 228 kg N/ha. As a rotation crop after soyabean and maize, rape gave significantly higher yields of 3129 and 2938 kg/ha, respectively, than when planted after cotton (2521 kg/ha) or grain sorghum (2650 kg/ha). Both winter rape and wheat produced similar yields of 2.6 and 2.9 t/ha, respectively. As grain crop, canola with its higher price fetched $220/ha compared to $109/ha from wheat, however, this profitability is almost equal when income from wheat straw was added to that from grain.
- Authors:
- Merrill, S. D.
- Krupinsky, J. M.
- Tanaka, D. L.
- Anderson, R. L.
- Source: Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
- Volume: 61
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2006
- Summary: Soil coverage by residue protects soil and land resources from erosion, conserves soil water, and maintains soil quality. No-till and chemical weed control are management practices that increase soil coverage by residue. On the other hand, crop diversification in dryland agriculture in the northern Great Plains promotes the use of crops that produce significantly less soil coverage by residue than small cereal grains. Within a 10 x 10 crop sequence project under no-till in south-central North Dakota [409 mm (16.1 in) mean annual precipitation], all two-year crop sequence combinations of ten crops (barley, canola, crambe, dry bean, dry pea, flax, safflower, soybean, spring wheat, and sunflower) were evaluated at two adjacent sites. Soil coverage by residue was measured by transect and photographic techniques following spring wheat seeding. Soil coverage ranged from 98 to 89 percent following crop sequences that included spring wheat and barley. Soil coverage values were intermediate for spring wheat-alternative crop sequences, 97 to 62 percent. Crop sequences not including spring wheat with alternative crops for two years had values ranging from 86 to 35 percent. Soil coverage values after two consecutive years of sunflower or dry pea (two years of data) and two years of dry bean or safflower (single year of data) were in a lower range, 48 to 35 percent. Soil erosion hazards were evaluated with equations based on residue effects alone that were taken from the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) water erosion and Revised Wind Erosion Equation (RWEQ) wind erosion models: calculated soil loss ratio values (SLR = 1 with no residue protection) for 35 percent coverage following a sunflower-sunflower sequence were 0.29 for water erosion and 0.21 for wind erosion. Even with use of no-till, especially on more fragile soils, producers should consider planting a higher residue-producing crop (e.g., wheat, flax) the year before seeding lower residue-producing crops in order to assure adequate protection of soil and land resources.
- Authors:
- Miller, P. R.
- Engel, R. E.
- Holmes, J. A.
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 98
- Issue: 6
- Year: 2006
- Summary: Annual legumes permit intensified cropping in no-till systems in the drought-prone northern Great Plains. Our objectives were to compare cropping sequence effects of pea ( Pisum sativum L.) with fallow, mustard ( Sinapis alba L.), and wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.), and to measure the effects of pea harvest timing and shoot biomass presence on soil water use and N contribution, and yield and grain quality of subsequent wheat. Pea, mustard, wheat, and fallow preceded spring wheat at three sites in Montana. In the first year, two harvest timings (anthesis and maturity) were included and managed for presence or absence of crop shoot biomass. In the second year, a wheat test crop was grown at four N fertilizer rates. Regardless of management, pea used equal or less soil water, contributed equal or greater soil N, and had equal or greater positive impact on subsequent wheat growth than mustard or wheat. Compared with maturity, midseason harvest timing of pea increased soil N (30-39 kg NO 3-N ha -1) and soil water (19-39 mm) available in the spring to the subsequent wheat test crop at two of three sites. Under severe drought, midseason harvest of pea increased wheat yield 50% and critically increased grain density compared with the mature pea harvest. At the N-limited site, midseason harvest of pea increased wheat yield 14% and grain protein 9% compared with mature pea harvest. Pea shoot biomass presence did not affect soil water or N, or growth of a subsequent wheat crop.
- Authors:
- Nielsen, D. C.
- Vigil, M. F.
- Benjamin, J. G.
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 98
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2006
- Summary: Forages, with greater water use efficiency (WUE) than grain and seed crops, could be used to diversify reduced and no-till dryland cropping systems from the traditional wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.)-fallow system in the semiarid central Great Plains. However, farmers need a simple tool to evaluate forage productivity under widely varying precipitation conditions. The objectives of this study were to (i) quantify the relationship between crop water use and dry matter (DM) yield for corn ( Zea mays L.), foxtail millet ( Setaria italica L. Beauv.), and winter triticale ( X Triticosecale Wittmack); and (ii) determine the range and distribution of expected DM yields for these three crops in the central Great Plains based on historical precipitation records. The three crops were grown in a dryland no-till corn-millet-triticale sequence from 1998 through 2004 at Akron, CO. Dry matter production was linearly correlated with water use for all three crops, with regression slopes ranging from 24.2 (corn) to 33.0 kg ha -1 mm -1 (millet). Water use efficiency varied widely from year to year (0-32.2 kg ha -1 mm -1) for the three crops, as influenced by growing season precipitation and time of year in which the crops were grown. Millet and triticale produced similar amounts of DM for a given water use, while corn produced less. Precipitation use efficiency for the millet-triticale-corn forage system was 8.7 kg ha -1 mm -1, suggesting this as an efficient forage system for the region.
- Authors:
- Source: European Journal of Plant Pathology
- Volume: 115
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2006
- Summary: Direct-seeding or no-till is defined as planting directly into residue of the previous crop without tillage that mixes or stirs soil prior to planting. No-till reduces soil erosion, improves soil structure and organic matter, and reduces fuel inputs. No-till is widely used in cereal production in Australia, Canada, Argentina, and Brazil, but has not been widely adopted in Europe and the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. One of the limitations is that root diseases may increase with a reduction in tillage. This paper discusses the importance and management of take-all, Fusarium dryland foot rot, Rhizoctonia bare patch and root rot, and Pythium root rot in dryland cereal production systems, and how they are influenced by changes in tillage practices. To address this challenge, specifically with Rhizoctonia and Pythium, our research group has (1) developed classical and molecular techniques to detect and quantify Rhizoctonia and Pythium spp. from the soil to assess disease risk; (2) studied the disease dynamics of root disease during the transition from conventional to no-till; (3) developed greenhouse methods to screen germplasm for tolerance or resistance to Pythium and Rhizoctonia, and (4) using GPS and geostatistics, has examined the spatial distribution of R. solani and R. oryzae at a field scale up to 36 ha, across a number of crop rotations and years. By a combination of ecological, epidemiological, field, and laboratory studies, we hope to provide growers with a set of disease management tools to permit the economical and sustainable production of dryland cereals without degradation of the soil resource.
- Authors:
- Klocke, N. L.
- Schneekloth, J. P.
- Davison, D. R.
- Payero, J. O.
- Source: Irrigation Science
- Volume: 24
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2006
- Summary: Many farmers in West Central Nebraska have limited irrigation water supplies, and need to produce crops with less water. This study evaluated the impact of four water management strategies on grain yield of surface-irrigated corn ( Zea mays L.) at North Platte, Nebraska. Treatments included: (1) no irrigation (DRYLAND), (2) one irrigation prior to tassel formation (EARLY), (3) one irrigation during the silk stage (LATE), and (4) irrigation following farmer's practices (FARMER). The study included three wet years (1992, 1993, and 1996) and 2 years with average annual rainfall for the area (1994 and 1995). Significant yield differences among treatments, and a yield response to irrigation, were only observed during the 2 years with average rainfall. During all years, the FARMER treatment was over-irrigated and resulted in considerable water losses by runoff and deep percolation. Grain yield response to irrigation during the three wet years was insignificant among the treatments, but significant during the dry years. The results of this study suggest that inducing stress is not a good strategy for increasing crop water productivity (yield per unit ET d) for corn and point out the need to minimize irrigation water losses and improve irrigation scheduling.
- Authors:
- Payero, J. O.
- Melvin, S. R.
- Irmak, S.
- Tarkalson, D.
- Source: Agricultural Water Management
- Volume: 84
- Issue: 1-2
- Year: 2006
- Summary: Irrigation water supplies are decreasing in many areas of the US Great Plains, which is requiring many farmers to consider deficit-irrigating corn ( Zea mays L.) or growing crops like winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) that require less water, but that are less profitable. The objectives of this study were to: (1) quantify the yield response of corn to deficit irrigation, and (2) determine which of several seasonal water variables correlated best to corn yield in a semiarid climate. Eight (T1-T8) and nine (T1-T9) deficit-irrigated treatments (including dryland), were compared in 2003 and 2004 in North Platte, Nebraska. The actual seasonal crop evapotranspiration (ET d) (calculated with procedures in FAO-56) for the different treatments was 37-79% in 2003 and 63-91% in 2004 compared with the seasonal crop evapotranspiration when water is not limited (ET w). Quantitative relationships between grain yield and several seasonal water variables were developed. Water variables included, irrigation ( I), total water ( Wall), rain+irrigation ( WR+I ), evaporation ( E), crop evapotranspiration (ET d), crop transpiration ( Td), and the ratios of ET d and Td to evapotranspiration and transpiration when water is not limited (ET w and Tw). Both years, yield increased linearly with seasonal irrigation, but the relationship varied from year to year. Combining data from both years, ET d had the best correlation to grain yield (yield=0.028ET d-5.04, R2=0.95), and the water variables could be ranked from higher to lower R2 when related to grain yield as: ET d ( R2=0.95) > Td ( R2=0.93) > ET d/ET w ( R2=0.90) = Td/ Tw ( R2=0.90) > Wall ( R2=0.89) > E ( R2=0.75) > WR+I ( R2=0.65) > I ( R2=0.06). Crop water productivity (CWP) (yield per unit ET d) linearly increased with ET d/ET w ( R2=0.75), which suggests that trying to increase CWP by deficit-irrigating corn is not a good strategy under the conditions of this study.
- Authors:
- Waddell, J.
- Lenssen, A.
- Sainju, U. M.
- Caesar-Tonthat, T.
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 70
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2006
- Summary: Sustainable management practices are needed to enhance soil productivity in degraded dryland soils in the northern Great Plains. We examined the effects of two tillage practices [conventional till (CT) and no-till (NT)], five crop rotations [continuous spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (CW), spring wheat-fallow (W-F), spring wheat-lentil (Lens culinaris Medic.) (W-L), spring wheat-spring wheat-fallow (W-W-F), and spring wheat-pea (Pisum sativum L.)fallow (W-P-F)], and a Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) on plant biomass returned to the soil, residue C and N, and soil organic C (SOC), soil total N (STN), and particulate organic C and N (POC and PON) at the 0- to 20-cm depth. A field experiment was conducted in a mixture of Scobey clay loam (fine, smectitic, frigid Aridic Argiustolls) and Kevin clay loam (fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, frigid Aridic Argiustolls) from 1998 to 2003 near Havre, MT. Mean annualized plant biomass returned to the soil from 1998 to 2003 was greater in W-F (2.02 Mg ha(-1)) than in W-L and W-W-F, regardless of tillage. In 2004, residue cover was greater in CW (60%) than in other rotations, except in W-W-E Residue amount and C and N contents were greater in NT with CW (2.47 Mg ha(-1) and 963 and 22 kg ha(-1), respectively) than in NT with W-L and CT with other crop rotations. The POC at 0 to 5 cm was greater in W-W-F and W-P-F (2.1-2.2 Mg ha(-1)) than in W-L. Similarly, STN at 5 to 20 cm was greater in CT with W-L (2.21 Mg ha(-1)) than in other treatments, except in NT with W-W-E Reduced tillage and increased cropping intensity, such as NT with CW and W-L, conserved C and N in dryland soils and crop residue better than the traditional practice, CT with W-F, and their contents were similar to or better than in CRP planting.