- Authors:
- Maghirang, R. G.
- Casada, M. E.
- Boac, J. M.
- Harner, J. P.,III
- Source: Transactions of the ASABE
- Volume: 53
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2010
- Summary: Experimental investigations of grain flow can be expensive and time consuming, but computer simulations can reduce the large effort required to evaluate the flow of grain in handling operations. Published data on material and interaction properties of selected grains and oilseeds relevant to discrete element method (DEM) modeling were reviewed. Material properties include grain kernel shape, size, and distribution; Poisson's ratio; shear modulus; and density. Interaction properties consist of coefficients of restitution, static friction, and rolling friction. Soybeans were selected as the test material for DEM simulations to validate the model fundamentals using material and interaction properties. Single- and multi-sphere soybean particle shapes, comprised of one to four overlapping spheres, were compared based on DEM simulations of bulk properties (bulk density and bulk angle of repose) and computation time. A single-sphere particle model best simulated soybean kernels in the bulk property tests. The best particle model had a particle coefficient of restitution of 0.6, particle coefficient of static friction of 0.45 for soybean-soybean contact (0.30 for soybean-steel interaction), particle coefficient of rolling friction of 0.05, normal particle size distribution with standard deviation factor of 0.4, and particle shear modulus of 1.04 MPa.
- Authors:
- Mann, D.
- Ranjan, R.
- Kahimba, F.
- Source: Applied Engineering in Agriculture
- Volume: 25
- Issue: 6
- Year: 2009
- Summary: Soil freezing and thawing processes and soil moisture redistribution play a critical role in the hydrology and microclimate of seasonally frozen agricultural soils. Accurate simulations of the depth and timing of frost and the redistribution of soil water are important for planning farm operations and choosing rotational crops. The Simultaneous Heat and Water (SHAW) model was used to predict soil temperature, frost depth, and soil moisture in agricultural soils near Carman, Manitoba. The model simulations were compared with three years of field data collected from summer 2005 to the summer 2007 in four cropping system treatments (oats with berseem clover cover crop, oats alone, canola, and fallow). The simulated soil temperatures compared well with the measured data in all the seasons (R 2=0.96-0.99). The soil moisture simulations were better during the summer (RMSE=9.1-12.0% of the mean) compared to the winter seasons (RMSE=17.5-19.7% of the mean). During the winter, SHAW over-predicted by 0.02 to 0.10 m 3 m -3 the amount of total soil moisture below the freeze front and under-predicted by 0.02 to 0.05 m 3 m -3 the soil moisture in the upper frozen layers. The model was revised to account for the reduction in effective pore space resulting from frozen water to improve the winter soil moisture predictions. After this revision, the model performed well during the winter (RMSE=14.4% vs. 17.5%; R 2=0.74 vs. 0.67 in vegetated treatments, and RMSE=12.9% vs. 19.7%; R 2=0.73 vs. 0.52 in fallow treatments). The modified SHAW model is an enhanced tool for predicting the soil moisture status as a function of depth during spring thawing, and for assessing the availability of soil moisture at the beginning of the subsequent growing season.
- Authors:
- Baldock, J.
- Unkovich, M.
- Marvanek, S.
- Source: Crop & Pasture Science
- Volume: 60
- Issue: 7
- Year: 2009
- Summary: Dryland agriculture is both a potential source and potential sink for CO 2 and other greenhouse gases. Many carbon accounting systems apply simple emissions factors to production units to estimate greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes. However, in Australia, substantial variation in climate, soils, and management across >20 Mha of field crop sowings and >30 Mha of sown pastures in the intensive land use zone, provides substantial challenges for a national carbon accounting system, and simple emission factors are unlikely to apply across the region. In Australia a model framework has been developed that requires estimates of crop dry matter production and harvested yield as the first step to obtain carbon (residue) inputs. We use Australian Bureau of Statistics data to identify which crops would need to be included in such a carbon accounting system. Wheat, barley, lupin, and canola accounted for >80% of field crop sowings in Australia in 2006, and a total of 22 crops account for >99% of the sowing area in all States. In some States, only four or six crops can account for 99% of the cropping area. We provide a ranking of these crops for Australia and for each Australian State as a focus for the establishment of a comprehensive carbon accounting framework. Horticultural crops, although diverse, are less important in terms of total area and thus C balances for generic viticulture, vegetables, and orchard fruit crops should suffice. The dataset of crop areas presented here is the most comprehensive account of crop sowings presented in the literature and provides a useful resource for those interested in Australian agriculture. The field crop rankings presented represent only the area of crop sowings and should not be taken as rankings of importance in terms of the magnitude of all GHG fluxes. This awaits a more detailed analysis of climate, soils, and management practices across each of the regions where the crops are grown and their relationships to CO 2, nitrous oxide and methane fluxes. For pastures, there is a need for more detailed, up to date, spatially explicit information on the predominant sown pasture types across the Australian cropping belt before C balances for these can be more reliably modelled at the desired spatial scale.
- Authors:
- Lafond, G.
- Gan, Y.
- Brandt, S.
- McConkey, B.
- Cutforth, H.
- Angadi, S.
- Judiesch, D.
- Source: Canadian Journal of Plant Science
- Volume: 89
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2009
- Summary: Canola is a viable crop when grown under fallow in the semiarid prairie, but is also grown in longer rotations, most often no-till seeded into standing stubble. Selecting the proper N fertilizer rate is a very challenging production decision, but most of the available nitrogen response for canola has been derived for the more subhumid parts of the Canadian prairies. We developed simple quadratic equations to describe the yield relationship for stubble-seeded open-pollinated and hybrid canola in the semiarid Canadian prairie. These relationships indicate that hybrid canola produced higher grain yields at all fertilizer rates and had optimum N fertilizer rates about 50% higher than those for open-pollinated canola.
- Authors:
- Basnyat, P.
- Liu, P.
- Lemke, R.
- Janzen, H.
- Campbell, A.
- Gan, T.
- McDonald, C. L.
- Source: Canadian Journal of Plant Science
- Volume: 89
- Issue: 5
- Year: 2009
- Summary: Crop roots transport water and nutrients to the plants, produce nutrients when they decompose in soil, and provide organic C to facilitate the process of C sequestration in the soil. Many studies on these subjects have been published for cereal crops, but little is known for oilseed and pulse crops. This study was conducted at Swift Current, Saskatchewan, in 2006 and 2007 to characterize the root growth and distribution profile in soil for selected oilseed and pulse crops. Three oilseed [canola ( Brassica napus L.), mustard ( Brassica juncea L.), flax ( Linum usitatissimum L.)], three pulse crops [chickpea ( Cicer arietinum L), dry pea ( Pisum sativum L.) lentil ( Lens culinaris Medik.)], and spring wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) were grown in 100 cm deep * 15 cm diameter lysimeters pushed into a silt loam soil. Crops were studied under rainfed and irrigated conditions. Lysimeters were removed from the field and sampled for above-ground (AG) and root mass at different depths at five growth stages. Root mass was highest for canola (1470 kg ha -1) and wheat (1311 kg ha -1), followed by mustard (893 kg ha -1) and chickpea (848 kg ha -1), and was lowest for dry pea (524 kg ha -1) and flax (440 kg ha -1). The root mass of oilseeds and pulses reached a maximum between late-flowering and late-pod stages and then decreased to maturity, while wheat root mass decreased to maturity after reaching a maximum at boot stage. On average, about 77 to 85% of the root mass was located in the 0-40 cm depth. Canola, mustard, and wheat rooted to 100 cm, while the pulses and flax had only 4 to 7% of the root mass beyond the 60 cm depth. Irrigation only increased root mass in the 0-20 cm depth. Roots developed more rapidly than AG biomass initially, but the ratio of root biomass to AG biomass decreased with plant maturity. At maturity, the ratio of root biomass to AG biomass was 0.11 for dry pea, and between 0.20 and 0.22 for the other crops tested. Our findings on rooting depths and root mass distribution in the soil profile should be useful for modelling water and nutrient uptake by crops, estimating C inputs into soil from roots, and developing diverse cropping systems with cereals, oilseeds and pulses for semiarid environments.
- Authors:
- Wang, H.
- Schoenau, J. J.
- Brandt, S.
- Lafond, G.
- Malhi, S. S.
- Mooleki, S. P.
- Lemke, R. L.
- Thavarajah, D.
- Hultgreen, G.
- May, W. E.
- Source: Canadian Journal of Plant Science
- Volume: 89
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2009
- Summary: No-till (NT) requires all fertilizer nutrients to be applied during planting, but high rates of fertilizer nitrogen (N) in close proximity to the seed can negatively affect seedling development; therefore, different placement technologies have been developed to place seed and N in a single operation while maintaining an adequate separation between them. We conducted a 3-yr field study (2000 to 2002) at four sites in Saskatchewan. The objective was to determine the effects of N fertilizer form [urea (U) and anhydrous ammonia (AA)], placement [broadcast, side-band (SB) and mid-row band (MRB)], timing (fall vs. spring), rate (0 to 90 or 120 kg N ha -1), and P fertilizer placement on yield, seed protein content and N uptake in canola. The N fertilizer managements had no significant effect on crop emergence. Yield, seed protein concentration and N uptake increased with increasing N fertilizer rate. Seed protein was significantly higher on SB compared with MRB and on U compared with AA. Seed yield and seed and straw N uptake were higher when U was SB compared with broadcast. Plant density was higher when P was placed in SB rather than with the seed, but the reverse was true for seed yield and seed N uptake.
- Authors:
- Hunt, J. R.
- Dalgliesh, N. P.
- McCown, R. L.
- Whish, J. P. M.
- Robertson, M. J.
- Foale, M. A.
- Poulton, P. L.
- Rees, H. van
- Carberry, P. S.
- Hochman, Z.
- Source: Crop & Pasture Science
- Volume: 60
- Issue: 11
- Year: 2009
- Summary: Crop simulation models relevant to real-world agriculture have been a rationale for model development over many years. However, as crop models are generally developed and tested against experimental data and with large systematic gaps often reported between experimental and farmer yields, the relevance of simulated yields to the commercial yields of field crops may be questioned. This is the third paper in a series which describes a substantial effort to deliver model-based decision support to Australian farmers. First, the performance of the cropping systems simulator, APSIM, in simulating commercial crop yields is reported across a range of field crops and agricultural regions. Second, how APSIM is used in gaining farmer credibility for their planning and decision making is described using actual case studies. Information was collated on APSIM performance in simulating the yields of over 700 commercial crops of barley, canola, chickpea, cotton, maize, mungbean, sorghum, sugarcane, and wheat monitored over the period 1992 to 2007 in all cropping regions of Australia. This evidence indicated that APSIM can predict the performance of commercial crops at a level close to that reported for its performance against experimental yields. Importantly, an essential requirement for simulating commercial yields across the Australian dryland cropping regions is to accurately describe the resources available to the crop being simulated, particularly soil water and nitrogen. Five case studies of using APSIM with farmers are described in order to demonstrate how model credibility was gained in the context of each circumstance. The proposed process for creating mutual understanding and credibility involved dealing with immediate questions of the involved farmers, contextualising the simulations to the specific situation in question, providing simulation outputs in an iterative process, and together reviewing the ensuing seasonal results against provided simulations. This paper is distinct from many other reports testing the performance and utility of cropping systems models. Here, the measured yields are from commercial crops not experimental plots and the described applications were from real-life situations identified by farmers. A key conclusion, from 17 years of effort, is the proven ability of APSIM to simulate yields from commercial crops provided soil properties are well characterised. Thus, the ambition of models being relevant to real-world agriculture is indeed attainable, at least in situations where biotic stresses are manageable.
- Authors:
- Davis, R. A.
- Huggins, D. R.
- Cook, R. J.
- Paulitz, T. C.
- Source: Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology
- Volume: 31
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2009
- Summary: Fusarium crown rot of wheat (Triticum aestivum), caused by Fusarium pseudograminearum and Fusarium culmorum, is a yield-limiting disease in the dryland wheat-production area of the intermountain Pacific Northwest and is exacerbated in water-stressed plants induced by overfertilizing with nitrogen (N). Plants with excess N deplete water from the soil profile more rapidly and become drought stressed prematurely. Traditionally a problem on winter wheat in summer fallow, this disease has become more important for spring wheat in continuous cropping areas managed for high grain protein levels. During 3 years with direct seeding (no till) near Pullman, Washington, we investigated whether a split application of N, with some applied the previous fall and some with planting, could limit the disease compared with all N applied in the spring and with no N as the check. We also investigated the influence of the previous (rotation) crop (winter and spring canola, Brassica rapa; barley, Hordeum vulgare; or peas, Pisum sativum) on disease, grain yield, grain protein concentration, and populations of Fusarium in the soil. Overall, the DNA concentration of F. culmorum was significantly greater than F. pseudograminearum, and F. culmorum was highest following spring barley. Disease severity and yield were consistently lower in the no-N treatments compared with the other N treatments. The split application reduced disease in only 1 of 3 years. The all-spring application resulted in higher grain protein in 2 of 3 years compared with the split application, but yield was not affected. The previous crop had small but significant effects on disease, but they were not consistent from year to year and often interacted with the N treatment. Grain protein was higher in wheat after pea in 2 of 3 years. In conclusion, splitting of N had little effect on fusarium crown rot, probably because the N level in both treatments was conducive for disease development. Even if not a host species, the previous crop had little effect on subsequent disease, probably because Fusarium persists for more than one season as chlamydospores and in crop residue in this dry summer climate.
- Authors:
- Weller, S. C.
- Kruger, G. R.
- Davis, V. M.
- Johnson, W. G.
- Source: European Journal of Agronomy
- Volume: 31
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2009
- Summary: Glyphosate-resistant (GR) crops have facilitated increases in conservation tillage production practices and simplified weed control in GR corn, soybean, canola and cotton. Increased reliance on glyphosate, many times as the only active ingredient used, has resulted in weed species shifts and the evolution of weed populations resistant to glyphosate. However, weed shifts and the evolution of herbicide resistance are not new in regard to glyphosate use. Similar effects have been documented to many other historically important weed control advancements for agricultural crop production. GR crop technology was developed to utilize glyphosate for postemergence weed control and industry scientists suggested that there was little fear of weed shifts and resistance evolution due to the broad spectrum of weeds controlled by glyphosate. However, over the last decade, the most problematic weeds in agronomic cropping systems have shifted away from perennial grass and perennial broadleaf weeds to primarily annual broadleaf weeds. The evolution of several GR annual broadleaf weeds in GR cropping systems has been documented, and glyphosate resistance mechanisms in weeds are currently poorly understood.