- Authors:
- Farran, M.
- Nimah, M.
- Yau, S. K.
- Source: Agricultural Water Management
- Volume: 98
- Issue: 12
- Year: 2011
- Summary: In rainfed Mediterranean areas, early sowings which lead to early growth and maturity to escape terminal heat and drought usually give higher grain yield than late sowings in years when rains come early. We test the hypothesis that early sowing coupled with a small amount of irrigation to ensure earlier emergence increases grain yield significantly, while improving irrigation water productivity. Replicated field experiments were conducted for 4 years in the semi-arid central Bekaa Valley of Lebanon. Barley was sown early, and half of the plots were irrigated with 25-30 mm of water immediately after sowing (EI). Half of the plots also received irrigation around heading stage (LI). Besides yields, other agronomic data were collected throughout crop growth, and the supplemental irrigation water use efficiency (WUE SI) was calculated. Our results confirm the hypothesis that in Mediterranean areas early sowing followed immediately with a small amount of irrigation increases barley grain yield significantly. Farmers in the region should seriously consider practicing this technique as it produces a higher WUE SI than irrigation at the heading stage.
- Authors:
- Tyler, D. D.
- Jaja, N.
- McClure, M. A.
- Yin, X. H.
- Hayes, R. M.
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 103
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2011
- Summary: The relationship between corn ( Zea mays L.) yield and plant height has been poorly documented in major corn production systems. This study was conducted to assess the relationship of corn yield with plant height under four major corn production systems at Milan, TN from 2008 through 2010. Six N treatments at rates of 0, 62, 123, 185, 247, and 308 kg N ha -1 with four replications were evaluated in a randomized complete block design in the following corn production systems: nonirrigated corn after corn, nonirrigated corn after soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.], nonirrigated corn after cotton [ Gossypium hirsutum (L.)], and irrigated corn after soybean. The regression of corn yield with plant height was significant and positive at 6-leaf growth stage (V6), 10-leaf growth stage (V10), and 12-leaf growth stage (V12), and mostly became stronger as plant growth progressed from V6 to V10 and to V12 under an exponential model in the four corn production systems for all 3 yr. In general, corn yield was strongly related with plant height measurements made at V10 and V12. Factors affecting the responses of plant height measured at V6, V10, and V12 or/and yield to the N treatments may have contributed to the variations of determination coeffient ( R2) values across years. In conclusion, corn yield may be predicted with plant height measurements collected during V10 to V12. This prediction provides a physiological basis for the utilization of high resolution plant height measurements to guide variable-rate N applications within the field on corn at around V10 and to more accurately estimate yield for earlier grain marketing purposes.
- Authors:
- Ouyang, W.
- Wang, Y. H.
- Wang, X.
- Hao, F. H.
- Zhang, X.
- Source: Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
- Volume: 27
- Issue: 6
- Year: 2011
- Summary: To assess the phosphorus loss under different crops cultivations in farmland, soil samplings were taken in four typical crop types' fields in five layers of 0-100 cm. Based on the isothermal methane-adsorbing experiments, SPSS software was applied to analyze the results statistically. The phosphorus loss potential was evaluated and the influence factors were discussed in this paper. The results revealed that the sorption characteristics of all the soil samples in the study area could be described by Langmiur and Freundich equations, and the Langmiur equation fit better. The soil in wheat field showed better sorption of phosphorus than that of other crops. The soil samples of intercropping field demonstrated poor sorption capacity. The phosphorus sorption of the top soil in the different crop fields showed few variations. Compared with the phosphorus sorption of the deeper layers, the top soil was prone to lose along with farmland drainage except in the intercropping field, where the phosphorus loss with seepage vertically into groundwater was the preferential way. Phosphorus sorption index (PSI) was another effective parameter to assess the phosphorus loss potential except for the theoretically maximum sorption capacity Qm and the equilibrium phosphorus concentration at zero sorption (EPC 0). The conclusions of this paper can provide scientific references for appropriate scheduling on efficient fertilization, irrigation, and non-point source pollution control.
- Authors:
- Source: Plant and Soil
- Volume: 339
- Issue: 1/2
- Year: 2011
- Summary: Plants and humans cannot easily acquire iron from their nutrient sources although it is abundant in nature. Thus, iron deficiency is one of the major limiting factors affecting crop yields, food quality and human nutrition. Therefore, approaches need to be developed to increase Fe uptake by roots, transfer to edible plant portions and absorption by humans from plant food sources. Integrated strategies for soil and crop management are attractive not only for improving growing conditions for crops but also for exploiting a plant's potential for Fe mobilization and utilization. Recent research progress in soil and crop management has provided the means to resolve complex plant Fe nutritional problems through manipulating the rhizosphere (e.g., rhizosphere fertilization and water regulation), and crop management (includes managing cropping systems and screening for Fe efficient species and varieties). Some simple and effective soil management practices, termed 'rhizosphere fertilization' (such as root feeding and bag fertilization) have been developed and widely used by local farmers in China to improve the Fe nutrition of fruit plants. Production practices for rice cultivation are shifting from paddy-rice to aerobic rice to make more efficient use of irrigation water. This shift has brought about increases in Fe deficiency in rice, a new challenge depressing iron availability in rice and reducing Fe supplies to humans. Current crop management strategies addressing Fe deficiency include Fe foliar application, trunk injection, plant breeding for enriched Fe crop species and varieties, and selection of cropping systems. Managing cropping systems, such as intercropping strategies may have numerous advantages in terms of increasing Fe availability to plants. Studies of intercropping systems on peanut/maize, wheat/chickpea and guava/sorghum or -maize increased Fe content of crops and their seed, which suggests that a reasonable intercropping system of iron-efficient species could prevent or mitigate Fe deficiency in Fe-inefficient plants. This review provides a comprehensive comparison of the strategies that have been developed to address Fe deficiency and discusses the most recent advance in soil and crop management to improve the Fe nutrition of crops. These proofs of concept studies will serve as the basis for future Fe research and for integrated and optimized management strategies to alleviate Fe deficiency in farmers' fields.
- Authors:
- Gomez-Macpherson, H.
- Mateos, L.
- Boulal, H.
- Source: Irrigation Science
- Volume: 29
- Issue: 5
- Year: 2011
- Summary: Zero tillage and controlled traffic have been proposed as means for more productive and sustainable irrigated farming. Both practices affect soil infiltration characteristics and, therefore, should have effects on sprinkler irrigation performance. This study compared water infiltration and runoff in three sprinkler irrigation tests performed on an alluvial loam soil at different times during a maize (Zea mays L.)-cotton (Gossypium hirstium L.) rotation under two soil managements: permanent beds with crop residue retention (PB: planting beds maintained unaltered from year to year) and conventional beds with residues incorporated with tillage (CB: disc and chisel ploughing followed by rotavator pass and bed forming every year). Traffic was controlled and two types of furrows were distinguished in both tillage systems: with (+T) and without (-T) wheel traffic. The irrigation tests were performed on maize at full cover, on bare soil just before cotton sowing and on cotton with 50% ground cover. Infiltration and runoff were affected notably by both traffic and soil management. The soil under PB infiltrated more water than under CB, and -T furrows more than +T furrows. Considering the combined treatments, -T furrows in the CB system infiltrated more water than +T furrows in the PB system. A sprinkler irrigation model for simulating water application and soil infiltration and runoff was formulated. The model was used to analyse irrigation performance under infiltration characteristic of the CB and PB systems in trafficked and non-trafficked furrows. Five irrigation performance indicators were used to assess the various combinations of tillage and traffic: Wilkox-Swailes coefficient of uniformity; application efficiency; deep percolation ratio; tail water ratio; and adequacy. The model was used to develop operation diagrams and provided guidelines for making irrigation decisions in the new controlled traffic/permanent bed system and in a standard conventional system.
- Authors:
- You, L. Z.
- Zhao, J. S.
- Ringler, C.
- Yang, Y. C. E.
- Cai, X. M.
- Source: Agricultural Water Management
- Volume: 98
- Issue: 8
- Year: 2011
- Summary: Agricultural water productivity (WP) has been recognized as an important indicator of agricultural water management. This study assesses the WP for irrigated (WPI) and rainfed (WPR) crops in the Yellow River Basin (YRB) in China. WPI and WPR are calculated for major crops (corn, wheat, rice, and soybean) using experimental, statistical and empirically estimated data. The spatial variability of WPI and WRR is analyzed with regard to water and energy factors. Results show that although irrigated corn and soybean yields are significantly higher than rainfed yields in different regions of the YRB, WPI is slightly lower than WPR for these two crops. This can be explained by the seasonal coincidence of precipitation and solar energy patterns in the YRB. However, as expected, irrigation stabilizes crop production per unit of water consumption over space. WPI and WPR vary spatially from upstream to downstream in the YRB as a result of varying climate and water supply conditions. The water factor has stronger effects on both crop yield and WP than the energy factor in the upper and middle basin, whereas energy matters more in the lower basin. Moreover, WP in terms of crop yield is compared to that in terms of agricultural GDP and the results are not consistent. This paper contributes to the WP studies by a basin context, a comparison between WPI and WPR, a comparison of WP in terms of crop yield and economic value, and insights on the water and energy factors on WP. Moreover, policy implications based on the WP analysis are provided.
- Authors:
- Huang, G. B.
- Yang, C. H.
- Chai, Q.
- Volume: 37
- Issue: 9
- Year: 2011
- Summary: In oasis irrigation region of northwestern China, the decreasing of multiple cropping areas may lead to significant reduction of land and light use efficiencies due to serious water shortage. Therefore, water-saving irrigation is a priority in the research on theory and technology for intercropping system. Alternate irrigation is a technique to save water and enhance water use efficiency (WUE) simultaneously in common cropping systems. However, its effect is not clear on intercropping system. In 2006-2008 cropping years, we carried out a field experiment in oasis region of Hexi Corridor, Gansu province, China under wheat/maize intercropping to disclose the effects of alternate irrigation on crop yields, water consumption, and WUE. The results showed that, compared to sole cropping treatments, there was a significant increase of land equivalent ratio (LER) in the alternately irrigated wheat/maize intercropping treatment with the LER values ranging from 1.22 to 1.52 under different irrigation levels of the intercropping treatments. However, the difference of LERs between conventionally irrigated and alternately irrigated intercropping systems was not significant at the same irrigation quota. Compared to the conventionally irrigated intercropping treatment, there was no significant change of wheat yield in the alternately irrigated intercropping treatment, but significant increase by 11.4-36.4% in maize yield. Therefore, the total yield of wheat and maize in the alternately irrigated intercropping treatment was increased by 12.9 averagely. The water consumption in the alternately irrigated intercropping treatment had no significant increase compared to that of the conventionally irrigated intercropping treatment, with 1.2-19.4% higher than the weighted average of monoculture of both crops. The WUE of alternately irrigated intercropping treatment was 0.9-22.5% higher than that of the conventionally irrigated intercropping treatment, and 12.0-71.4% and 10.6-37.8% higher than that of wheat and maize monoculture, respectively. These results suggest that alternate irrigation is feasible in intercropping systems in arid oasis regions with the purpose of saving water and increasing WUE.
- Authors:
- Huang, P.
- Chen, G. P.
- Yu, A. Z.
- Chai, Q.
- Source: Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
- Volume: 19
- Issue: 6
- Year: 2011
- Summary: Several studies have shown that compared to sole cropping, well managed intercropping improves agricultural resources utilization efficiency, include radiation, nutrient, water and land. However, high productivity of traditional intercropping system has mainly depended on high input of agricultural resources. With severe water shortages in recent years (especially in mainland China), intercropping system of farming has continuously declined. The scientific challenge therefore is the determination of water consumption characteristics and systematic development of high-efficiency water-saving theories and technologies of intercropping system. In this study, a field experiment (comprising of wheat or maize sole cropping and wheat-maize intercropping systems under three different irrigation schemes) was conducted in 2008 in the Hexi Corridor oasis region. The study investigated soil evaporation characteristics and associated driving factors under the different cropping systems and treatments with the aim of laying the scientific basis for developing optimized irrigation techniques. The study showed that evapotranspiration ( ET) under wheat-maize intercropping was 41.44%-47.15% higher than the average ET under wheat and maize sole cropping systems. Total soil evaporation ( E) of intercropping system was significantly higher than that of sole cropping systems. However, daily E of intercropping system was significantly lower than that of maize sole cropping system. Also compared with sole cropping system of maize, wheat-maize intercropping system enhanced E/ET ratio. With increasing irrigation, total water consumption increased significantly under intercropping. However, the difference in water consumption between two adjacent irrigation treatments under sole cropping systems of wheat and maize was insignificant. The difference in E of sole cropping maize and intercropping wheat-maize was insignificant for different irrigation schemes. It then implied that high water consumption of intercropping system was mainly driven by high transpiration. Average daily E was positively correlated with water content in the 0-30 cm soil profile, temperature in the 0-25 cm soil profiles and average leaf area index of the crops. High E was driven by high water content in the 0-30 cm soil profile and temperature in the 0-25 cm soil profile of maize sole cropping system. On the average, wheat-maize intercropping not only reduced water consumption but also increased water and land use efficiency compared to sole cropping. This cut down wasteful crop transpiration, which was an effective means of water-saving irrigation.
- Authors:
- Liang, Y.
- Gao, S. R.
- Bo, C. P.
- Yang, Y.
- Wang, S. W.
- Pan, C. D.
- Chen, G. A.
- Source: Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences
- Volume: 48
- Issue: 5
- Year: 2011
- Summary: Objective: The Purpose of this article is to provide scientific basis for its water and fertilizer management in South of Xinjiang under the condition of oasis irrigation, through analysis of the spatial distribution characteristics of apricot tree absorbing roots in apricot-wheat intercropping systems. Method: With profile digging and layered sampling methods, the spatial distribution of absorbing roots of 15-year-old apricot trees in the intercropping systems is analyzed by using WinRHIZO Pro2009a analysis system. Result: In horizontal directions (0-300 cm), the length density of the absorbing roots in the rows is decreasing with increasing distance from the trees. The maximum root length density is in the 0-50 cm from the trees. The length density of the absorbing roots between the rows is slightly increasing first, and then decreasing with increasing distance from the trees. The maximum root length density is in the 50-100 cm from the trees. The total length of the absorbing roots in the rows is only less 1.11% than it is between the rows. In vertical directions (0-150 cm), the length density of the absorbing roots in the rows and between the rows is increasing first, and then decreasing with increase of soil depth. The maximum root length density in the rows is in the 20-30 cm soil layer, and between the rows is in the 30-40 cm soil layer. Conclusion: Under the condition of oasis irrigation, the spatial distributions of apricot tree absorbing roots are differences between intra-row and inter-row in the intercropping systems, but the differences of total length of the absorbing roots are small. The 0-60 cm soil layer in the 0-120 cm from the trees is important for water and fertilizer management in apricot-wheat intercropping systems. The position of fertilization in the rows and between the rows should be under the crown 2/3-4/5 site at the prosperous fruit stage of apricot trees. The fertilization depth between the rows (30-50 cm) should be deeper about 10-20 cm than in the rows (20-40 cm).
- Authors:
- Klein, D.
- Dech, S.
- Colditz, R. R.
- Conrad, C.
- Vlek, P. L. G.
- Source: International Journal of Remote Sensing
- Volume: 32
- Issue: 23
- Year: 2011
- Summary: Crop cover and crop rotation mapping is an important and still evolving field in remote sensing science for which robust and highly automated processing chains are required. This study presents an improved mapping procedure for crop rotations of irrigated areas in Central Asia by using classification and regression trees (CARTs) applied to transformations of 250 m Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series. The time series were divided into several temporal segments, from which metrics were derived as input features for classification. This temporal aggregation was applied to suppress within-class temporal variability. Various lengths of temporal segments were tested for their potential to increase classification accuracy. In addition, tests of enhancing the classification accuracy were done by combining different classification results using the majority rule for voting. These different processing strategies were applied to four annual time series (2004-2007) of the Khorezm region, where 270 000 ha of irrigated land is dominated by rotations of cotton, wheat and rice. Improved classification results were obtained for CARTs applied to metrics derived from a mixture of different segment lengths. The sole use of either long or short temporal segments was inferior. CART prioritized segments representing active phases of the phenological development. The best result, the optimized segment-based approach, achieved an overall accuracy between 83 and 85% for classifications between 2004 and 2007; in particular, the small range demonstrated the robustness regarding inter-annual variations. These accuracies exceeded those of the original time series without temporal segmentation by 6-7%. With some adjustments to other crops and field heterogeneity influencing the usefulness of a respective sensor, the approach can be applied to other irrigation systems in Central Asia.