- Authors:
- Paul, E. A.
- Huggins, D. R.
- Dick, W. A.
- Bundy, L. G.
- Blevins, R. L.
- Christenson, D. R.
- Collins, H. P.
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 63
- Issue: 3
- Year: 1999
- Summary: We used natural 13C abundance in soils to calculate the fate of C4-C inputs in fields cropped to continuous corn (Zea mays L.). Soil samples were collected from eight cultivated and six adjacent, noncultivated sites of the Corn Belt region of the central USA. The amount of organic C in cultivated soils declined an average of 68%, compared with adjacent, noncultivated sites. The {delta} 13C of cultivated soil profiles that had been under continuous corn for 8 to 35 yr increased in all depth increments above that of the noncultivated profiles. The percentage of soil organic C (SOC) derived from corn residues and roots ranged from 22 to 40% of the total C. The proportion of corn-derived C, as determined by this technique, decreased with soil depth and was minimal in the 50- to 100-cm depth increments of fine-textured soils. The mean residence time of the non-corn C (C3) ranged from 36 to 108 yr at the surface, and up to 769 yr at the subsoil depth. The longer turnover times were associated with soils high in clay. Prairie-derived soils have a higher potential to sequester C than those derived from forests. The significant loss of total C at all sites and the slow turnover times of the incorporated C lead us to conclude that there is a substantial potential for soils to serve as a C sink and as a significant nutrient reserve in sustainable agriculture.
- Authors:
- Walters, D. T.
- Kessavalou, A.
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 91
- Issue: 4
- Year: 1999
- Summary: Use of a winter rye (Secale cereale L.) cover crop following soybean [Glyceine max (L.) Merr.] has been shown to reduce the soil erosion potential in a corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean rotation system, but little is known about the effect of rye on residual soil NO(3)-N (RSN). An irrigated field study was conducted for 4 yr on a Sharpsburg silty clay loam (fine, smectitic, mesic Typic Argiudoll) to compare crop rotation and winter rye cover crop following soybean effects on RSN under several tillage practices and N fertilization rates. Treatments each gear were (i) tillage: no-till or disk; (ii) rotation: corn following soybean/rye (Cbr) or soybean/rye following corn (BRc), corn following soybean (Cb) or soybean following corn (Bc), and corn following corn (Cc); and (iii) N rate: 0, 100, and 300 kg N ha(-1) (applied to corn). Rye in the Cbr/BRc rotation was planted in the fall following soybean harvest and chemically killed in the spring of the following year prior to corn planting. Each spring, before tillage and N application, RSN was determined to a depth of 1.5 m, at 30-cm intervals. The net spring-to-spring change in RSN between subsequent spring seasons was computed for each plot, and annual aboveground N uptake for rye, corn, and soybean were determined. Rye, rotation, N rate, and tillage significantly influenced RSN in the top 1.5 m of soil. The presence of rye (BRc) reduced total spring RSN between 18 and 33% prior to corn planting in 2 of the 3 yr, compared with the no-rye system (Bc), as rye immobilized from 42 to 48 kg N ha(-1) in aboveground dry matter. Recycling of N in high-yielding rye cover crop residues led to an increase in RSN accumulation after corn in the succeeding spring. Up to 277 kg RSN ha(-1) accumulated at high rates of N following corn in the Cbr rotation, compared with 67 kg RSN ha(-1) in the no-rye system (Cb) in 1992. Regardless of the presence of rye, significant accumulation of RSN occurred following corn in the rotation sequence, while RSN declined following soybean. Less RSN was found in the top 1.5 m of soil under continuous than rotation corn, and disking tended to increase NO(3)(-) accumulation in rotation systems at high rates of N application. Although RSN declines following a rye cover crop, the ready release of this immobilized N suggests that some N credit should be given, reducing N recommendation for corn following winter rye cover, to minimize potential NO(3)(-) leaching under corn-soybean/rye rotations.
- Authors:
- Williams, J. R.
- Kramer, L. A.
- Gassman, P. W.
- Chung, S. W.
- Gu, R.
- Source: Journal of Environmental Quality
- Volume: 28
- Issue: 3
- Year: 1999
- Summary: The Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator (EPIC) model was validated using long-term data collected for two southwest Iowa watersheds in the Deep Loess Soil Region, which have been cropped in continuous corn (Zea mays L.) under two different tillage systems (conventional tillage vs. ridge-till). The annual hydrologic balance was calibrated for both watersheds during 1988 to 1994 by adjusting the runoff curve numbers and residue effects on soil evaporation. Model validation was performed for 1976 to 1987, using both summary statistics (means or medians) and parametric and nonparametric statistical tests. The errors between the 12-yr predicted and observed means or medians were <10% for nearly all of the hydrologic and environmental indicators, with the major exception of a nearly 44% overprediction of the N surface runoff loss for Watershed 2. The predicted N leaching rates, N losses in surface runoff, and sediment loss for the two watersheds clearly showed that EPIC was able to simulate the long-term impacts of tillage and residue cover on these processes. However, the results also revealed weaknesses in the model's ability to replicate year-to-year variability, with r2 values generally <50% and relatively weak goodness-of-fit statistics for some processes. This was due in part to simulating the watersheds in a homogeneous manner, which ignored complexities such as slope variation. Overall, the results show that EPIC was able to replicate the long-term relative differences between the two tillage systems and that the model is a useful tool for simulating different tillage systems in the region.
- Authors:
- Bowman, R. A.
- Halvorson, A. D.
- Source: Soil Science
- Volume: 163
- Issue: 3
- Year: 1998
- Summary: Intensively cropped dryland systems in the central Great Plains require adequate N fertilization for optimum residue and grain production. However, this N fertilization could be slowly changing the chemistry of the surface soil because of a decrease in soil pH and an increase in soil organic matter (SOM) and basic cations, even in previously well buffered calcareous soil systems. We investigated the effects of five increasing ammonium-N fertilizer rates in a Platner loam, on physical and chemical changes at the 0 to 5, and 0 to 15-cm depths after three cycles of no-till wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-corn (Zea mays L.)-fallow rotation. The measured soil pH, texture, bulk density, cation exchange capacity (CEC), total P, soluble and total soil organic carbon (SOC), nitrate-N to a depth of 60 cm, and grain yields. No significant changes were found with soil texture, bulk densities, CEC, and total P. The data showed a significant reduction in surface (0-5 cm) soil pH (6.5 to 5.1) with the highest N rate (112 kg/ha), but this was accompanied by a 40% increase in SOC. Although there were significant increases in Al and Mn and decreases in Ca concentrations in the surface 0 to 5 cm at the highest N rate, no reduction in grain yields occurred relative to lower N levels with near neutral pHs. Because only a shallow depth of the soil was affected, residue, SOM, and rapid root growth could be compensating for surface acidity, Over the longer term, we need to monitor the effects of ammoniacal-N on downward soil acidity and yield trends under these new intensive cropping systems.
- Authors:
- Cadrin, F.
- Fan, M. X.
- MacKenzie, A. F.
- Source: Journal of Environmental Quality
- Volume: 27
- Issue: 3
- Year: 1998
- Summary: Nitrous oxide (N2O) produced from agricultural activities must be determined if management procedures to reduce emissions are to be established. From 1994 to 1996, N2O emissions were determined using a closed chamber technique. Continuous corn (Zea mays L.) at four N rates of 0, 170, 285, and 400 kg of N ha-1 was used on a Ste. Rosalie heavy clay (a very-fine-silty, mixed, nonacid, frigid Typic Humaquept) and a Chicot sandy loam (a fine-loamy, frigid, Typic Hapludalf). On two additional sites, a Ste. Rosalie clay and an Ormstown silty clay loam (a fine-silty, mixed, nonacid, frigid Humaquept) no-till (NT) and conventional tillage (CT); monocultural corn (CCC), monocultural soybean (Glycine max L.) (SSS); corn-soybean (SSC, CCS); and soybean-corn-alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) phased rotations (SAC, CSA, and ACS) were used. Nitrogen rates of 0, 90, and 180 kg of N ha-1 for corn and 0, 20, and 40 kg of N ha-1 for SSS were used. Rates of N2O emission were measured from April to November in 1994 and 1995, and from mid-March to mid-November in 1996. Maximum N2O emissions reached from 120 to 450 ng of N m-2 s-1 at the Ormstown site to 50 to 240 ng of N m-2 s-1 at the Ste. Rosalie soil. Generally, N2O emissions were higher in the NT systems, with corn, and increased linearly with increasing N rates, and amounted to 1.0 to 1.6% of fertilizer N applied. The N2O emission rates were significantly related to soil denitrification rates, water-filled pore space, and soil NH4 and NO3 concentrations. A corn system using conventional tillage, legumes in rotation, and reduced N fertilizer would decrease N2O emission from agricultural fields.
- Authors:
- Bluhm, G.
- Smith, J. L.
- Mummey, D. L.
- Source: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
- Volume: 70
- Issue: 1
- Year: 1998
- Summary: Although agricultural soil management is the predominant anthropogenic source of nitrous oxide (N2O) to the atmosphere, little is known about the effects of alternative soil management practices on N2O emissions. In this study the NGAS model of Parton et al. (1996), coupled with a N and C cycling model, was used to simulate annual N2O emissions from 2639 cropland sites in the US using both no-till and conventional tillage management scenarios. The N2O mitigation potential of returning marginal cropland to perennial grass was also evaluated by comparing simulated N2O emissions from 306 Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) grassland sites with emissions from nearby cropland sites. Extensive soil and land use data for each site was obtained from the Natural Resource Inventory (NRI) database and weather data was obtained from NASA. The initial conversion of agricultural land to no-till showed greater N2O emissions per hectare than conventional tillage. Differences between the two tillage scenarios were strongly regional and suggest that conversion of conventionally tilled soil to no-till may have a greater effect on N2O emissions in drier regions. About 80% of the total emissions were from the Great plains and central regions mainly due to their large cultivated area. Croplands producing soy, wheat, and corn were responsible for about 68% of the total emissions with rice, cotton, and vegetable croplands having the greatest N2O flux (6.5-8.4 kg N2O-N ha-1 yr-1) under either scenario. Model simulations estimate that the agricultural lands in the US produce 448 Gg N2O-N y-1 under a conventional tillage scenario and 478 Gg N2O-N yr-1 under a no-till scenario. Model estimates also suggest that the conversion of 10.5 million hectares of cropland to grassland has a N2O mitigation potential of 31 Gg N2O-N yr-1, (8.4 Tg carbon equivalents yr-1). This value is similar in magnitude to many of the major greenhouse gas (GHG) emission-reduction strategies currently being considered to help meet US GHG reduction goals. Thus the GHG mitigation potential of this conversion is substantial and may be a viable strategy to help meet GHG reduction goals.
- Authors:
- Vitosh, M. L.
- Pierce, F. J.
- Christenson, D. R.
- Peters, S. E.
- Frye, W. W.
- Blevins, R. L.
- Dick, W. A.
- Source: Soil & Tillage Research
- Volume: 47
- Issue: 3-4
- Year: 1998
- Summary: Soil organic matter has recently been implicated as an important sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), However, the relative impacts of various agricultural management practices on soil organic matter dynamics and, therefore, C sequestration at spatial scales larger than a single plot or times longer than the typical three year experiment have rarely been reported. Results of maintaining agricultural management practices in the forest-derived soils of the eastern Corn (Zea mays L.) Belt states of Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania (USA) were studied. We found annual organic C input and tillage intensity were the most important factors in affecting C sequestration. The impact of rotation on C sequestration was primarily related to the way it altered annual total C inputs. The removal of above-ground plant biomass and use of cover crops were of lesser importance, The most rapid changes in soil organic matter content occurred during the first five years after a management practice was imposed with slower changes occurring thereafter. Certain management practices, e.g, no-tillage (NT), increased the soil's ability to sequester atmospheric CO2. The impact of this sequestration will be significant only when these practices are used extensively on a large percentage of cropland and when the C-building practices are maintained, Any soil C sequestered will be rapidly mineralized to CO2 if the soil organic matter building practices are not maintained,
- Authors:
- Sarrantonio, M.
- Wagoner, P.
- Drinkwater, L. E.
- Source: Nature
- Volume: 396
- Issue: 6708
- Year: 1998
- Authors:
- Drury, C. F.
- McKenney, D, J.
- vanLuyk, C. L.
- Gregorich, E. G.
- Oloya, T. O.
- Tan, C. S.
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 62
- Issue: 6
- Year: 1998
- Summary: Various long-term crop management strategies are known to have differing effects on soil organic C. This laboratory study explored the effect of long-term (35 yr) fertilization and crop rotation on soil organic C and denitrification capacity at different depths of a Brookston clay loam soil (fine-loamy, mixed, mesic Typic Argiaquoll). We related denitrification capacity to soil biochemical (CO2 production, organic C, microbial biomass C, soluble organic C) and soil structural properties. Denitrification capacity was determined as the increase in N2O that occurred when NO-3-amended soils were incubated anaerobically in the presence of acetylene. Treatments included fertilized and nonfertilized plots of continuous corn (Zea mays L.), continuous bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.), and rotation corn (corn-oat [Avena sativa L.]-alfalfa [Medicago sativa L.]-alfalfa). Soils from an adjacent mixed deciduous woodlot were also sampled. Soils from the woodlot had higher denitrification capacities than the continuous or rotation corn treatments. Among the agricultural treatments, the soil under bluegrass had the greatest denitrification capacity followed by the soil under corn rotation, with the continuous corn having the lowest capacity. Long-term fertilization resulted in 35% higher denitrification capacity and 65% higher CO2 production than nonfertilized soils. Denitrification capacity across all depths in the agricultural soils was correlated with CO2 production (r2 = 0.76), microbial biomass C (r2 = 0.60), and organic C (r2 = 0.54); however, the relationship between denitrification capacity and soil structure was not as strong (r2 = 0.28).
- Authors:
- Wagner, G. H.
- Buyanovsky, G. A.
- Source: Global Change Biology
- Volume: 4
- Issue: 2
- Year: 1998
- Summary: Long-term data from Sanborn Field, one of the oldest experimental fields in the USA, were used to determine the direction of soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics in cultivated land. Changes in agriculture in the last 50 years including introduction of more productive varieties, wide scale use of mineral fertilizers and reduced tillage caused increases in total net annual production (TNAP), yields and SOC content. TNAP of winter wheat more than doubled during the last century, rising from 2.0-2.5 to 5-6 Mg ha(-1) of carbon, TNAP of corn rose from 3-4 to 9.5-11.0 Mg ha(-1) of carbon. Amounts of carbon returned annually with crop residues increased even more drastically, from less than 1 Mg ha(-1) in the beginning of the century to 33.5 Mg ha(-1) for wheat and 5-6 Mg ha(-1) for corn in the 90s. These amounts increased in a higher proportion because in the early 509 removal of postharvest residues from the field was discontinued. SOC during the first half of the century, when carbon input was low, was mineralized at a high rate: 89 and 114 g m(-2) y(-1) under untreated wheat and corn, respectively. Application of manure decreased losses by half, but still the SOC balance remained negative. Since 1950, the direction of the carbon dynamics has reversed: soil under wheat monocrop (with mineral fertilizer) accumulated carbon at a rate about 50 g m(-2) y(-1), three year rotation (corn/wheat/clover) with manure and nitrogen applications sequestered 150 g m(2) y(-1) of carbon. Applying conservative estimates of carbon sequestration documented on Sanborn Field to the wheat and corn production area in the USA, suggests that carbon losses to the atmosphere from these soils were decreased by at least 32 Tg annually during the last 40-50 years. Our computations prove that cultivated soils under proper management exercise a positive influence in the current imbalance in the global carbon budget.