- Authors:
- Finlay, L. A.
- Hulugalle, N. R.
- Weaver, T. B.
- Source: Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems
- Volume: 27
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Cover crops in minimum or no-tilled systems are usually killed by applying one or more herbicides, thus significantly increasing costs. Applying herbicides at lower rates with mechanical interventions that do not disturb or bury cover crop residues can, however, reduce costs. Our objective was to develop a management system with the above-mentioned features for prostrate cover crops on permanent beds in an irrigated Vertisol. The implement developed consisted of a toolbar to which were attached spring-loaded pairs of parallel coulter discs, one set of nozzles between the individual coulter discs that directed a contact herbicide to the bed surfaces to kill the cover crop and a second set of nozzles located to direct the cheaper glyphosate to the furrow to kill weeds. The management system killed a prostrate cover crop with less trafficking, reduced the use of more toxic herbicides, carbon footprint, labor and risk to operators. Maximum depth of compaction was more but average increase was less than that with the boom sprayer control.
- Authors:
- Singer, J. W.
- Moorman, T. B.
- Parkin, T. B.
- Jaynes, D. B.
- Kaspar, T. C.
- Source: Agricultural Water Management
- Volume: 110
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Much of the NO3 in the riverine waters of the upper Mississippi River basin in the United States originates from agricultural land used for corn (Zea mays L) and soybean (Glycine max [L] Merr.) production. Cover crops grown between maturity and planting of these crops are one approach for reducing losses of NO3. In this experiment, we evaluated the effectiveness of oat (Avena sativa L.) and rye (Secale cereale L.) cover crops in reducing NO3 concentrations and loads in subsurface drainage water. The oat fall cover crop was broadcast seeded into living corn and soybean crops before harvest in late August or early September and was killed by cold temperatures in late November or early December The rye winter cover crop, which had already been used annually for four years, was planted with a grain drill after corn and soybean harvest, overwintered, grew again in the spring, and was killed with herbicides before main crop planting. These treatments were evaluated in subsurface-drained field plots with an automated system for measuring drainage flow and collecting proportional samples for analysis of NO3 concentrations from each plot. The rye winter cover crop significantly reduced drainage water NO3 concentrations by 48% over five years, but this was less than the 58% reduction observed in its first four years of use. The oat fall cover crop reduced NO3 concentrations by 26% or about half of the reduction of the rye cover crop. Neither cover crop significantly reduced cumulative drainage or nitrate loads because of variability in cumulative annual drainage among plots. Both oat and rye cover crops are viable management options for significantly reducing NO3 losses to surface waters from agricultural drainage systems used for corn and soybean production. Published by Elsevier B.V.
- Authors:
- Source: Acta Horticulturae
- Issue: 950
- Year: 2012
- Summary: In response to declines in yield and stand longevity, Michigan asparagus growers are experimenting with multiple cultural practices including irrigation, shallow tillage, and "living-mulches" sown immediately following harvest in late June. Drought stress may play an important role in limiting fern growth and increasing fern susceptibility to pests. Living mulches are thought to reduce soil degradation and suppress weeds, but may also suppress asparagus through competition for water. Research was initiated in Hart, Michigan, USA, in 2008 with the following long-term objectives: (1) to evaluate the effects of irrigation on asparagus yields and weed management under two cropping systems; and (2) to determine the effects of cereal rye ( Secale cereal) living-mulch on soil moisture, weed growth, and asparagus yield. In a research farm field experiment, 4 treatments were examined: (1) no-till with standard herbicides; (2) no-till with standard herbicides plus irrigation; (3) shallow-tillage with rye living-mulch; (4) shallow tillage with rye living-mulch plus irrigation. Irrigation increased weed density and weed dry weight but had no detectable effect on asparagus yields. Rye living mulch (1) reduced soil volumetric water content by approximately 2-3% at 60 cm; (2) suppressed weeds compared to weedy control treatments, but resulted in increased weed density and dry weight compared to conventional herbicide treatments; and (3) had no detectable effect on asparagus yield.
- Authors:
- Noyes, D. C.
- Bakker, J.
- Brainard, D. C.
- Myers, N.
- Source: HortScience
- Volume: 47
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Living mulches growing below asparagus ( Asparagus officinales) fern can improve soil health and suppress weeds but may also suppress asparagus through competition for water or nutrients. The central objective of this research was to test whether cereal rye ( Secale cereale) living mulch, in combination with overhead irrigation, could provide comparable weed suppression to standard residual herbicides without reducing asparagus yields. A field experiment was conducted from 2008 to 2010 in a mature asparagus planting on sandy soils in western Michigan to evaluate the effects of irrigation (none vs. overhead) and weed management systems (standard herbicides vs. rye living mulch) on weed suppression, soil moisture content, and asparagus yield. Rye living mulch and herbicide treatments were established immediately after asparagus harvest in late June of each year. Rye living mulch reduced soil-available water in early August by 26% to 52% compared with herbicide treatments but had no detectable effect on asparagus yields. Compared with herbicide treatments, rye living mulch reduced fall-germinating weed emergence and resulted in lower densities of horseweed ( Conyza canadensis) during asparagus harvest. However, in 2 of 3 years, the living mulch system resulted in higher densities of summer annual weeds - including Powell amaranth ( Amaranthus powellii) and longspine sandbur ( Cenchrus longispinus) - during the fern growth period compared with herbicide treatments. After 3 years, the density of summer annual weeds was more than 10-fold greater in rye living mulch treatments compared with standard residual herbicides treatments. Our results suggest that (1) soil-improving rye cover crops can partially suppress weeds but may also compete with asparagus for soil moisture in dry years unless irrigation is used; and (2) successful use of rye living mulches for weed management will depend on identification of complementary weed management practices to avoid build-up of the summer annual weed seedbank.
- Authors:
- Van Eerd, L. L.
- Vyn, R. J.
- Lauzon, J. D.
- O'Reilly, K. A.
- Source: Canadian Journal of Soil Science
- Volume: 92
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2012
- Summary: In order to improve N best management practices in southwestern Ontario vegetable farming, the effect of cover crops on N dynamics in the fall and spring prior to sweet corn planting and during sweet corn season was assessed. The experiment was a split plot design in a fresh green pea - cover crop - sweet corn rotation that took place over 2 site-years at Bothwell and Ridgetown in 2006-2007 and 2007-2008, respectively. The main plot factor was fall cover crop type with five treatments including oat (Avena saliva L.), cereal rye (Secale cereal L.), oilseed radish (OSR; Raphanus sativus L. var. oleoferus Metzg Stokes), mixture OSR plus cereal rye (OSR&rye) and a no cover crop control. Compared with no cover crop, sweet corn profit margins were higher by $450 ha(-1) for oat at Bothwell and $1300 and $760 ha(-1) for OSR and OSR&rye, respectively, at Ridgetown. By comparing plant available N over the cover crop season, the cover crops tested were more effective at preventing N loss at Bothwell than at Ridgetown likely due to higher precipitation and sandier soil at Bothwell. Despite differences in site characteristics, cover crops did not result in increased plant available N compared with no-cover during the sweet corn season at either site, indicating that these cover crops will not provide an N credit to the following crop and growers should not modify N fertilizer applications based on cover crops.
- Authors:
- Snapp, S. S.
- Jaikumar, N. S.
- Murphy, K.
- Jones, S. S.
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 104
- Issue: 6
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Perennial wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. * Thinopyrum spp.) and perennial rye ( Secale cereale L. * S. montanum) are novel hybrid species under development as alternatives to annual cereal crops. We conducted a 2-yr field study with a split plot design to evaluate agronomic performance, including yield, phenology, and biomass production, of perennial accessions of wheat and rye, along with annual analogs. This is one of the first studies to rigorously compare agronomic performance of 2-yr-old plants to 1-yr-old plants in perennial cereals. Perennial wheat produced 1.0 to 1.6 Mg ha -1 grain yield, 50% of annual wheat (2.7 Mg ha -1), while perennial rye produced 1.3 Mg ha -1, 73% of annual rye (1.8 Mg ha -1). Modest yields from perennials relative to annuals reflected lower harvest index, lower yield per tiller, and less kernel mass. One-year-old and 2-yr-old perennial plants had similar seed yields, yield components, and biomass production, indicating that plant age had little effect on these parameters and older plants maintained yield potential. In contrast, phenology did vary with plant age, and showed a shift toward earlier spring growth and later flowering dates in older perennial plants. This illustrates an expanded vegetative period for regrowing plants of these perennial cereals. There appears to be potential for producing an early season forage crop from these cereals, although biomass yields were not high at this site and regrowth was not always reliable. Overall, performance of perennial rye was consistent with a viable new cereal crop. On the other hand, perennial wheat requires further selection for allocation of biomass to grain and vigorous regrowth.
- Authors:
- Klakegg, O.
- Janzen, H. H.
- Skjelvag, A. O.
- Bonesmo, H.
- Tveito, O. E.
- Source: Agricultural Systems
- Volume: 110
- Issue: July
- Year: 2012
- Summary: To increase food production while mitigating climate change, cropping systems in the future will need to reduce greenhouse gas emission per unit of production. We conducted an analysis of 95 arable farms in Norway to calculate farm scale emissions of greenhouse gases, expressed both as CO2 eq per unit area, and CO2 eq per kg DM produced and to describe relationships between the farms' GHG intensities and heir economic efficiencies (gross margin). The study included: (1) design of a farm scale model for net GHG emission from crop production systems; (2) establishing a consistent farm scale data set for the farms with required soil, weather, and farm operation data; (3) a stochastic simulation of the variation in the sources of GHG emission intensities, and sensitivity analysis of selected parameters and equations on GHG emission intensities; and (4) describing relationships between GHG emission intensities and gross margins on farms. Among small seed and grain crops the variation in GHG emissions per kg DM was highest in oilseed (emission intensity at the 75th percentile level was 1.9 times higher than at the 25th percentile). For barley, oats, spring wheat, and winter wheat, emissions per kg DM at the 75th percentile levels were between 1.4 and 1.6 times higher than those at the 25th percentiles. Similar trends were observed for emissions per unit land area. Invariably soil N2O emission was the largest source of GHG emissions, accounting for almost half of the emissions. The second largest source was the off farm manufacturing of inputs (similar to 25%). Except for the oilseed crop, in which soil carbon (C) change contributed least, the on farm emissions due to fuel use contributed least to the total GHG intensities (similar to 10%). The soil C change contributed most to the variability in GHG emission intensities among farms in all crops, and among the sensitivity elasticities the highest one was related to environmental impacts on soil C change. The high variation in GHG intensities evident in our study implies the potential for significant mitigation of GHG emissions. The GHG emissions per kg DM (intensity) decreased with increasing gross margin in grain and oilseed crops, suggesting that crop producers have economic incentives to reduce GHG emissions. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved,
- Authors:
- Schmidt, J. E.
- Thomsen, S. T.
- Jensen, M.
- Heiske, S.
- Hauggaard-Nielsen, H.
- Carter, M. S.
- Johansen, A.
- Ambus, P.
- Source: GCB Bioenergy
- Volume: 4
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2012
- Summary: One way of reducing the emissions of fossil fuel-derived carbon dioxide (CO2) is to replace fossil fuels with biofuels produced from agricultural biomasses or residuals. However, cultivation of soils results in emission of other greenhouse gases (GHGs), especially nitrous oxide (N2O). Previous studies on biofuel production systems showed that emissions of N2O may counterbalance a substantial part of the global warming reduction, which is achieved by fossil fuel displacement. In this study, we related measured field emissions of N2O to the reduction in fossil fuel-derived CO2, which was obtained when agricultural biomasses were used for biofuel production. The analysis included five organically managed feedstocks (viz. dried straw of sole cropped rye, sole cropped vetch and intercropped ryevetch, as well as fresh grassclover and whole crop maize) and three scenarios for conversion of biomass into biofuel. The scenarios were (i) bioethanol, (ii) biogas and (iii) coproduction of bioethanol and biogas. In the last scenario, the biomass was first used for bioethanol fermentation and subsequently the effluent from this process was utilized for biogas production. The net GHG reduction was calculated as the avoided fossil fuel-derived CO2, where the N2O emission was subtracted. This value did not account for fossil fuel-derived CO2 emissions from farm machinery and during conversion processes that turn biomass into biofuel. The greatest net GHG reduction, corresponding to 700800 g CO2 m(-2), was obtained by biogas production or coproduction of bioethanol and biogas on either fresh grassclover or whole crop maize. In contrast, biofuel production based on lignocellulosic crop residues (i.e. rye and vetch straw) provided considerably lower net GHG reductions (=215 g CO2 m(-2)), and even negative numbers sometimes. No GHG benefit was achieved by fertilizing the maize crop because the extra crop yield, and thereby increased biofuel production, was offset by enhanced N2O emissions.
- Authors:
- Boyd, N. S.
- Brennan, E. B.
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 104
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Long-term research on cover crops (CC) is needed to design optimal rotations. Winter CC shoot dry matter (DM) of rye (Secale cereale L.), legume-rye, and mustard was determined in December to February or March during the first 8 yr of the Salinas Organic Cropping Systems trial focused on high-value crops in Salinas, CA. By seed weight, legume-rye included 10% rye, 35% faba (Vicia faba L.), 25% pea (Pisum sativum L.), and 15% each of common vetch (V sativa L.) and purple vetch (V. henghalensis L.); mustard included 61% Sinapis alba L. and 39% Brassica juncea Czern. Cover crops were fall-planted at 1x and 3x seeding rates (SR); 1x SR were 90 (rye), 11 (mustard), and 140 (legume-rye) kg ha(-1). Vegetables followed CC annually. Cover crop densities ranged from 131 to 854 plants m(-2) and varied by CC, SR, and year. Year, CC, and SR affected DM production, however, the effects varied across the season and interactions occurred. Averaged across years, final DM was greater in rye and legume-rye (7 Mg ha(-1)) than mustard (5.6 Mg ha(-1)), and increased with SR through January. Dry matter production through the season was correlated significantly with growing degree days (GDD). Legumes contributed 27% of final legume-rye DM. Season-end legume DM was negatively correlated with GDD at 30 d, and legume DM in the 3x SR increased during years with frequent late-season rainfall. Seed costs per Mg of final CC DM at 1x SR were approximately three times higher for legume-rye than rye and mustard.
- Authors:
- Liesch, A. M.
- Krueger, E. S.
- Ochsner, T. E.
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 75
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2011
- Summary: Soils under continuous corn (Zea mays L.) silage production are oft en subjected to heavy traffic and tillage, which can degrade soil structure and physical properties. Cover crops have been shown to benefit soil structure, but the effects of double-cropping on soil structure and physical properties are unknown. Our objective was to compare the soil structure and physical properties under rye (Secale cereale L.) and corn silage double-cropping with those under continuous corn silage in Minnesota during the 2007-2008 cropping year. A conventional tillage corn silage system served as the control. Double-crop treatments were conventional tillage winter rye harvested in May or June followed by no-till corn silage. Relative to the control, the double-cropping systems exhibited superior soil structure with up to 57% better visual soil structure scores and up to 16% smaller mean weight aggregate diameter. Visual soil structure scores exhibited seasonal dynamics with significant treatment effects in November and June but not in May when the structural assessment was conducted shortly after preplant tillage in the control. The double-cropping system increased the resilience of the soil to traffic. The saturated hydraulic conductivity in wheel-tracked interrows was 375% higher in the double-cropping system relative to the control in July. Both the rye and the absence of tillage before corn planting may have contributed to this improved resilience. Heavy traffic and tillage in continuous corn silage production systems can degrade soil structure and physical properties; however, the rye-corn silage double-cropping system provided a measure of protection.