- Authors:
- Shea, K. L.
- Gregory, M. M.
- Bakko, E. B.
- Source: Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems
- Volume: 20
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2005
- Summary: We compared soil characteristics, runoff water quantity and nutrient fluxes, energy use and productivity of three farm types in an unusually dry farming season: conventional (continuous corn and deep tillage), rotation (5-year corn-soybean-oats/ alfalfa-alfalfa-alfalfa rotation with tillage 2/5 years) and no-till (corn-soybean with no cultivation). Soil organic matter content was highest on the rotation farm, followed by the no-till farm, and lowest on the conventional farm. Nitrate content of the soil did not differ significantly among the three farms, although the conventional farm had a much higher input of fertilizer nitrogen. Soil penetrometer resistance was lower and percent soil moisture was higher in the no-till and rotation systems compared to the conventional farm. Soil macroinvertebrate abundance and diversity were highest on the no-till farm, followed by the rotation farm. No invertebrates were found in the soil of the conventional farm. The conventional farm had the highest runoff volume per cm rain and higher nitrogen (N) loss in runoff when compared to the rotation and no-till farms, as well as a higher phosphorus (P) flux in comparison to the no-till farm. These results indicate that perennial close-seeded crops (such as alfalfa) used in crop rotations, as well as plant residue left on the surface of no-till fields, can enhance soil organic content and decrease runoff. The lower soil penetrometer resistance and higher soil moisture on the rotation and no-till farms show that conservation tillage can increase soil aggregation and water infiltration, both of which prevent erosion. Furthermore, crop rotation, and particularly no-till, promote diverse invertebrate populations, which play an important role in maintaining nutrient cycling and soil structure. Crop rotation and no-till agriculture are less fossil-fuel intensive than conventional agriculture, due to decreased use of fertilizers, pesticides and fuel. In this unusually dry year they provided superior corn and soybean yields, most likely due to higher soil moisture as a result of greater water infiltration and retention associated with cover crops (rotation farm) and crop residue (no-till farm).
- Authors:
- Trein, C.
- Herzog, R.
- Levien, R.
- Source: Engenharia Agricola
- Volume: 24
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2004
- Summary: To evaluate soyabean productivity on natural pasture fields, grown once with oats to produce grain and straw for soil cover, an experiment was conducted on a Typic Paleudult Soil in Eldorado do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. After mechanically harvesting oats, the straw was returned to plots in amounts of 0, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 mg/ha and were divided according to the furrow opening depth (0.06 and 0.12 m). The area was divided in 2, with and without irrigation. The volume of soil mobilized by the fertilizer furrow openers was 53% higher when the working depth reached 0.12 m compared to 0.06 m, but no difference due to the amount of cover crop residues was attained. Grain yield, crop biomass and root mass up to 0.15 cm depth did not differ with both soil working depth and crop residue cover. Irrigation increased grain yield and total biomass of soyabeans. Even without irrigation, soyabean productivity was higher than the Rio Grande do Sul State average, showing its suitability to be grown on native pastures under the no-till system.
- Authors:
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 68
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2004
- Summary: Deep-rooted cover crops may help alleviate effects of soil compaction, especially in no-till systems. We evaluated the compaction-alleviating ability of 4 cover crops (rape, oilseed radish, forage radish and cereal rye). The experiments were conducted at the University of Maryland Wye Research Station and Education Centre on a Mattapex silt loam (Aquic Hapludults) and at the USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research Centre on an Elkton silt loam (Typic Endoaquults). Using a minirhizotron camera, we observed soyabean ( Glycine max) roots growing through compacted plough pan soil using channels made by decomposing cover crop roots. Soyabean yield response to the preceding cover crops was most pronounced at the site with most severe drought and soil compaction. At this location, with or without deep tillage, soyabean yields were significantly greater following a forage radish cv. Diachon+rye combination cover crop. Rye left a thick mulch, resulting in conservation of soil water early in the season. Root channels left by forage radish may have provided soyabean roots with low resistance paths to subsoil water. Due to lower than normal winter precipitation, this study was a conservative test of the cover crops' ability to alleviate the effects of soil compaction.
- Authors:
- Linden, D. R.
- Voorhees, W. B.
- Hatfield, J. L.
- Johnson, J. M. F.
- Wilhelm, W. W.
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 96
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2004
- Summary: Society is facing three related issues: overreliance on imported fuel, increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and producing sufficient food for a growing world population. The U.S. Department of Energy and private enterprise are developing technology necessary to use high-cellulose feedstock, such as crop residues, for ethanol production. Corn (Zea mays L.) residue can provide about 1.7 times more C than barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), oat (Avena sativa L.), sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) residues based on production levels. Removal of crop residue from the field must be balanced against impacting the environment (soil erosion), maintaining soil organic matter levels, and preserving or enhancing productivity. Our objective is to summarize published works for potential impacts of wide-scale, corn stover collection on corn production capacity in Corn Belt soils. We address the issue of crop yield (sustainability) and related soil processes directly. However, scarcity of data requires us to deal with the issue of greenhouse gases indirectly and by inference. All ramifications of new management practices and crop uses must be explored and evaluated fully before an industry is established. Our conclusion is that within limits, corn stover can be harvested for ethanol production to provide a renewable, domestic source of energy that reduces greenhouse gases. Recommendation for removal rates will vary based on regional yield, climatic conditions, and cultural practices. Agronomists are challenged to develop a procedure (tool) for recommending maximum permissible removal rates that ensure sustained soil productivity.
- Authors:
- Gibson, S. G.
- Yarboro, W.
- Hamrick, M.
- Thompson, S.
- King, R.
- Source: Proceedings of the 26th Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture
- Year: 2004
- Summary: In addition to regular programming, County Agricultural Extension agents are asked many times to respond to questions, suggestions and concerns by their farmer clientele. In North Carolina as in other states an advisory leadership system is in place and farmers can formally and informally make suggestions and requests for on-farm demonstrational work. In many cases what the farmers are observing in their fields and/or things they have read "spark" the interactions with agents. Such has been the case in Cleveland County, NC. For example in the early continuous no-till era many area farmers were concerned about soil compaction. Measurements and simple demonstrations conducted by the Cleveland and Lincoln County agents and supported by the NCSU Soil Science Department and Cleveland County Government helped alleviate these concerns. Later as fields were in continuous no-till for 5 or more years, farmers began to notice a greater than expected development of their crops prior to major applications of fertilizer nitrogen. These observations led to a replicated test in wheat conducted by the Cleveland County Agricultural Extension agent comparing a field in a 2 year no-till wheat soybean rotation verses a nearby field in a 5 year continuous no-till wheat soybean rotation. Also a 6 year replicated test was initiated on Cleveland County owned land that had been in continuous no-till for 10 years. The test was set up as a continuous soybean corn rotation and in addition to the standard dryland portion, irrigation was used in part of the study to simulate a "good" corn year. Five nitrogen rates were used. The economics of the cost of fertilizer nitrogen was used to demonstrate that the Realistic Yield Expectation (RYE) method for determining nitrogen rates was very much applicable in continuous no-till. Both the wheat and corn tests indicated that residual soil nitrogen was indeed becoming a major factor in continuous no-till for these field crops and when farmers considered the realities of the weather very likely nitrogen rates can be reduced with confidence.
- Authors:
- Kaspar, T. C.
- Parkin, T. B.
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 68
- Year: 2004
- Summary: It is well known that soil CO2 flux can exhibit pronounced day-to-day variations; however, measurements of soil CO2 flux with soil chambers typically are done only at discrete points in time. This study evaluated the impact of sampling frequency on the precision of cumulative CO2 flux estimates calculated from field measurements. Automated chambers were deployed at two sites in a no-till corn/ soybean field and operated in open system mode to measure soil CO2 fluxes every hour from 4 March 2000 through 6 June 2000. Sampling frequency effects on cumulative CO2-C flux estimation were assessed with a jackknife technique whereby the populations of measured hourly fluxes were numerically sampled at regular time intervals ranging from 1 d to 20 d, and the resulting sets of jackknife fluxes were used to calculate estimates of cumulative CO2-C flux. We observed that as sampling interval increased from 1 d to 12 d, the variance associated with cumulative flux estimates increased. However, at sampling intervals of 12 to 20 d, variances were relatively constant. Sampling once every 3 d, estimates of cumulative C loss were within +-20% of the expected value at both sites. As the time interval between sampling was increased, the potential deviation in estimated cumulative CO2 flux increased such that sampling once every 20 d yielded potential estimates within 60% and 40% of the actual cumulative CO2 flux. A stratified sampling scheme around rainfall events was also evaluated and was found to provide more precise estimates at lower sampling intensities. These results should aid investigators to develop sampling designs to minimize the effects of temporal variability on cumulative CO2-C estimation.
- Authors:
- Source: Greenbook 2004: Sustainable Energy from Agriculture
- Year: 2004
- Authors:
- Levesque, G.
- Prevost, D.
- Chantigny, M. H.
- Belanger, G.
- Angers, D. A.
- Rochette, P.
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 68
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2004
- Summary: There is considerable uncertainty relative to the emissions of N2O from legume crops. A study was initiated to quantify N2O fluxes from soils cropped to alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.), and to improve our understanding of soil and climatic factors controlling N2O emissions from these crops. Measurements were made on three soils cropped to alfalfa, soybean, or timothy (Phleum pratense L.), a perennial grass used as a control. In situ soil-surface N2O emissions (FN2O) were measured 47 times during the 2001 and 2002 growing seasons. Soil water, NH4-N, NO3-N, and N2O contents, and soil temperature were also determined to explain the variation in gas fluxes. Emissions of N2O were small under the grass where very low soil mineral N content probably limited denitrification and N2O production. Soil mineral N contents under legumes were up to 10 times greater than under timothy. However, soil mineral N contents and FN2O were not closely related, thus suggesting that the soil mineral N pool alone was a poor indicator of the intensity of N2O production processes. Higher FN2O were measured under legume than under timothy in only 6 out of 10 field comparisons (site-years). Moreover, the emissions associated with alfalfa (0.67-1.45 kg N ha-1) and soybean (0.46-3.08 kg N ha-1) production were smaller than those predicted using the emission coefficient proposed for the national inventory of greenhouse gases (alfalfa = 1.60-5.21 kg N ha-1; soybean = 2.76-4.97 kg N ha-1). We conclude that the use of the current emission coefficient may overestimate the N2O emissions associated with soybean and alfalfa production in eastern Canada.
- Authors:
- Isla, R.
- Ellsworth, J. W.
- Blackmer, A. M.
- Kyveryga, P. M.
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 68
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2004
- Summary: Soil temperature at the time of application has been the primary factor used to predict rates of nitrification and assess the risks associated with losses of N applied in the fall as anhydrous ammonia in the Corn Belt. We report studies assessing the importance of soil pH as a factor affecting nitrification rates and losses of this N before corn (Zea Mays L.) begins rapid growth in June. Data were collected in a series of field studies conducted during 4 yr. Anhydrous ammonia was applied in the fall after soils had cooled to 7.5. Significant relationships between soil pH and percentage nitrification were observed each year. Means of measurements made in mid-April (when planting begins) indicated 89% nitrification of fertilizer N in soils having pH > 7.5 and 39% nitrification of this N in soils having pH < 6.0. The finding that soil pH influenced when nitrification occurred helps to explain why the effects of nitrification inhibitors have been variable in this region. Significant relationships between soil pH and recovery of fertilizer N as exchangeable NH4+ and NO3- were observed in years with above-average rainfall before samples were collected in April. The effects of soil pH on nitrification, therefore, influenced the amounts of NO3- lost by denitrification or leaching during spring rainfall. The observed effects of pH on nitrification rates suggest that economic and environmental benefits of delaying application of fertilizer N may be greater in higher-pH soils than in lower-pH soils.