- Authors:
- Parker, J. P.
- Scott, A.
- Ball, B. C.
- Source: Soil & Tillage Research
- Volume: 53
- Issue: 1
- Year: 1999
- Summary: Tillage practices and weather affect the release of greenhouse gases but there have been few integrated studies of the quantities released or the mechanisms involved. No-tillage may increase emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) and the fixation of carbon by decreasing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Tillage may also decrease the oxidation rate of atmospheric methane (CH4) in aerobic soil. These effects are partly due to compaction and to the lack of both soil disturbance and residue incorporation. Our objective was to investigate how tillage practices, soil conditions and weather interact to influence greenhouse gas emissions. Here we present early measurements of N2O and CO2 emission and CH4 oxidation in two field experiments in Scotland under a cool moist climate, one involving soil compaction plus residue incorporation and the other involving no-tillage and two depths of mouldboard ploughing of a former grass sward. The experiments were located 10-15 km south of Edinburgh on a cambisol and a gleysol. In order to monitor emissions regularly, at short intervals and over long periods, a novel automatic gas sampling system which allows subsequent automated determination of both N2O and CO2 fluxes was used. Both N2O and CO2 fluxes were episodic and strongly dependent on rainfall. Peak N2O emissions were mainly associated with heavy rainfalls after fertilisation, particularly with no-tilled and compact soils. In the tillage experiment, N2O fluxes and treatment differences were greater under spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) (up to 600 g N ha-1 per day) than under winter barley. CO2 emissions in the few weeks after sowing were not strongly influenced by tillage and diurnal variations were related to soil temperature. However, periods of low or zero CO2 fluxes and very high N2O fluxes under no-tillage were associated with reduced gas diffusivity and air-filled porosity, both caused by heavy rainfall. Early results show that CH4 oxidation rates may best be preserved by no-tillage. The quality of the loam/clay-loams and the climate in these experiments makes ploughing, preferably to 300 mm depth, and the control of compaction necessary to minimise soil N2O and CO2 losses. The gas exchange response of different soil types to tillage, particularly methane oxidation rate which is affected by long-term soil structural damage, is a potentially useful aspect of soil quality when taken in conjunction with other qualities.
- Authors:
- Gerard, C. J.
- Choudhary, M.
- Bordovsky, D. G.
- Source: Soil Science
- Volume: 164
- Issue: 5
- Year: 1999
- Summary: In the Texas Rolling Plains, low rainfall results in low crop residue production and low soil organic matter. Low soil organic matter, coupled with low levels of silt and clay, give soils poor structure. An 11-year (1979-1989) field experiment was conducted to determine the effects of tillage (reduced vs. conventional), cropping, and residue management (with residue vs. without residue) on soil properties under dryland and irrigated systems. Cropping included a grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) monoculture and doublecropped, reduced tillage wheat-grain sorghum under irrigation only. Surface soil organic matter in plots with irrigated grain sorghum and wheat increased with time. Reduced-tillage irrigated grain sorghum and wheat, and especially reduced-tillage, double-cropped grain sorghum and wheat plots, had significantly higher organic matter content than conventional-tillage grain sorghum and wheat plots. Bulk density under the reduced tillage system was higher than with the conventional tillage system. However, saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of the surface soil was increased by reduced tillage practices compared with conventional tillage. This may have been attributable to higher amounts of microaggregates and larger macropores under the reduced tillage system. Residue removal decreased the Ks of surface soil, especially in reduced-tillage grain sorghum and wheat plots. Microaggregation values were higher with residue retained than with residue removed (27.1 vs. 23.5 g kg-1 in dryland and 32.3 vs. 27.1 g kg-1 in irrigation). Results indicate that residue removal from Rolling Plains soils should be discouraged. Because of higher bulk density, use of a reduced tillage system may result in the need for occasional deep chiseling to reduce the effects of compaction.
- Authors:
- Walters, D. T.
- Kessavalou, A.
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 91
- Issue: 4
- Year: 1999
- Summary: Use of a winter rye (Secale cereale L.) cover crop following soybean [Glyceine max (L.) Merr.] has been shown to reduce the soil erosion potential in a corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean rotation system, but little is known about the effect of rye on residual soil NO(3)-N (RSN). An irrigated field study was conducted for 4 yr on a Sharpsburg silty clay loam (fine, smectitic, mesic Typic Argiudoll) to compare crop rotation and winter rye cover crop following soybean effects on RSN under several tillage practices and N fertilization rates. Treatments each gear were (i) tillage: no-till or disk; (ii) rotation: corn following soybean/rye (Cbr) or soybean/rye following corn (BRc), corn following soybean (Cb) or soybean following corn (Bc), and corn following corn (Cc); and (iii) N rate: 0, 100, and 300 kg N ha(-1) (applied to corn). Rye in the Cbr/BRc rotation was planted in the fall following soybean harvest and chemically killed in the spring of the following year prior to corn planting. Each spring, before tillage and N application, RSN was determined to a depth of 1.5 m, at 30-cm intervals. The net spring-to-spring change in RSN between subsequent spring seasons was computed for each plot, and annual aboveground N uptake for rye, corn, and soybean were determined. Rye, rotation, N rate, and tillage significantly influenced RSN in the top 1.5 m of soil. The presence of rye (BRc) reduced total spring RSN between 18 and 33% prior to corn planting in 2 of the 3 yr, compared with the no-rye system (Bc), as rye immobilized from 42 to 48 kg N ha(-1) in aboveground dry matter. Recycling of N in high-yielding rye cover crop residues led to an increase in RSN accumulation after corn in the succeeding spring. Up to 277 kg RSN ha(-1) accumulated at high rates of N following corn in the Cbr rotation, compared with 67 kg RSN ha(-1) in the no-rye system (Cb) in 1992. Regardless of the presence of rye, significant accumulation of RSN occurred following corn in the rotation sequence, while RSN declined following soybean. Less RSN was found in the top 1.5 m of soil under continuous than rotation corn, and disking tended to increase NO(3)(-) accumulation in rotation systems at high rates of N application. Although RSN declines following a rye cover crop, the ready release of this immobilized N suggests that some N credit should be given, reducing N recommendation for corn following winter rye cover, to minimize potential NO(3)(-) leaching under corn-soybean/rye rotations.
- Authors:
- Williams, J. R.
- Kramer, L. A.
- Gassman, P. W.
- Chung, S. W.
- Gu, R.
- Source: Journal of Environmental Quality
- Volume: 28
- Issue: 3
- Year: 1999
- Summary: The Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator (EPIC) model was validated using long-term data collected for two southwest Iowa watersheds in the Deep Loess Soil Region, which have been cropped in continuous corn (Zea mays L.) under two different tillage systems (conventional tillage vs. ridge-till). The annual hydrologic balance was calibrated for both watersheds during 1988 to 1994 by adjusting the runoff curve numbers and residue effects on soil evaporation. Model validation was performed for 1976 to 1987, using both summary statistics (means or medians) and parametric and nonparametric statistical tests. The errors between the 12-yr predicted and observed means or medians were <10% for nearly all of the hydrologic and environmental indicators, with the major exception of a nearly 44% overprediction of the N surface runoff loss for Watershed 2. The predicted N leaching rates, N losses in surface runoff, and sediment loss for the two watersheds clearly showed that EPIC was able to simulate the long-term impacts of tillage and residue cover on these processes. However, the results also revealed weaknesses in the model's ability to replicate year-to-year variability, with r2 values generally <50% and relatively weak goodness-of-fit statistics for some processes. This was due in part to simulating the watersheds in a homogeneous manner, which ignored complexities such as slope variation. Overall, the results show that EPIC was able to replicate the long-term relative differences between the two tillage systems and that the model is a useful tool for simulating different tillage systems in the region.
- Authors:
- Source: Efficient soil water use: the key to sustainable crop production in the dry areas of West Asia, and North and Sub-Saharan Africa. Proceedings of the workshops organized by the Optimizing Soil Water Use Consortium, Niamey, Niger, 26-30 April, 1998, Amman, J
- Year: 1999
- Summary: Semi-arid areas cover about 55% of Turkey and are mainly found in the Central Anatolian Plateau. The main crop production systems are fallow/wheat and legume/wheat. Wheat is generally prone to droughts, which severely affect the yields. Research on soil moisture use in fallow-wheat systems started in the 1930s. Its focus was on water interception and conservation techniques, and detailed research on rainfall interception led to practices which have been adopted by most of the plateau farmers. In the 1980s research focused on the replacement of fallow by a crop in the rotation systems. In most areas, fallow can best be replaced in terms of yield by forage crops and economically by edible legumes. Characterization of the other regions will identify fallow or continuous cropping target areas, and extrapolation of research results to them. Regarding technologies, the importance of terracing for moisture conservation increases with the degree of slope and the occurrence of erosive rainfall. Contour tillage and sowing were effective only on steep slopes. Future research is needed on supplemental irrigation to increase the water-use efficiencies of the wheat and barley varieties especially developed for irrigation.
- Authors:
- Source: Journal of Production Agriculture
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 3
- Year: 1998
- Summary: Tillage and N management are important in dryland crop production of the west central Great Plains (area between the 99(th) meridian and the eastern edge of the Rocky Mountains) because of frequent periods of limited soil moisture. Therefore, judicious use of N fertilizer is a management priority in wheat (Triticum aestivum L,)-sorghum [Sorghum biocolor (L,) Moench]- fallow (W-S-F) rotations. The objectives of this study were to: (i) determine the long-term effects of N fertilization (0, 20, 40, and 60 lb N/acre) on grain yields of winter wheat and grain sorghum under three tillage systems, (ii) investigate the effect of soil moisture at or near planting on grain yields, and (iii) evaluate the residual profile soil inorganic N after 20 yr of N fertilization in the three tillage systems. The study involved a W-S-F rotation under three tillage systems on a nearly level Harney silt loam soil (fine, montmorillonite, mesic Typic Argiustoll), The three tillage systems were clean-till (CT), reduced-till (RT), and no-till (NT), Nitrogen was broadcast preplant as ammonium nitrate on each crop at rates of 0, 20, 40, and 60 Ib N/acre, As the level of soil moisture increased in each tillage system, there was a corresponding larger yield increase of wheat and sorghum to applied N, The correlation of grain yields of wheat and sorghum with soil profile N at all depths was highest for nitrate N and lowest for ammonium and total inorganic N. For all three tillage systems, sampling deeper than 6 in, resulted in little improvement in the coefficient of determination (R-2) for grain yields regressed on soil nitrate N, Residual soil nitrate N was highest in the top 6 in., dropped significantly in the 6- to 12-in. depth, and remained relatively low thereafter throughout the 72-in. sampling depth. Data from this long-term study showed the optimum broadcast N rate was approximately 60 Ib N/acre applied on each crop grown in a W-S-F rotation with the exact rate depending on soil moisture, fertilizer, and crop prices, Yields from CT were comparable with RT on this nearly level upland soil but failed to meet the residue requirements mandated in conservation compliance plans, Poorer stands, increased weed competition, and drier soils resulted in generally lower yields from NT plots. Considering all factors, RT systems for dryland wheat and sorghum production are recommended on upland fertile soils in the west central Great Plains.
- Authors:
- Lyon, D. J.
- Tanaka, D. L.
- Jones, O. R.
- Havlin, J. L.
- Halvorson, A. D.
- Peterson, G. A.
- Pennock, D. J.
- Source: Soil & Tillage Research
- Volume: 47
- Issue: 3
- Year: 1998
- Summary: Concern about soil organic matter losses as a result of cultivation has been voiced consistently since the early part of the 20th century. Scientists working in the U.S. Great Plains recognized that organic matter losses from an already small pool could have major negative consequences on soil physical properties and N supplying capacity. The advent of reduced- and no-till systems has greatly improved our ability to capture and retain precipitation in the soil during the non-crop periods of the cropping cycle, and has made it possible to reduce fallow frequency and intensify cropping systems. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the effects of reduced tillage and cropping system intensification on C storage in soils using data from experiments in North Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, and Texas. Decades of farming with the wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-fallow system, the dominant farming system in the Great Plains, have accentuated soil C losses. More intensive cropping systems, made possible by the greater water conservation associated with no-till practices, have produced more grain, produced more crop residue and allowed more of it to remain on the soil surface. Combined with less soil disturbance in reduced- and no-till systems, intensive cropping has increased C storage in the soil. We also conclude that the effects of cropping system intensification on soil C should not be investigated independent of residue C still on the surface. There are many unknowns regarding how rapidly changes in soil C will occur when tillage and cropping systems are changed, but the data summarized in this paper indicate that in the surface 2.5 cm of soil, changes can be detected within 10 years. It is imperative that we continue long-term experiments to evaluate rates of change over an extended period. It is also apparent that we should include residue C, both on the surface of the soil and within the surface 2.5 cm, in our system C budgets if we are to accurately depict residue±soil C system status. The accounting of soil C must be done on a mass basis rather than on a concentration basis.
- Authors:
- Bowman, R. A.
- Schuman, G. E.
- Reeder, J. D.
- Source: Soil & Tillage Research
- Volume: 47
- Issue: 3-4
- Year: 1998
- Summary: The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) was initiated to reduce water and wind erosion on marginal, highly erodible croplands by removing them from production and planting permanent, soil-conserving vegetation such as grass. We conducted a field study at two sites in Wyoming, USA, in order to quantify changes in soil C and N of marginal croplands seeded to grass, and of native rangeland plowed and cropped to wheat-fallow. Field plots were established on a sandy loam site and a clay loam site on wheat-fallow cropland that had been in production for 60+ years and on adjacent native rangeland. In 1993, 6 years after the study was initiated, the surface soil was sampled in 2.5 cm depth increments, while the subsurface soil was composited as one depth increment. All soil samples were analyzed for total organic C and N, and potential net mineralized C and N. After 60+ years of cultivation, surface soils at both study sites were 18-26% lower (by mass) in total organic C and N than in the A horizons of adjacent native range. Six years after plowing and converting native rangeland to cropland (three wheat-fallow cycles), both total and potential net mineralized C and N in the surface soil had decreased and NO3-N at all depths had increased to levels found after 60+ years of cultivation. We estimate that mixing of the surface and subsurface soil with tillage accounted for 40-60% of the decrease in surface soil C and N in long-term cultivated fields; in the short-term cultivated fields, mixing with tillage may have accounted for 60-75% of the decrease in C, and 30-60% of the decrease in N. These results emphasize the need to evaluate C and N in the entire soil solum, rather than in just the surface soil, if actual losses of C and N due to cultivation are to be distinguished from vertical redistribution. Five years after reestablishing grass on the sandy loam soil, both total and potential net mineralized C and N in the surface soil had increased to levels equal to or greater than those observed in the A horizon of the native range. On the clay loam soil, however, significant increases in total organic C were observed only in the surface 2.5 cm of N-fertilized grass plots, while total organic N had not significantly increased from levels observed in the long-term cultivated fields.
- Authors:
- Smith, J. U.
- Glendining, M. J.
- Powlson, D. S.
- Smith, P.
- Source: Global Change Biology
- Volume: 4
- Issue: 6
- Year: 1998
- Summary: In this paper we estimate the European potential for carbon mitigation of no-till farming using results from European tillage experiments. Our calculations suggest some potential in terms of (a) reduced agricultural fossil fuel emissions, and (b) increased soil carbon sequestration. We estimate that 100% conversion to no-till farming would be likely to sequester about 23 Tg C y-1 in the European Union or about 43 Tg C y-1 in the wider Europe (excluding the former Soviet Union). In addition, up to 3.2 Tg C y-1 could be saved in agricultural fossil fuel emissions. Compared to estimates of the potential for carbon sequestration of other carbon mitigation options, no-till agriculture shows nearly twice the potential of scenarios whereby soils are amended with organic materials. Our calculations suggest that 100% conversion to no-till agriculture in Europe could mitigate all fossil fuel-carbon emissions from agriculture in Europe. However, this is equivalent to only about 4.1% of total anthropogenic CO2-carbon produced annually in Europe (excluding the former Soviet Union) which in turn is equivalent to about 0.8% of global annual anthropogenic CO2-carbon emissions.
- Authors:
- Sanabria, J.
- Atwood, J. D.
- Uri, N. D.
- Source: Science of The Total Environment
- Volume: 216
- Issue: 1-2
- Year: 1998
- Summary: Every production practice, including conservation tillage, has positive or negative environmental consequences that may involve air, land, water, and/or the health and ecological status of wildlife. The negative impacts associated with agricultural production, and the use of conventional tillage systems in particular, include soil erosion, energy use, leaching and runoff of agricultural chemicals, and carbon emissions. Several of these impacts are quantified. The conclusions suggest that the use of conservation tillage does result in less of an adverse impact on the environment from agricultural production than does conventional tillage by reducing surface water runoff and wind erosion. Additionally, wildlife habitat will be enhanced to some extent with the adoption of conservation tillage and the benefits to be gained from carbon sequestration will depend on the soil remaining undisturbed. Finally, further expansion of conservation tillage on highly erodible land will unquestionably result in an increase in social benefits, but the expected gains will be modest.