- Authors:
- Rani, S. S.
- Pradhan, A. C.
- Source: Journal of Crop and Weed
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2005
- Summary: A field experiment was carried out during winter seasons of 2002-03 and 2003-04 in Nadia, West Bengal, India to study the effect of chemical methods of weed control in zero-till wheat. The results revealed that the crop was severely infested with sedges and grasses. The pooled analysis showed 50 percent reduction in grain yield due to weed-crop competition. All weed control methods effectively reduced weed density and markedly suppressed dry weight of weeds. Growth parameters of wheat like tiller density, leaf area indices, crop growth rates and yield components (spike density, number of filled grains per spike and test weight of grain) increased significantly by the application of chemicals over weedy control in comparison to others. Application of metribuzin at 175 g ha -1 before first irrigation effectively controlled all categories of weeds in zero-till wheat resulting in 78.2 percent increase in grain production which was comparable with weed free and two manual weedings. Among the chemical control measures, metribuzin 175 g ha -1 before first irrigation was most economical by paying highest net return (Rs. 18 598/-) and benefit-cost ratio (2:1).
- Authors:
- Source: Biology and Fertility of Soils
- Volume: 41
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2005
- Summary: Management practices, such as no tillage (NT) and intensive cropping, have potential to increase C and N sequestration in agricultural soils. The objectives of this study were to investigate the impacts of conventional tillage (CT), NT, and cropping intensity on soil organic C (SOC) and N (SON) sequestration and on distribution within aggregate-size fractions in a central Texas soil after 20 years of treatment imposition. Tillage regime and cropping sequence significantly impacted both SOC and SON sequestration. At 0-5 cm, NT increased SOC storage compared to CT by 33% and 97% and SON storage by 25% and 117% for a sorghum/wheat/soybean (SWS) rotation and a continuous sorghum monoculture, respectively. Total SOC and SON storage at both 0-5 and 5-15 cm was greater for SWS than continuous sorghum regardless of tillage regime. The majority of SOC and SON storage at 0-5 cm was observed in 250-m to 2-mm aggregates, and at 5-15 cm, in the >2-mm and 250-m to 2-mm fractions. Averaged across cropping sequences at 0-5 cm, NT increased SOC storage compared to CT by 212%, 96%, 0%, and 31%, and SON storage by 122%, 92%, 0%, and 37% in >2-mm, 250-m to 2-mm, 53- to 250-m, and
- Authors:
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 69
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2005
- Summary: No-tillage (NT) has the potential to enhance C and N sequestration in agricultural soils of the southern USA, but results may vary with crop species. The objectives of this study were to investigate the impacts of NT, conventional tillage (CT), and crop species on soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (SON) sequestration and distribution within aggregate-size fractions in a central Texas soil after 20 yr of management. No-tillage increased SOC over CT at the 0- to 5-cm depth by 97, 47, and 72%, and SON by 117, 56, and 44% for continuous grain sorghum [ Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.), and soyabean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.], respectively. Crop species had significant impacts on SOC and SON sequestration. On average, the wheat monoculture had greater SOC (9.23 Mg C ha -1) at the 0- to 5-cm depth than sorghum (6.75 Mg C ha -1) and soyabean (7.05 Mg C ha -1). No-tillage increased the proportion of >2-mm and 250-m to 2-mm macroaggregate fractions in soil compared with CT. At the 0- to 5-cm depth, NT increased SOC compared with CT by 158% in macroaggregate fractions, but only 40% in 2-mm, 250-m to 2-mm, 53- to 250-m, and
- Authors:
- Source: Soil & Tillage Research
- Volume: 84
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2005
- Summary: No tillage (NT) and increased cropping intensity have potential for enhanced C and N sequestration in agricultural soils. The objectives of this study were to investigate the impacts of conventional tillage (CT), NT, and multiple cropping sequences on soil organic C (SOC) and N (SON) sequestration and on distribution within aggregate-size fractions in a southcentral Texas soil at the end of 20 years of treatment imposition. Soil organic C and SON sequestration were significantly greater under NT than CT for a grain sorghum [ Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]/wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.)/soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.] rotation (SWS), a wheat/soybean doublecrop (WS), and a continuous wheat monoculture (CW) at 0-5 cm and for the SWS rotation at 5-15 cm. At 0-5 cm, NT increased SOC storage compared to CT by 62, 41, and 47% and SON storage by 77, 57, and 56%, respectively, for SWS, WS, and CW cropping sequences. Increased cropping intensity failed to enhance SOC or SON sequestration at either soil depth compared to the CW monoculture. No-tillage increased the proportion of macroaggregates (>2 mm) at 0-5 cm but not at 5-15 cm. The majority of SOC and SON storage under both CT and NT was observed in the largest aggregate-size fractions (>2 mm, 250 m to 2 mm). The use of NT significantly improved soil aggregation and SOC and SON sequestration in surface but not subsurface soils.
- Authors:
- Barker-Reid, F.
- Gates, W. P.
- Eckard, R. J.
- Wilson, K.
- Baigent, R.
- Galbally, I. E.
- Meyer, C. P.
- Weeks, I. A.
- Source: 4th International Symposium on non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases
- Year: 2005
- Authors:
- Kelly, K.
- Baigent, R.
- Eckard, R.
- Weeks, I.
- Leuning, R.
- Phillips, F.
- Barker-Reid, F.
- Gates, W.
- Grace, P.
- Galbally, I.
- Meyer, M.
- Bentley, S.
- Source: Environmental Sciences
- Volume: 2
- Issue: 2-3
- Year: 2005
- Authors:
- Ding, H.
- Edis, R.
- Zhang, Y.
- Chen, D.
- Li, Y.
- Source: Global Biogeochemical Cycles
- Volume: 19
- Year: 2005
- Authors:
- Castellanos, J. Z.
- Buenger, E. D.
- Follett, R. F.
- Source: Soil & Tillage Research
- Volume: 83
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2005
- Summary: Conservation tillage could enhance soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration, but is rarely used in cropping systems in Mexico, especially under irrigation. A study was conducted on a clayey, smectitic, isothermic Udic Pellustert to evaluate the use of traditional-deep and no-tillage systems on SOC dynamics for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-corn (Zea mays L.) and wheat-bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cropping systems. Experimental design was a randomized block of five tillage/crop-rotation (two crops per year) systems with four replications: (WC-CTb) wheat-corn, burning the residues of both crops, plowing and disking twice (WC-CT) wheat-corn under conventional tillage (plowing and disking twice to incorporate crop residues following the harvest of each crop), (WC-NT) wheat-corn under no-till, (WB-CT) wheat-bean under conventional tillage, and (WB-NT) wheat-bean under no-till. Each crop in the sequence received one of three fertilizer-N rates broadcast as urea: (a) 0, 150, and 300 kg N ha(-1) for corn; (b) 0, 40, and 80 kg N ha(-1) for bean; and (c) 0, 125, and 250 kg N ha(-1) for wheat. The baseline year was 1994, and relative changes were measured from 1994 to 1999 for grain yield and residue production, crop residue C and delta(13)C, SOC, soil C/N ratio, and change in soil delta(13)C. Interaction of cropping system x fertilizer-N rate was highly important to grain yield and crop residue production and amount of crop-residue C produced. High N rates increased SOC sequestration and decreased soil C/N ratios. In WC systems, more negative delta(13)C was associated with higher N rates, indicating increased contribution of wheat (a C(3) plant) residue C relative to corn (a C(4) plant). In WB, N-rate and tillage had no effect on SOC sequestration. Highest rate of SOC sequestration was under WC-NT and when increases in SOC from 1994 to 1999 were annualized was 1.0 and 1.9 Mg SOC yr(-1) in the 0-15- and 15-30-cm depths, respectively. Corresponding SOC in 0-15- and 15-30-cm depths in the WC-CT treatment was 0.2 and 0.6 Mg yr(-1) and amounts in all other treatments were equal or lower than those observed for WC-CT. There was a significant correlation between aboveground crop-residue C produced and amount of SOC sequestered. Results from this study indicate no-till on N-fertilized WC systems can potentially increase SOC sequestration on large areas of irrigated Vertisols in Central Mexico while maintaining high crop yields.
- Authors:
- Paustian,Keith
- Cole,C. Vernon
- Sauerbeck,Dieter
- Sampson,Neil
- Peairs,F. B.
- Bean,B.
- Gossen,B. D.
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 97
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2005
- Summary: The intensification of traditional wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-fallow production systems may have important consequences for management of insects, pathogens, and weeds in Great Plains dryland production systems. Assessment of these consequences is difficult due to the diversity of production systems, environmental conditions, and pests found in the region. Certain pest groups, such as weeds, traditionally controlled during the fallow period, may be favored by intensified cropping while others, such as those specializing on wheat, should be disadvantaged. Changes in pest and disease complexes will likely be evolutionary rather than revolutionary, as has been the case with other significant changes in production practices. Preventive practices in dryland production systems currently emphasize the control of grassy weeds while intensified systems may have less emphasis on the control of volunteer wheat. Crop rotation will remain a key avoidance strategy for pathogens and will help broaden herbicide options. Pest monitoring provides essential information on pest activity and environmental conditions and will become more complex as production systems are intensified. Important suppressive practices for dryland production systems include conservation biological control, tillage, and chemical controls. Chemical control, in particular, is expected to become more complicated due to drift concerns, rotational restrictions, the possible need for herbicide-tolerant crops, and the development of weed populations resistant to glyphosate. Pest management requirements should be considered during cropping system design and establishment.
- Authors:
- Pennock,D. J.
- Farrell,R.
- Desjardins,R. L.
- Pattey,E.
- MacPherson,J. I.
- Source: Canadian Journal of Soil Science
- Volume: 85
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2005
- Summary: One impediment to accurate national estimation of N2O is the difficulty in upscaling N2O measurements made at discrete points to larger field and regional scales. Our objective was to estimate N2O emissions during snowmelt in 2002 for a township (approximately 92 km2) near Laird, Saskatchewan. Chamber measurements were made at 12 sites in the township: four fields with canola (Brassica napus L.) residues, four with pea (Pisum sativum L.) residues, three with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) residues, and one field that received cattle manure. Ten sampling chambers were used at each site, and N2O samples were made on 7 d during the snowmelt period (from 2002 Apr. 03 to Apr. 17). Cumulative N2O emissions during the 14 days of the snowmelt period differed between crop residue types: cumulative emissions from sites with wheat residues were 105.6 g N2O-N ha-1 and were significantly higher (P < 0.1) than those from fields with pea and canola residues (79.6 and 75.2 g N2O-N ha-1 respectively). The single manured site assessed had the highest cumulative emissions of 330.7 g N2O-N ha-1. The crop-specific emissions from the chamber-based measurements were multiplied by the area of each crop type in the township to calculate an area-weighted value for emissions. Cumulative emissions were 93.4 g N2O-N ha-1 for the chamber-based measurements. Water-filled pore space and soil temperature were not significantly correlated with cumulative emissions. Cumulative emissions from sites with fall nitrate levels below 8.0 kg ha-1 were consistently lower than those above this threshold. The emissions for the Laird township were well below the emissions calculated for most other studies in the Prairies and in central Canada. The lower emissions were probably due to low soil water contents and soil nitrate levels in the fall of 2001 and below normal snowfall in the winter of 2001–2002. This reinforces the importance in antecedent moisture conditions and soil N levels for modeling of emissions at snowmelt.