• Authors:
    • Bremer, D.
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: 1) Quantify the magnitude and patterns of nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes in turfgrass; and 2) determine how nitrogen (N)-fertilization rates, N-fertilizer types, and irrigation affect N2O fluxes.
  • Authors:
    • Trettin, C. C.
    • Bliss, N. B.
    • Keller, J. K.
    • Megonigal, J. P.
    • Bridgham, S. D.
  • Source: Wetlands
  • Volume: 26
  • Issue: 4
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: We examine the carbon balance of North American wetlands by reviewing and synthesizing the published literature and soil databases. North American wetlands contain about 220 Pg C, most of which is in peat. They are a small to moderate carbon sink of about 49 Tg C yr(-1), although the uncertainty around this estimate is greater than 100%, with the largest unknown being the role of carbon sequestration by sedimentation in freshwater mineral-soil wetlands. We estimate that North American wetlands emit 9 Tg methane (CH4) yr(-1); however, the uncertainty of this estimate is also greater than 100%. With the exception of estuarine wetlands, CH4 emissions from wetlands may largely offset any positive benefits of carbon sequestration in soils and plants in terms of climate forcing. Historically, the destruction of wetlands through land-use changes has had the largest effects on the carbon fluxes and consequent radiative forcing of North American wetlands. The primary effects have been a reduction in their ability to sequester carbon (a small to moderate increase in radiative forcing), oxidation of their soil carbon reserves upon drainage (a small increase in radiative forcing), and reduction in CH4 emissions (a small to large decrease in radiative forcing). It is uncertain how global changes will affect the carbon pools and fluxes of North American wetlands. We will not be able to predict accurately the role of wetlands as potential positive or negative feedbacks to anthropogenic global change without knowing the integrative effects of changes in temperature, precipitation, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, and atmospheric deposition of nitrogen and sulfur on the carbon balance of North American wetlands.
  • Authors:
    • Hunt, P. G.
    • Novak, J. M.
    • Frederick, J. R.
    • Bauer, P. J.
  • Source: Soil & Tillage Research
  • Volume: 90
  • Issue: 1-2
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: Tillage affects the ability of coarse-textured soils of the southeastern USA to sequester C. Our objectives were to compare tillage methods for soil CO2 flux, and determine if chemical or physical properties after 25 years of conventional or conservation tillage correlated with flux rates. Data were collected for several weeks during June and July in 2003, October and November in 2003, and April to July in 2004 from a tillage study established in 1978 on a Norfolk loamy sand (fine-loamy, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kandiudults). Conventional tillage consisted of disking to a depth of approximately 15 cm followed by smoothing with an S-tined harrow equipped with rolling baskets. Conservation tillage consisted of direct seeding into surface residues. Flux rates in conservation tillage averaged 0.84 g CO2 m-2 h-1 in Summer 2003, 0.36 g CO2 m-2 h-1 in Fall 2003, 0.46 g CO2 m-2 h-1 in Spring 2004, and 0.86 g CO2 m-2 h-1 in Summer 2004. Flux rates from conventional tillage were greater for most measurement times. Conversely, water content of the surface soil layer (6.5 cm) was almost always higher with conservation tillage. Soil CO2 flux was highly correlated with soil water content only in conventional tillage. In conservation tillage, no significant correlations occurred between soil CO2 flux and soil N, C, C:N ratio, pH, bulk density, sand fraction, or clay fraction of the surface 7.5 cm. In conventional tillage, sand fraction was positively correlated, while bulk density and clay fraction were negatively correlated with soil CO2 flux rate, but only when the soil was moist. Long-term conservation tillage management resulted in more uniform within- and across-season soil CO2 flux rates that were less affected by precipitation events.
  • Authors:
    • Marchetti, M.
    • Vitorino, A.
    • Souza, L.
    • Brandt, E.
  • Volume: 30
  • Issue: 5
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: The effects of crop rotation on the performance of soyabean were studied in Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, during 1998, 1999 and 2000. The treatments were: maize/vetch/maize/vetch/soyabean, cotton/oat/cotton/sorghum/soyabean, soyabean/wheat/soyabean/maize/millet/soyabean, maize/grazing turnip/maize/sorghum/soyabean, maize/oat/maize/bean/millet/soyabean, rice/grazing turnip/rice/oat/soyabean, rice/sorghum/rice/bean/millet/soyabean, cotton/wheat/cotton/wheat/soyabean, and cotton/grazing turnip/cotton/oat/soyabean. Dry matter of aerial parts at the full flowering stage, plant height, first pod insertion, number of pods per plant, productivity and 1000-grain mass were evaluated. The rotation system had no significant effects on plant height, first pod insertion, and number of pods per plant. The highest grain yields were obtained under rice/sorghum/rice/bean/millet/soyabean and soyabean/wheat/soyabean/maize/millet/soyabean.
  • Authors:
    • Hons, F.
    • Dou, F.
  • Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
  • Volume: 70
  • Issue: 6
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: Management practices that alter plant residue production and distribution influence SOC (soil organic carbon) dynamics. The objectives of this study were to investigate the impacts of tillage, cropping system, and N fertilizer application on SOC and soil N pools through physical fractionation of a central Texas soil after 20 years. Nitrogen fertilizer application and no-tillage (NT) significantly increased wheat ( Triticum aestivum) straw yield. Compared with conventional tillage (CT), SOC under NT in surface (0-5 cm) samples was 38, 69, and 68% greater for continuous wheat (CW), wheat-soyabean ( Glycine max)-sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor) rotation (SWS), and double-cropped wheat-soyabean (WS), respectively. The greatest SOC was observed in WS under NT with N fertilizer application, and the lowest occurred in CW under CT without N. Increased cropping intensity increased SOC compared with monoculture. Nitrogen fertilizer application only significantly increased SOC sequestration under NT. No-tillage increased SOC concentration in all physical size fractions compared with CT. Increased cropping intensity and N fertilizer application significantly increased SOC sequestration in most size fractions only under NT. Intraparticulate organic matter C (IPOM-C) was proportionally more affected by tillage than total SOC, indicating that this fraction was more sensitive to management. Carbon concentrations in all size fractions were significantly correlated with each other as well as SOC. Our results indicated that NT associated with enhanced cropping intensity and N fertilizer application sequestered greater SOC and soil total N.
  • Authors:
    • Gallagher, L.
    • Armentrout, D.
    • Kratochvil, R.
    • Sardanelli, S.
    • Everts, K.
  • Source: Plant Disease
  • Volume: 90
  • Issue: 4
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: Experiments using soil-incorporated cover crops and amendments of poultry litter (PL) and PL compost to suppress root-knot (RKN) and root-lesion nematodes were conducted in response to increasing nematode populations in Maryland's potato production areas. Identical experiments were established in microplots infested with Meloidogyne incognita or Pratylenchus penetrans. Treatments consisted of 12 3-year rotational sequences comprising potato (year 1) and cucumber (year 2) followed by a moderately RKN-resistant or susceptible soyabean cultivar, castor bean, grain sorghum, or sorghum sudangrass; PL or PL compost were amended to some of the RKN-susceptible soyabean and sorghum sudangrass plots. In the third year of the rotation, potato followed by soyabean was planted in all 12 treatments. The RKN-resistant soyabean, castor bean, sorghum sudangrass, and fallow or tillage decreased the populations of M. incognita compared with microplots where RKN-susceptible soyabean had been grown. However, RKN populations quickly recovered. Root-lesion nematode was reduced in the spring of 2001 following application of high rates of PL and PL compost in 2000. In the fall of 2001, sorghum sudangrass alone or in combination with PL or PL compost, grain sorghum, or fallow or tillage reduced root-lesion nematodes compared with either soyabean cultivar. No treatment affected root-lesion nematode the following year. The use of cover crops and PL compost is an effective method to reduce nematode populations only if successively incorporated into rotational cropping sequences.
  • Authors:
    • Gamero, C.
    • Rodrigues, J.
  • Source: Energia na Agricultura
  • Volume: 21
  • Issue: 4
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: The present study aimed to evaluate the energy demand and the effective field capacity in different soil management systems, and three kinds of vegetal covering for soyabean cultivation. The experiment was carried out at the Lageado Experimental Farm, School of Agronomical Sciences, UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil. The experimental area soil was classified as Red Dystroferric Nitosol. The experiment consisted of nine treatments combining three soil management systems (conventional, reduced and no-tillage) and three vegetal covering (black oats, sorghum and spontaneous vegetation). The experimental design was in randomized blocks, 3*3 factorial scheme with 4 replications, using Tukey's test at 5% to compare means. The soil management systems presented significant differences in the effective field capacity, fuel consumption per hour and operational consumption; the no-tillage system presented the best results, regardless of soil vegetal covering.
  • Authors:
    • Spera, S.
    • Lhamby, J.
    • Santos, H.
  • Source: Ciencia Rural
  • Volume: 36
  • Issue: 1
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: A 6-year (1997/98-2002/03) study was undertaken in Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, to assess the effects of soil tillage systems and crop rotation systems on soyabean grain yield and its components. The treatments comprised 4 soil tillage systems: (1) no-tillage, (2) minimum tillage in winter and no-tillage in summer, (3) conventional tillage with a disc plough in winter and no-tillage in summer, and (4) tillage using a mouldboard plough in winter and no-tillage in summer; and 3 crop rotation systems (I) wheat/soyabean, (II) wheat/soyabean and common vetch [ Vicia sativa]/maize or sorghum, and (III) wheat/soyabean, common vetch/maize or sorghum and white oats/soyabean. The yield and weight of 1000 kernels of soyabean grown under no-tillage and minimum tillage was higher than those grown under conventional soil tillage with a disc plough and a mouldboard plough. Plant height was greater in the no-tillage system. The yield of soyabean grown after wheat in system II was higher than in soyabean grown after white oats and wheat in system III and after wheat in system I. The lowest soyabean yield, grain weight per plant and weight of 1000 kernels were obtained in monoculture (wheat/soyabean).
  • Authors:
    • Avila, A.
    • Spera, S.
    • Lhamby, J.
    • Santos, H.
  • Source: Bragantia
  • Volume: 65
  • Issue: 4
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: The effects of soil management system and winter crop rotation on wheat yield and root diseases were assessed. Four soil management systems: (1) no-tillage, minimum tillage, conventional tillage using a disc plough plus disc harrow, and conventional tillage using a mouldboard plough plus disc harrow; and 3 crop rotation systems: wheat/soyabean, wheat/soyabean and common vetch [ Vicia sativa]/maize or sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor), and wheat/soyabean, white oat/soyabean and common vetch/maize or sorghum, were compared. The yield and plant height of wheat grown under no-tillage and minimum tillage were higher than the yield of wheat grown under conventional soil tillage using either disk plough or mouldboard plough. Weight of 1000 kernels was highest in the no-tillage. Crop rotation was efficient in reducing root diseases and in increasing wheat yield. The lowest wheat yield, grain weight per plant, 1000-kernel weight and test weight were obtained in monoculture (wheat/soyabean).
  • Authors:
    • Boyles, S. B.
    • Nelson, R. G.
    • Rice, C. W.
    • Williams, J. R.
    • Pendell, D. L.
  • Source: Journal of Environmental Quality
  • Volume: 35
  • Issue: 4
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: This study examined the economic potential of no-tillage versus conventional tillage to sequester soil carbon by using two rates of commercial N fertilizer or beef cattle manure for continuous corn (Zea mays L.) production. Yields, input rates, field operations, and prices from an experiment were used to simulate a distribution of net returns for eight production systems. Carbon release values from direct, embodied, and feedstock energies were estimated for each system, and were used with soil carbon sequestration rates from soil tests to determine the amount of net carbon sequestered by each system. The values of carbon credits that provide an incentive for managers to adopt production systems that sequester carbon at greater rates were derived. No-till systems had greater annual soil carbon gains, net carbon gains, and net returns than conventional tillage systems. Systems that used beef cattle manure had greater soil carbon gains and net carbon gains, but lower net returns, than systems that used commercial N fertilizer. Carbon credits would be needed to encourage the use of manure-fertilized cropping systems.