• Authors:
    • Ghosh, P. K.
    • Das, A.
    • Saha, R.
    • Kharkrang, E.
    • Tripathi, A. K.
    • Munda, G. C.
    • Ngachan, S. V.
  • Source: Current Science
  • Volume: 99
  • Issue: 7
  • Year: 2010
  • Summary: Productivity of rainfed monocropping farming system in North Eastern Region of India is low and it is a high economic risk activity. Intensive natural resources mining, continuous degradation of natural resources (soil, water, vegetation) and practice of monocropping under conventional agricultural practices will not ensure farm productivity and food security in the coming years. In order to keep the production system in different land situations sustainable, conservation agriculture based on no-till system is an alternative to reconcile agriculture with its environment and overcome the imposed constraints of climate change and continuous inputs cost. Studies on conservation tillage and residue management in different land situations were conducted during 2006-2009 and they are highlighted in this article. In terrace upland, growing mustard completely on residual moisture following upland rice/maize was possible when it is practised under conservation tillage (crop residue of all crops, including weed biomass incorporated). Similarly, in valley upland, growing second crop of pea in rice fallow is possible if two-thirds or half of rice residues are retained on the soil surface under zero tillage. A long-term study (2006-2009) revealed that double no-till practice in rice-based system is cost-effective, restored soil organic carbon (70.75%), favoured biological activity (46.7%), conserved water and produced yield (49%) higher than conventional tillage. Therefore, conservation tillage practised in terrace upland, valley upland and low-land situations ensured double-cropping, improved farm income and livelihood in rainfed NE India.
  • Authors:
    • Brown, S.
    • Pearson, T.
  • Year: 2010
  • Summary: From exec. summary: ...The purpose of the study was to develop a methodology that could be used to calculate emission reduction offsets from activities associated with nitrogen-based fertilizers in US agriculture. To have credibility in the developing carbon market the methodology would have to accurately represent the impact on the atmosphere and would involve the input of significant site-specific data. Thus the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)'s Tier 1 approach is far from sufficient as it simply multiplies the quantity applied by defaults to calculate emissions. Yet a methodology must not be excessively expensive to implement as it would preclude the possibility of any project being implemented thus direct measurement of nitrous oxide from fields using measurement chambers could not be considered. A methodology was chosen for testing that included site specific information on type of fertilizer, soil carbon concentration, drainage, pH, soil texture and crop type. The highly parameterized, tested and peer-reviewed model DNDC (Denitrification-Decomposition) was used to estimate the "real" atmospheric impact at the test sites. Test sites were chosen in Arkansas (cotton), Iowa (corn) and California (lettuce) for the 2009 growing season.... Neither the IPCC Tier 1 method nor the new method proposed here based on Bouwman et al (2002) are sufficient for an offset project methodology that would be able to evaluate atmospheric impact of a broad range on fertilizer management practices. Therefore alternative approaches must be considered.... This comparison highlighted a further weakness of the simplified models; the simplified models can only evaluate the impacts of changes in quantify of fertilizer applied not in the methods of application....The recommendation arising from this report is to develop an offset methodology based on the application of DNDC for projects. A DNDC methodology will require expertise but atmospheric integrity is better guaranteed, monitoring would likely be inexpensive and costs would be low considering that offset projects are likely to consist of aggregations of large numbers of farms.
  • Authors:
    • Brown, S.
    • Grimland, S.
    • Pearson, T. R. H.
  • Year: 2010
  • Summary: From exec summary: "....The basis of the direct and indirect emission calculations is a detailed empirical model that is discussed in the companion report to this work (hereafter referred to as the modified Bouwman model-MBM). The MBM incorporates various factors including quantity of fertilizer used, type of fertilizer, soil texture and drainage, pH and soil carbon concentration to predict nitrous oxide emissions. The companion report shows that the approach of the MBM is not sufficient at the project level, however, for a broad national analysis the approach is ideal....Our analysis resulted in an estimate of total annual N2O emission of 61 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent for the three crops across the 31 states. Seventy percent of these emissions were from corn fields, 25% from wheat fields and 5% from cotton.
  • Authors:
    • RGGI
  • Volume: 2010
  • Year: 2010
  • Summary: The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) is the first market-based regulatory program in the United States to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. RGGI is a cooperative effort among the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Together, these states have capped and will reduce CO2 emissions from the power sector 10 percent by 2018.
  • Authors:
    • Salas, W.
  • Year: 2010
  • Authors:
    • Eviner, V.
    • Ryals, R.
    • Silver, W. L.
  • Source: Rangeland Ecology & Management
  • Volume: 63
  • Issue: 1
  • Year: 2010
  • Summary: Rangeland ecosystems cover approximately one-third of the land area in the United States and half of the land area of California. This large land area, coupled with the propensity of grasses to allocate a considerable proportion of their photosynthate belowground, leads to high soil carbon (C) sequestration potential. Annual grasslands typical of the Mediterranean climates of the western United States differ in their life history strategies from the well-studied perennial grasslands of other regions and thus may also differ in their soil C pools and fluxes. In this study we use the literature to explore patterns in soil C storage in annual grass-dominated rangelands in California. We show that soil C is highly predictable with depth. Cumulative soil C content increased to 2-3-m depth in rangelands with a woody component and to at least 1-m depth in open rangelands. Soil C within a given depth varied widely, with C content in the top 1-m depth spanning almost 200 Mg C·ha-1 across sites. Soil C pools were not correlated with temperature or precipitation at a regional scale. The presence of woody plants increased C by an average of 40 Mg·ha-1 in the top meter of soil. Grazed annual grasslands had similar soil C content as ungrazed grassland at all depths examined, although few details on grazing management were available. Soil C pools were weakly positively correlated with clay content and peaked at intermediated levels of aboveground net primary production. Our results suggest that annual grasslands have similar soil C storage capacity as temperate perennial grasslands and offer an important resource for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.
  • Authors:
    • van Groenigen, K. J.
    • van Kessel, C.
    • Oenema, O.
    • Velthof, G. L.
    • van Groenigen, J. W.
  • Source: European Journal of Soil Science
  • Volume: 61
  • Issue: 6
  • Year: 2010
  • Summary: Agricultural soils are the main anthropogenic source of nitrous oxide (N2O), largely because of nitrogen (N) fertilizer use. Commonly, N2O emissions are expressed as a function of N application rate. This suggests that smaller fertilizer applications always lead to smaller N2O emissions. Here we argue that, because of global demand for agricultural products, agronomic conditions should be included when assessing N2O emissions. Expressing N2O emissions in relation to crop productivity (expressed as above-ground N uptake: "yield-scaled N2O emissions") can express the N2O efficiency of a cropping system. We show how conventional relationships between N application rate, N uptake and N2O emissions can result in minimal yield-scaled N2O emissions at intermediate fertilizer-N rates. Key findings of a meta-analysis on yield-scaled N2O emissions by non-leguminous annual crops (19 independent studies and 147 data points) revealed that yield-scaled N2O emissions were smallest (8.4 g N2O-N kg-1N uptake) at application rates of approximately 180-190 kg Nha-1 and increased sharply after that (26.8 g N2O-N kg-1 N uptake at 301 kg N ha-1). If the above-ground N surplus was equal to or smaller than zero, yield-scaled N2O emissions remained stable and relatively small. At an N surplus of 90 kg N ha-1 yield-scaled emissions increased threefold. Furthermore, a negative relation between N use efficiency and yield-scaled N2O emissions was found. Therefore, we argue that agricultural management practices to reduce N2O emissions should focus on optimizing fertilizer-N use efficiency under median rates of N input, rather than on minimizing N application rates.
  • Authors:
    • Horwath, W. R.
    • Rolston, D. E.
    • Kallenbach, C. M.
  • Source: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
  • Volume: 137
  • Issue: 3
  • Year: 2010
  • Summary: Agricultural management practices such as subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) and winter legume cover cropping (WLCC) influence soil water dynamics as well as carbon and nitrogen cycling, potentially changing emission rates of soil CO2 and N2), principal greenhouse gases. A split plot tomato field trial in California's Central Valley was used to evaluate the use of SDI and WLCC on event-based CO2 and N2O emissions. SDI and WLCC were compared to the region's more conventional practices: furrow irrigation (FI) and no cover crop (NCC). Our results indicate that SDI offers the potential to manage cover crops without the significant increases in greenhouse gas production during the growing season as seen under FI cover-cropped systems. The highest N2O emissions occurred during the beginning of the rainy season in November in the FI-WLCC treatment(5 mg m-2 h-1) and the lowest in August in the SDI-NCC treatments (4.87 [micro]g m-2 h-1). CO2 emissions under WLCC were 40% and 15% greater compared to NCC under FI and SDI, respectively. The treatment with the greatest effect on CO2 and N2O emissions was WLCC, which increased average growing season N2O and CO2 emissions under FI by 60 [micro]g N2O m-2 h-1 and 425 mg CO2 m-2 h-1 compared to NCC. In SDI there was no effect of a cover crop on growing season CO2 and N2O emissions. In the rainy season, however, SDI N2O and CO2 emissions were not different from FI. In the rainy season, the cover crop increased N2O emissions in SDI only and increased CO2 emissions only under FI. Subsurface drip shows promise in reducing overall N2O emissions in crop rotations with legume cover crops.
  • Authors:
    • López-Bellido, L.
    • López-Bellido, F. J.
    • Fontán, J. M.
    • López-Bellido, R. J.
  • Source: Agronomy Journal
  • Volume: 102
  • Issue: 1
  • Year: 2010
  • Summary: Our objective was to determine the effect of tillage system, crop rotation, and N fertilization on soil organic carbon (SOC) storage in the 0- to 90-cm profile in a long-term (20-yr) experiment established in 1986 on a rainfed Mediterranean Vertisol in southern Spain. The treatments studied were: conventional tillage (CT) vs. no-tillage (NT); five crop rotations: wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) (WC), wheat-sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) (WS), wheat-bare fallow (WF), wheat-faba-bean (Vicia faba L.) (WFB), and continuous wheat (WW); and N fertilizer applied at four rates (0, 50, 100, and 150 kg N ha(-1)). The SOC content of soil samples was determined in 1995,1997,2000,2003, and 2006 for four different soil layers (0-15, 15-30, 30-60, and 60-90 cm). The application of N fertilizer did not influence SOC sequestration. The other treatments showed a gradual increase of total SOC content over time, although there were no differences between some consecutive years. The SOC accumulation was higher for 30- to 60- and 60- to 90-cm depths than other depths due to characteristic cracks of Vertisol. Over the 20 yr of the study, WW and WFB sequestered 21 and 15 Mg C ha(-1) more under NT than under CT, respectively. The other crop rotations did not show any difference in C sequestration between NT and CT. Under CT, WS sequestered more SOC than other rotations, while under NT, WW and WFB sequestered more SOC. In general, the crop rotation intensification and NT had a positive effect over time on SOC sequestration in this rainfed Mediterranean Vertisol.
  • Authors:
    • Paré, D.
    • Angers, D. A.
    • Laganière, J.
  • Source: Global Change Biology
  • Volume: 16
  • Issue: 1
  • Year: 2010
  • Summary: Deforestation usually results in significant losses of soil organic carbon (SOC). The rate and factors determining the recovery of this C pool with afforestation are still poorly understood. This paper provides a review of the influence of afforestation on SOC stocks based on a meta-analysis of 33 recent publications (totaling 120 sites and 189 observations), with the aim of determining the factors responsible for the restoration of SOC following afforestation. Based on a mixed linear model, the meta-analysis indicates that the main factors that contribute to restoring SOC stocks after afforestation are: previous land use, tree species planted, soil clay content, preplanting disturbance and, to a lesser extent, climatic zone. Specifically, this meta-analysis (1) indicates that the positive impact of afforestation on SOC stocks is more pronounced in cropland soils than in pastures or natural grasslands; (2) suggests that broadleaf tree species have a greater capacity to accumulate SOC than coniferous species; (3) underscores that afforestation using pine species does not result in a net loss of the whole soil-profile carbon stocks compared with initial values (agricultural soil) when the surface organic layer is included in the accounting; (4) demonstrates that clay-rich soils (>33%) have a greater capacity to accumulate SOC than soils with a lower clay content (<33%); (5) indicates that minimizing preplanting disturbances may increase the rate at which SOC stocks are replenished; and (6) suggests that afforestation carried out in the boreal climate zone results in small SOC losses compared with other climate zones, probably because trees grow more slowly under these conditions, although this does not rule out gains over time after the conversion. This study also highlights the importance of the methodological approach used when developing the sampling design, especially the inclusion of the organic layer in the accounting.