- Authors:
- Labreuche, J.
- Gréhan, E.
- Merckx, R.
- Oorts, K.
- Nicolardot, B.
- Source: Soil & Tillage Research
- Volume: 95
- Issue: 1/2
- Year: 2007
- Summary: The greenhouse gases CO 2 and N 2O emissions were quantified in a long-term experiment in northern France, in which no-till (NT) and conventional tillage (CT) had been differentiated during 32 years in plots under a maize-wheat rotation. Continuous CO 2 and periodical N 2O soil emission measurements were performed during two periods: under maize cultivation (April 2003-July 2003) and during the fallow period after wheat harvest (August 2003-March 2004). In order to document the dynamics and importance of these emissions, soil organic C and mineral N, residue decomposition, soil potential for CO 2 emission and climatic data were measured. CO 2 emissions were significantly larger in NT on 53% and in CT on 6% of the days. From April to July 2003 and from November 2003 to March 2004, the cumulated CO 2 emissions did not differ significantly between CT and NT. However, the cumulated CO 2 emissions from August to November 2003 were considerably larger for NT than for CT. Over the entire 331 days of measurement, CT and NT emitted 3160269 and 4064138 kg CO 2-C ha -1, respectively. The differences in CO 2 emissions in the two tillage systems resulted from the soil climatic conditions and the amounts and location of crop residues and SOM. A large proportion of the CO 2 emissions in NT over the entire measurement period was probably due to the decomposition of old weathered residues. NT tended to emit more N 2O than CT over the entire measurement period. However differences were statistically significant in only half of the cases due to important variability. N 2O emissions were generally less than 5 g N ha -1 day -1, except for a few dates where emission increased up to 21 g N ha -1 day -1. These N 2O fluxes represented 0.800.15 and 1.320.52 kg N 2O-N ha -1 year -1 for CT and NT, respectively. Depending on the periods, a large part of the N 2O emissions occurred was probably induced by nitrification, since soil conditions were not favorable for denitrification. Finally, for the period of measurement after 32 years of tillage treatments, the NT system emitted more greenhouses gases (CO 2 and N 2O) to the atmosphere on an annual basis than the CT system.
- Authors:
- Soil Management Technical Working Group
- Soussana,J. -F
- Loiseau,P.
- Vuichard,N.
- Ceschia,E.
- Balesdent,J.
- Chevallier,T.
- Arrouays,D.
- Source: Soil Use and Management
- Volume: 20
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2004
- Summary: Abstract. Temperate grasslands account for c. 20% of the land area in Europe. Carbon accumulation in grassland ecosystems occurs mostly below ground and changes in soil organic carbon stocks may result from land use changes (e.g. conversion of arable land to grassland) and grassland management. Grasslands also contribute to the biosphere atmosphere exchange of non-CO2 radiatively active trace gases, with fluxes intimately linked to management practices. In this article, we discuss the current knowledge on carbon cycling and carbon sequestration opportunities in temperate grasslands. First, from a simple two-parameter exponential model fitted to literature data, we assess soil organic carbon fluxes resulting from land use change (e.g. between arable and grassland) and from grassland management. Second, we discuss carbon fluxes within the context of farming systems, including crop grass rotations and farm manure applications. Third, using a grassland ecosystem model (PaSim), we provide estimates of the greenhouse gas balance, in CO2 equivalents, of pastures for a range of stocking rates and of N fertilizer applications. Finally, we consider carbon sequestration opportunities for France resulting from the restoration of grasslands and from the de-intensification of intensive livestock breeding systems. We emphasize major uncertainties concerning the magnitude and non-linearity of soil carbon stock changes in agricultural grasslands as well as the emissions of N2O from soil and of CH4 from grazing livestock.
- Authors:
- Wiemken, A.
- Boller, T.
- Mader, P.
- Ineichen, K.
- Sieverding, E.
- Oehl, F.
- Source: Applied and Environmental Microbiology
- Volume: 69
- Issue: 5
- Year: 2003
- Summary: The impact of land use intensity on the diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) was investigated at eight sites in the "three-country corner" of France, Germany, and Switzerland. Three sites were low-input, species-rich grasslands. Two sites represented low- to moderate-input farming with a 7-year crop rotation, and three sites represented high-input continuous maize monocropping. Representative soil samples were taken, and the AMF spores present were morphologically identified and counted. The same soil samples also served as inocula for "AMF trap cultures" with Plantago lanceolata, Trifolium pratense, and Lolium perenne. These trap cultures were established in pots in a greenhouse, and AMF root colonization and spore formation were monitored over 8 months. For the field samples, the numbers of AMF spores and species were highest in the grasslands, lower in the low- and moderate-input arable lands, and lowest in the lands with intensive continuous maize monocropping. Some AMF species occurred at all sites ("generalists"); most of them were prevalent in the intensively managed arable lands. Many other species, particularly those forming sporocarps, appeared to be specialists for grasslands. Only a few species were specialized on the arable lands with crop rotation, and only one species was restricted to the high-input maize sites. In the trap culture experiment, the rate of root colonization by AMF was highest with inocula from the permanent grasslands and lowest with those from the high-input monocropping sites. In contrast, AMF spore formation was slowest with the former inocula and fastest with the latter inocula. In conclusion, the increased land use intensity was correlated with a decrease in AMF species richness and with a preferential selection of species that colonized roots slowly but formed spores rapidly.
- Authors:
- Hunt, H. W.
- Elliott, E. T.
- Six, J.
- Paustian, K.
- Source: Biogeochemistry
- Volume: 48
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2000
- Summary: Crop-based agriculture occupies 1.7 billion hectares, globally, with a soil C stock of about 170 Pg. Of the past anthropogenic CO2 additions to the atmosphere, about 50 Pg C came from the loss of soil organic matter (SOM) in cultivated soils. Improved management practices, however, can rebuild C stocks in agricultural soils and help mitigate CO2 emissions. Increasing soil C stocks requires increasing C inputs and/or reducing soil heterotrophic respiration. Management options that contribute to reduced soil respiration include reduced tillage practices (especially no-till) and increased cropping intensity. Physical disturbance associated with intensive soil tillage increases the turnover of soil aggregates and accelerates the decomposition of aggregate-associated SOM. No-till increases aggregate stability and promotes the formation of recalcitrant SOM fractions within stabilized micro- and macroaggregate structures. Experiments using 13C natural abundance show up to a two-fold increase in mean residence time of SOM under no-till vs intensive tillage. Greater cropping intensity, i.e., by reducing the frequency of bare fallow in crop rotations and increasing the use of perennial vegetation, can increase water and nutrient use efficiency by plants, thereby increasing C inputs to soil and reducing organic matter decomposition rates. Management and policies to sequester C in soils need to consider that: soils have a finite capacity to store C, gains in soil C can be reversed if proper management is not maintained, and fossil fuel inputs for different management practices need to be factored into a total agricultural CO2 balance.