- Authors:
- Gary, C.
- Ripoche, A.
- Celette, F.
- Source: Agricultural Water Management
- Volume: 97
- Issue: 11
- Year: 2010
- Summary: The introduction of cover crops in vineyards is being tested as it mitigates some undesirable environmental impacts of these cropping systems, such as surface runoff and soil erosion. In some cases, it could even reduce an excessive vegetative vigour of grapevine. However, most of time, wine growers are worried that severe competition for soil resources between the intercrop and grapevines could impair grape yield and quality. WaLIS (Water baLance for Intercropped Systems), a simple model simulating the water resource partitioning in such an association was designed to evaluate and optimize the water regime in intercropped systems. The model is presented and evaluated in this paper in three situations: the same grapevine cultivar (cv. Aranel) with either bare soil, or a temporary intercrop (barley) or a permanent intercrop (tall fescue). All three situations are located in the south of France. It is based on an existing model, designed to simulate the water regime of a bare soil vineyard, which was adapted to take into account the specific features of intercropped systems. Hence it includes a two-compartment representation of the soil particularly adapted to row crops. The simulation of a grass cover growth and its transpiration were added. Finally, particular importance was dedicated to the simulation of surface runoff which was the main source of the original model deviation during the winter period and made difficult multi-year simulations. Now, the model appears to be able to evaluate perennial cropping systems and provide decision support. The WaLIS model simulated the water available for both grapevine and intercrop well, and it proved to be efficient in most of the tested situations and years. The modelling of the water stress experienced by both crops was also generally good and all water fluxes simulated by the model were realistic. The main observed deviation in the simulation of the water soil content occurred during winter, i.e. outside the grapevine growth period. It was very likely due to the use of a constant parameter value for the surface runoff which did not take into account of changes in the soil surface and their effects on water infiltration. Finally, the analysis of sensitivity made on the WaLIS model showed that it is robust and sensitive to a few parameters, which drive the maximal grapevine transpiration and soil evaporation or are linked to the surface runoff simulation. The work also revealed how a good estimate of the total soil water available for each crop is crucial. This model, easy to use and parameterise, can provide sound management advice for designing valuable intercropped cropping systems.
- Authors:
- Petit, S.
- Bretagnolle, V.
- Dessaint, F.
- Chauvel, B.
- Gaba, S.
- Source: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
- Volume: 138
- Issue: 3-4
- Year: 2010
- Summary: There is empirical evidence that landscape composition and structure can affect the distribution and long-term dynamics of the organisms that live in it. Weeds are no exception and in this paper, we investigated how weed richness and diversity in 123 winter wheat fields within a small agricultural region were affected by the landscape surrounding each field (radii ranging from 100 to 1000 m) and the field properties such as its size and the preceding crop. Landscape was described by its proportion (cover of spring crops, winter crops, woodland, grassland, set-aside) and its structure (number of fields, number of land use types). Akaike criterion-based models indicated that variations in weeds were best explained at the 200 m radius. At that scale, hierarchical partitioning shows that the independent contributions of field level and landscape level variables were significant for two variables. Weed richness and weed diversity increased significantly as field size decreased and as the number of fields within 200 m increased. This suggests that weed richness and diversity are higher in landscapes that have a finer grain, probably because these landscapes offer more habitat heterogeneity within cultivated areas and contain more crop edges that can shelter many weed species.(C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- Authors:
- Issue: 202
- Year: 2010
- Summary: There are many studies proving the favourable effects of grass covers on the workings of the soil and on the polluting potential of the pesticides. They are described here, but uncertainties still remain. A synthesis of the studies in progress shows that grass covers (either in the crop rotation or as particular strips) first decreases the amounts of pesticides to be used per hectare, and moreover reduces the transfer of substances to places outside the farmed area by delaying the start of run-offs and by improving the infiltration and retention of the contaminating substances. The risk of pollution of the underground waters may also be diminished, according to the efficiency of the retention and bio-degradation processes, which occur mainly in the upper horizons. The questions regarding the fate of the stabilized residues, the evolution of the degradation processes, and the possible uptake of the pesticides by the grass vegetation are as yet but little studied.
- Authors:
- Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space
- Year: 2009
- Summary: The DNDC model is a process-base model of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) biogeochemistry in agricultural ecosystems. This document describes how to use the PC Windows versions of the DNDC model for predicting crop yield, C sequestration, nitrate leaching loss, and emissions of C and N gases in agroecosystems. Part I provides a brief description of the model structure with relevant scientific basis. Part II describes how to install the model. Part III and IV demonstrate how to conduct simulations with the site and regional versions of DNDC, respectively. Part V provides basic information for uncertainty analysis with DNDC. Part VI contains six case studies demonstrating the input procedures for simulating crop yield, soil C dynamics, nitrate leaching loss, and trace gas emissions. A list of relevant publications is included in Part VII. These publications provide more information about the scientific background and applications of DNDC far beyond this User's Guide. DNDC9.3 can run in two modes: site or regional. By selecting the mode, the users will open a corresponding interface to manage their input information for the modeled site or region.
- Authors:
- Doré, T.
- Lucas, P.
- Faloya, V.
- Montfort, F.
- Motisi, N.
- Source: Field Crops Research
- Volume: 113
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2009
- Summary: Biofumigation is increasingly viewed as a potentially useful technique for controlling soil-borne crop pathogens, but its efficacy has not systematically been demonstrated at field scale. We investigated the differences in efficacy observed in the field, by analysing the mechanisms by which a Brassica cover crop can act as a biofumigant crop in the prevention of soil-borne disease development. We hypothesised that the biofumigant crop might have a negative effect on soil-borne pathogens whilst growing, and that the pulverisation of this crop and the incorporation of its residues into the soil may enhance this effect. We tested this hypothesis by carrying out three field experiments in 2006, 2007 and 2008 in which Brassica juncea (brown mustard) was managed in different ways within a sugar beet-winter wheat rotation and analysing effects on sugar beet root rot caused by Rhizoctonia solani. Three treatments were studied: mustard pulled out at flowering (MP), mustard crushed at flowering and incorporated into the soil (MC) and bare soil (BS) as a control. We assessed the effect of each treatment on root rot incidence and severity at harvest. Over the 3 years of the experiment, disease incidence was significantly higher on BS plots than on the other plots and was significantly higher on MP plots than on MC plots. MC treatment gave a significantly lower mean conditional severity (severity calculated for diseased beets only) than the BS and MP treatments. Mustard residue incorporation was consistently effective at decreasing disease incidence from year to year (43, 44 and 47% efficacy, as determined by comparison with the disease incidence on BS plots, in 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively), but the efficacy of growing mustard was variable (36, 16 and 39% efficacy in 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively). These findings provide insight into the mechanisms by which biofumigant crops may affect soil-borne diseases. These findings have implications for the possible use of biofumigant crops as a biological method for controlling soil-borne diseases at the field scale. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- Authors:
- Eriksen-Hamel, N. S.
- Angers, D. A.
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 72
- Issue: 5
- Year: 2008
- Summary: While the adoption of no-till (NT) usually leads to the accumulation of soil organic C (SOC) in the surface soil layers, a number of studies have shown that this effect is sometimes partly or completely offset by greater SOC content near the bottom of the plow layer under full-inversion tillage (FIT). Our purpose was to review the literature in which SOC profiles have been measured under paired NT and FIT situations. Only replicated and randomized studies directly comparing NT and FIT for >5 yr were considered. Profiles of SOC had to be measured to at least 30 cm. As expected, in most studies SOC content was significantly greater (P < 0.05) under NT than FIT in the surface soil layers. At the 21- to 25-cm soil depth, however, which corresponds to the mean plowing depth for the data set (23 cm), the average SOC content was significantly greater under FIT than NT. Moreover, under FIT, greater SOC content was observed just below the average depth of plowing (26-35 cm). On average, there was 4.9 Mg ha(-1) more SOC under NT than FIT (P = 0.03). Overall, this difference in favor of NT increased significantly but weakly with the duration of the experiment (R-2 = 0.15, P = 0.05). The relative accumulation of SOC at depth under FIT could not be related to soil or climatic variables. Furthermore, the organic matter accumulating at depth under FIT appeared to be present in relatively stable form, but this hypothesis and the mechanisms involved require further investigation.
- Authors:
- Nicolardot, B.
- Labreuche, J.
- Grehan, E.
- Merckx, R.
- Oorts, K.
- Source: Soil & Tillage Research
- Volume: 95
- Issue: 1-2
- Year: 2007
- Summary: The greenhouse gases CO2 and N2O emissions were quantified in a long-term experiment in northern France, in which no-till (NT) and conventional tillage (CT) had been differentiated during 32 years in plots under a maize-wheat rotation. Continuous CO2 and periodical N2O soil emission measurements were performed during two periods: under maize cultivation (April 2003-July 2003) and during the fallow period after wheat harvest (August 2003-March 2004). In order to document the dynamics and importance of these emissions, soil organic C and mineral N, residue decomposition, soil potential for CO2 emission and climatic data were measured. CO2 emissions were significantly larger in NT on 53% and in CT on 6% of the days. From April to July 2003 and from November 2003 to March 2004, the cumulated CO2 emissions did not differ significantly between CT and NT. However, the cumulated CO2 emissions from August to November 2003 were considerably larger for NT than for CT. Over the entire 331 days of measurement, CT and NT emitted 3160 +/- 269 and 4064 +/- 138 kg CO2-C ha(-1) respectively. The differences in CO2 emissions in the two tillage systems resulted from the soil climatic conditions and the amounts and location of crop residues and SOM. A large proportion of the CO2 emissions in NTover the entire measurement period was probably due to the decomposition of old weathered residues. NT tended to emit more N2O than CTover the entire measurement period. However differences were statistically significant in only half of the cases due to important variability. N2O emissions were generally less than 5 g N ha(-1) day(-1), except for a few dates where emission increased up to 21 g N ha(-1) day(-1). These N2O fluxes represented 0.80 +/- 0.15 and 1.32 +/- 0.52 kg N2O-N ba(-1) year(-1) for CT and NT, respectively. Depending on the periods, a large part of the N2O emissions occurred was probably induced by nitrification, since soil conditions were not favorable for denitrification. Finally, for the period of measurement after 32 years of tillage treatments, the NT system emitted more greenhouses gases (CO2 and N2O) to the atmosphere on an annual basis than the CT system. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- Authors:
- Valentini, R.
- Tubaf, Z.
- Sutton, M.
- Manca, G.
- Stefani, P.
- Skiba, U.
- Rees, R. M.
- Baronti, S.
- Raschi, A.
- Neftel, A.
- Nagy, Z.
- Martin, C.
- Kasper, G.
- Jones, M.
- Horvath, L.
- Hensen, A.
- Fuhrer, J.
- Flechard, C.
- Domingues, R.
- Czobel, S.
- Clifton-Brown, J.
- Ceschia, E.
- Campbell, C.
- Amman, C.
- Ambus, P.
- Pilegaard, K.
- Allard, V.
- Soussana, J. F.
- Source: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
- Volume: 121
- Issue: 1-2
- Year: 2007
- Summary: The full greenhouse gas balance of nine contrasted grassland sites covering a major climatic gradient over Europe was measured during two complete years. The sites include a wide range of management regimes (rotational grazing, continuous grazing and mowing), the three main types of managed grasslands across Europe (sown, intensive permanent and semi-natural grassland) and contrasted nitrogen fertilizer supplies. At all sites, the net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2 was assessed using the eddy covariance technique. N2O emissions were monitored using various techniques (GC-cuvette systems, automated chambers and tunable diode laser) and CH4 emissions resulting from enteric fermentation of the grazing cattle were measured in situ at four sites using the SF6 tracer method. Averaged over the two measurement years, net ecosystem exchange (NEE) results show that the nine grassland plots displayed a net sink for atmospheric CO2 of -240 +/- 70 g C m(-2) year(-1) (mean confidence interval at p > 0.95). Because of organic C exports (from cut and removed herbage) being usually greater than C imports (from manure spreading), the average C storage (net biome productivity, NBP) in the grassland plots was estimated at -104 +/- 73 g cm(-2) year(-1) that is 43% of the atmospheric CO2 sink. On average of the 2 years, the grassland plots displayed annual N2O and CH4 (from enteric fermentation by grazing cattle) emissions, in CO2-C equivalents, of 14 +/- 4.7 and 32 +/- 6.8 g CO2-C equiv. m(-2) year(-1), respectively. Hence, when expressed in CO2-C equivalents, emissions of N2O and CH4 resulted in a 19% offset of the NEE sink activity. An attributed GHG balance has been calculated by subtracting from the NBP: (i) N2O and CH4 emissions occurring within the grassland plot and (ii) off-site emissions of CO2 and CH4 as a result of the digestion and enteric fermentation by cattle of the cut herbage. On average of the nine sites, the attributed GHG balance was not significantly different from zero (-85 +/- 77 g CO2-C equiv. m(-2) year(-1)).
- Authors:
- Tourdonnet, S. D.
- Carof, M.
- Coquet, Y.
- Hallaire, V.
- Roger-Estrade, J.
- Source: Soil Use and Management
- Volume: 23
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2007
- Summary: We studied soil hydraulic conductivity (K) and porosity in five combinations of soil tillage and cover crop management systems. Treatments were winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown on a conventionally tilled soil (CT), on a no-till soil (NT), and on an NT with three different cover crops: red fescue (Festuca rubra L.; Fr), bird's-foot-trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.; Lc) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.; Ms). Measurements were made on a loamy soil in Grignon, France, in November 2004, May 2005 and October 2005. K and mean size of hydraulically active pores were measured in situ at three water potentials (22120.6, 22120.2 and 22120.05 kPa) at the soil surface and at 10 cm depth. In November 2004 and May 2005, pore space was described using 2D image analysis of pores on undisturbed soil samples in the 0201310 cm layer and in the 10201320 cm layer. The major differences were caused by soil tillage that created two heterogeneous soil layers and increased K in the 0201310Â cm layer relative to NT. The effects of cover crop on K and porosity were not affected by the root type: there were no major differences between the grass cover crop (fibrous-root type) and the leguminous ones (tap-root type). However, we recorded larger functional pores and more tubules in the no-till treatments with a cover crop, compared with the no-till treatment without cover crop; this was probably the result of root activity. Although these changes generally did not result in larger values of K, they participated in the maintenance of soil structure and K over time.
- Authors:
- Labreuche, J.
- Thiébeau, P.
- Mary, B.
- Laurent, F.
- Oorts, K.
- Nicolardot, B.
- Source: Soil & Tillage Research
- Volume: 94
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Soil N mineralization was quantified in two long-term experiments in northern France, in which no-till (NT) and conventional tillage (CT) had been differentiated for 33 years (Site 1) and 12 years (Site 2). Both sites had the same soil type but differed in crop rotation. N mineralization kinetics were assessed in situ in bare soil in both systems for 254 days (Site 1) and 555 days (Site 2) by taking frequent measurements of water and nitrate contents from soil layers and using the LIXIM calculation model. The N mineralization potential was also determined in soil samples incubated under controlled laboratory conditions. Small or non-significant differences in water and nitrate contents between NT and CT were apparent within the soil profiles on both sites. Net mineralization did not differ significantly between sites or tillage treatments. The amount of N mineralized from August 2003 to April 2004 was 6710 kg N ha -1 on Site 1 and 745 kg N ha -1 on Site 2, and 1616 kg N ha -1 from August 2003 to February 2005 on Site 2. The kinetics of N mineralization versus normalized time (equivalent time at constant temperature of 15degreesC and water content at field capacity) were linear during the shorter period (254 days corresponding to 120 normalized days). The slope (N mineralization rate) did not differ significantly between treatments and sites, and the average rate was 0.570.05 kg N ha -1 nd -1. The kinetics were non-linear on Site 2 over the longer period (555 days corresponding to 350 normalized days). They could be fitted to an exponential model with a slope at the origin of 0.62 kg N ha -1 nd -1. The N mineralization kinetics obtained in laboratory incubations for 120-150 normalized days were also almost linear with no significant differences between treatments. Assuming that mineralization took place in the ploughed layer (in CT) or over the same soil mass (in NT) they were in good agreement with the kinetics determined in situ on both sites. The calculated water drainage below the sampled profile was slightly greater in NT due to lower evaporation. The calculated leached N was slightly higher in NT than CT on Site 1, but did not differ between treatments on Site 2. It is concluded that N mineralization and leaching in NT and CT were similar, despite large differences in N distribution within the soil profile and a slight difference in organic N stock.