- Authors:
- Ferro, C. A. T.
- Challinor, A. J.
- Fricker, T. E.
- Hawkins, E.
- Osborne,T. M.
- Ho, C. K.
- Source: Global Change Biology
- Volume: 19
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2013
- Summary: Improved crop yield forecasts could enable more effective adaptation to climate variability and change. Here, we explore how to combine historical observations of crop yields and weather with climate model simulations to produce crop yield projections for decision relevant timescales. Firstly, the effects on historical crop yields of improved technology, precipitation and daily maximum temperatures are modelled empirically, accounting for a nonlinear technology trend and interactions between temperature and precipitation, and applied specifically for a case study of maize in France. The relative importance of precipitation variability for maize yields in France has decreased significantly since the 1960s, likely due to increased irrigation. In addition, heat stress is found to be as important for yield as precipitation since around 2000. A significant reduction in maize yield is found for each day with a maximum temperature above 32°C, in broad agreement with previous estimates. The recent increase in such hot days has likely contributed to the observed yield stagnation. Furthermore, a general method for producing near-term crop yield projections, based on climate model simulations, is developed and utilized. We use projections of future daily maximum temperatures to assess the likely change in yields due to variations in climate. Importantly, we calibrate the climate model projections using observed data to ensure both reliable temperature mean and daily variability characteristics, and demonstrate that these methods work using retrospective predictions. We conclude that, to offset the projected increased daily maximum temperatures over France, improved technology will need to increase base level yields by 12% to be confident about maintaining current levels of yield for the period 2016-2035; the current rate of yield technology increase is not sufficient to meet this target.
- Authors:
- Jayet, P.-A.
- Castell, J.-F.
- Szopa, S.
- Clerino, P.
- Leconte-Demarsy, D.
- Humblot, P.
- Volume: 85
- Year: 2013
- Summary: As a result of anthropogenic activities, ozone is produced in the surface atmosphere, causing direct damage to plants and reducing crop yields. By combining a biophysical crop model with an economic supply model we were able to predict and quantify this effect at a fine spatial resolution. We applied our approach to the very varied French case and showed that ozone has significant productivity and land-use effects. A comparison of moderate and high ozone scenarios for 2030 shows that wheat production may decrease by more than 30% and barley production may increase by more than 14% as surface ozone concentration increases. These variations are due to the direct effect of ozone on yields as well as to modifications in land use caused by a shift toward more ozone-resistant crops: our study predicts a 16% increase in the barley-growing area and an equal decrease in the wheat-growing area. Moreover, mean agricultural gross margin losses can go as high as 2.5% depending on the ozone scenario, and can reach 7% in some particularly affected regions. A rise in ozone concentration was also associated with a reduction of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions of about 2%, as a result of decreased use of nitrogen fertilizers. One noteworthy result was that major impacts, including changes in land use, do not necessarily occur in ozone high concentration zones, and may strongly depend on farm systems and their adaptation capability. Our study suggests that policy makers should view ozone pollution as a major potential threat to agricultural yields. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- Authors:
- Thomas,Amy R. C.
- Bond,Alan J.
- Hiscock,Kevin M.
- Source: Global Change Biology Bioenergy
- Volume: 5
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2013
- Summary: Reduction in energy sector greenhouse gas GHG emissions is a key aim of European Commission plans to expand cultivation of bioenergy crops. Since agriculture makes up 1012% of anthropogenic GHG emissions, impacts of land-use change must be considered, which requires detailed understanding of specific changes to agroecosystems. The greenhouse gas (GHG) balance of perennials may differ significantly from the previous ecosystem. Net change in GHG emissions with land-use change for bioenergy may exceed avoided fossil fuel emissions, meaning that actual GHG mitigation benefits are variable. Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycling are complex interlinked systems, and a change in land management may affect both differently at different sites, depending on other variables. Change in evapotranspiration with land-use change may also have significant environmental or water resource impacts at some locations. This article derives a multi-criteria based decision analysis approach to objectively identify the most appropriate assessment method of the environmental impacts of land-use change for perennial energy crops. Based on a literature review and conceptual model in support of this approach, the potential impacts of land-use change for perennial energy crops on GHG emissions and evapotranspiration were identified, as well as likely controlling variables. These findings were used to structure the decision problem and to outline model requirements. A process-based model representing the complete agroecosystem was identified as the best predictive tool, where adequate data are available. Nineteen models were assessed according to suitability criteria, to identify current model capability, based on the conceptual model, and explicit representation of processes at appropriate resolution. FASSET, ECOSSE, ANIMO, DNDC, DayCent, Expert-N, Ecosys, WNMM and CERES-NOE were identified as appropriate models, with factors such as crop, location and data availability dictating the final decision for a given project. A database to inform such decisions is included.
- Authors:
- Jamont,Marie
- Piva,Guillaume
- Fustec,Joelle
- Source: Plant and Soil
- Volume: 371
- Issue: 1-2
- Year: 2013
- Summary: Legume-brassica intercrops may help to reduce N fertilizer input. We tested whether (i) intercropping with faba bean can improve N status of rapeseed, and (ii) root complementarity and/or N transfer is involved in such performance. Pre-germinated rapeseed and faba bean were grown either together or in monospecific rhizotrons (2 plants per rhizotron). Root growth was recorded. N rhizodeposition of the crops and N transferred between species were assessed using a N-15 stem-labelling method. Intercropped rapeseeds accumulated 20 % higher amounts of N per plant than monocultures. Up to 32 days after sowing, root distribution in the rhizotrons was favourable to physical sharing of the soil N: 64 % of faba bean root length was located in the upper part, as 70 % was in the lower part for rapeseed. At late flowering of the faba bean (52 days after sowing), N rhizodeposition of the two crops were similar and reached 8 to 9 % of the plant N. N transferred from the faba bean to the rapeseed was similar to that transferred from the rapeseed to the faba bean. Niche complementarity benefits more intercropped rapeseed than net N fluxes between species in the early growth.
- Authors:
- Moriondo,M.
- Jones,G. V.
- Bois,B.
- Dibari,C.
- Ferrise,R.
- Trombi,G.
- Bindi,M.
- Source: Climatic Change
- Volume: 119
- Issue: 3-4
- Year: 2013
- Summary: This research simulates the impact of climate change on the distribution of the most important European wine regions using a comprehensive suite of spatially informative layers, including bioclimatic indices and water deficit, as predictor variables. More specifically, a machine learning approach (Random Forest, RF) was first calibrated for the present period and applied to future climate conditions as simulated by HadCM3 General Circulation Model (GCM) to predict the possible spatial expansion and/or shift in potential grapevine cultivated area in 2020 and 2050 under A2 and B2 SRES scenarios. Projected changes in climate depicted by the GCM and SRES scenarios results in a progressive warming in all bioclimatic indices as well as increasing water deficit over the European domain, altering the climatic profile of each of the grapevine cultivated areas. The two main responses to these warmer and drier conditions are 1) progressive shifts of existing grapevine cultivated area to the north-northwest of their original ranges, and 2) expansion or contraction of the wine regions due to changes in within region suitability for grapevine cultivation. Wine regions with climatic conditions from the Mediterranean basin today (e.g., the Languedoc, Provence, Ctes Rhne M,ridionales, etc.) were shown to potentially shift the most over time. Overall the results show the potential for a dramatic change in the landscape for winegrape production in Europe due to changes in climate.
- Authors:
- Roger-Estrade, J.
- Basch, G.
- Moreno, F.
- Soane, B. D.
- Ball, B. C.
- Arvidsson, J.
- Source: Soil & Tillage Research
- Volume: 118
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Recent literature on no-till is reviewed with particular emphasis on research on commercial uptake and environmental concerns in northern, western and south-western Europe. Increased interest in no-till, and minimum or reduced tillage, results from changes in the economic circumstances of crop production, the opportunity to increase the area of more profitable autumn-sown crops and increased concern about environmental damage associated with soil inversion by ploughing. Highly contrasting soil and climate types within and between these regions exert a strong influence on the success of no-till. While no-till may often result in crop yields which equal or exceed those obtained after ploughing, modest reductions in yield may be tolerated if production costs are lower than with ploughing. The relative costs of fuel and herbicides have changed appreciably in recent years making no-till more attractive commercially. While effective weed control is an essential aspect of no-till, current herbicide technology may not yet fully achieve this. In northern regions no-till usually allows earlier drilling of winter-sown crops but will give lower soil temperature and higher moisture content in spring, causing delayed drilling of spring-sown crops. No-till soils have greater bulk density and bearing capacity than ploughed soils with a pronounced vertical orientation of macroporosity allowing penetration of roots and water, especially in view of the increased population of deep-burrowing earthworms. Particular care must be taken with no-till to minimise soil damage at harvest and to ensure the even distribution of crop residues prior to drilling. Reduced erosion and runoff after adoption of no-till are widely observed and are of particular importance in southwestern Europe. No-till reduces losses of phosphorus in runoff and, in some cases, reduces the loss of nitrate through leaching. Emissions of greenhouse gases CO 2 and N 2O from no-till soils are highly variable and depend on complex interactions of soil properties. Emission of CO 2 from fuel during machinery usage is always appreciably reduced with no-till. Increased soil organic carbon in surface layers of no-till soils is widely found but may not be associated with increased carbon sequestration throughout the profile. The evaluation of the relative carbon balance for no-till and ploughing depends upon complex inter-relationships between soil and climate factors which are as yet poorly understood. Adoption of no-till could be encouraged by government financial assistance in recognition of environmental benefits, although future restrictions on the use of herbicides may be a deterrent. Opportunities for further research on no-till are outlined.
- Authors:
- Gaillard, B.
- Foissy, D.
- Dorvillez, D.
- Carrouee, B.
- Boucheny, P.
- Biarnes, V.
- Bedoussac, L.
- Baranger, E.
- Al-Rifai, M.
- Naudin, C.
- Corre-Hellou, G.
- Makowski, D.
- Bazot, M.
- Pelzer, E.
- Guichard, L.
- Mansard, M.
- Omon, B.
- Prieur, L.
- Yvergniaux, M.
- Justes, E.
- Jeuffroy, M.
- Source: European Journal of Agronomy
- Volume: 40
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Intensive agriculture ensures high yields but can cause serious environmental damages. The optimal use of soil and atmospheric sources of nitrogen in cereal-legume mixtures may allow farmers to maintain high production levels and good quality with low external N inputs, and could potentially decrease environmental impacts, particularly through a more efficient energy use. These potential advantages are presented in an overall assessment of cereal-legume systems, accounting for the agronomic, environmental, energetic, and economic performances. Based on a low-input experimental field network including 16 site-years, we found that yields of pea-wheat intercrops (about 4.5 Mg ha -1 whatever the amount of applied fertiliser) were higher than sole pea and close to conventionally managed wheat yields (5.4 Mg ha -1 on average), the intercrop requiring less than half of the nitrogen fertiliser per ton of grain compared to the sole wheat. The land equivalent ratio and a statistical analysis based on the Price's equation showed that the crop mixture was more efficient than sole crops particularly under unfertilised situations. The estimated amount of energy consumed per ton of harvested grains was two to three times higher with conventionally managed wheat than with pea-wheat mixtures (fertilised or not). The intercrops allowed (i) maintaining wheat grain protein concentration and gross margin compared to wheat sole crop and (ii) increased the contribution of N 2 fixation to total N accumulation of pea crop in the mixture compared to pea sole crop. They also led to a reduction of (i) pesticide use compared to sole crops and (ii) soil mineral nitrogen after harvest compared to pea sole crop. Our results demonstrate that pea-wheat intercropping is a promising way to produce cereal grains in an efficient, economically sustainable and environmentally friendly way.
- Authors:
- Mezencev, N.
- Collet, J. M.
- Monot, C.
- Source: Acta Horticulturae
- Issue: 942
- Year: 2012
- Summary: The development of a model for the prediction of the risk appearance of downy mildew on Artichoke ( Bremia lactucae) was based on a biological model close to the Guntz and Divoux's one established on potatoes. The model uses simple meteorological data (relative humidity of air, hourly temperatures and rainfalls) and includes user's data (treatments, irrigation, stage of the crop and variety). The first year of the model fittings showed a good visualization of the real epidemic. Laboratory tests refine our knowledge about the life cycle and, associated to field observations, will allow to quantify more precisely the models parameters.
- Authors:
- Bergheaud, V.
- Benoit, P.
- Alletto, L.
- Coquet, Y.
- Source: Pest Management Science
- Volume: 68
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2012
- Summary: BACKGROUND: Sorption largely controls pesticide fate in soils because it influences its availability for biodegradation or transport in the soil water. In this study, variability of sorption and desorption of isoxaflutole (IFT) and its active metabolite diketonitrile (DKN) was investigated under conventional and conservation tillage. RESULTS: According to soil samples, IFT KD values ranged from 1.4 to 3.2 L kg -1 and DKN KD values ranged from 0.02 to 0.17 L kg -1. Positive correlations were found between organic carbon content and IFT and DKN sorption. IFT and DKN sorption was higher under conservation than under conventional tillage owing to higher organic carbon content. Under conservation tillage, measurements on maize and oat residues collected from the soil surface showed a greater sorption of IFT on plant residues than on soil samples, with the highest sorbed quantities measured on maize residues ( KD ~45 L kg -1). Desorption of IFT was hysteretic, and, after five consecutive desorptions, between 72 and 89% of the sorbed IFT was desorbed from soil samples. For maize residues, desorption was weak (
- Authors:
- Zumbuhl, H. J.
- Nussbaumer, S. U.
- Volume: 111
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Historical and proxy records document that there is a substantial asynchronous development in temperature, precipitation and glacier variations between European regions during the last few centuries. The causes of these temporal anomalies are yet poorly understood. Hence, highly resolved glacier reconstructions based on historical evidence can give valuable insights into past climate, but they exist only for few glaciers worldwide. Here, we present a new reconstruction of length changes for the Glacier des Bossons (Mont Blanc massif, France), based on unevaluated historical material. More than 250 pictorial documents (drawings, paintings, prints, photographs, maps) as well as written accounts have been critically analysed, leading to a revised picture of the glacier's history, especially from the mid-eighteenth century up to the 1860s. Very important are the drawings by Jean-Antoine Linck, Samuel Birmann and EugSne Viollet-le Duc, which depict meticulously the glacier's extent during the vast advance and subsequent retreat during the nineteenth century. The new glacier reconstruction extends back to AD 1580 and proves maxima of the Glacier des Bossons around 1610/1643, 1685, 1712, 1777, 1818, 1854, 1892, 1921, 1941, and 1983. The Little Ice Age maximum extent was reached in 1818. Until the present, the glacier has lost about 1.5 km in length, and it is now shorter than at any time during the reconstruction period. The Glacier des Bossons reacts faster than the nearby Mer de Glace (glacier reconstruction back to AD 1570 available). The Mont Blanc area is, together with the valley of Grindelwald in the Swiss Alps (two historical glacier reconstructions available back to AD 1535, and 1590, respectively), among the two regions that are probably best-documented in the world regarding historical glacier data.