- Authors:
- Healy, K.
- Reichstein, I.
- Murray, B.
- Source: 9th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection -- New Chemicals and Food Residues
- Year: 2006
- Summary: The National Residue Survey (NRS) is an operational unit of the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. NRS has managed and operated residue testing programs (including meat products and grains) for over 40 years. The NRS Grains Residue Testing Program is fully industry funded via a 0.015% ad valorem levy on grain growers. This Residue Testing Program complements that undertaken by grain marketers/handlers from grower receivals to bulk storage. Noting that NRS does not have a regulatory role, the Grains Program is viewed as providing independent verification of the residue status of Australian grain at the point of out-turn for export and for receival at grain processors such as flour mills. The Grains Program covers wheat, barley, oat, sorghum, canola, field pea, chickpea and lupin. By 2007, it is expected to extend to all tradeable grains including lentil, soybean, maize, triticale, sunflower, mung bean and faba/broad bean. Each year, the Grains Program is independently reviewed and a prospective monitoring plan circulated to the Grains Council of Australia and State affiliates, and peak grain industry bodies for endorsement. The Grains Program monitoring plan specifies that approximately 5,500 grain samples are collected per annum from export shipments and containers, flour mills, feedmills, feedlots and maltsters. About 4,000 samples are collected from export shipments where every hatch of every ship from every Australian grain export terminal is sampled during loading. The monitoring plan stipulates that samples be sent to an accredited proficiency-tested laboratory and residue testing results reported to the grain marketer/handler within 14 days of sample collection. Grain samples are subjected to a chemical screen covering a range of insecticides, fungicides and environmental contaminants. These residue testing results are reported against Australian MRLs established by Food Standards Australia and New Zealand.
- Authors:
- Roostalu, H.
- Astover, A.
- Vasiliev, N.
- Matveev, E.
- Source: Agronomy Research
- Volume: 4
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2006
- Summary: For analysing agronomic efficiency and economic criteria, the results of variety comparison tests of cereals, performed in Estonia during twenty years, national statistics and the data of the survey of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) for 2000-2003 were summarised. Farms whose grain production contributed more than 75% to total output were selected for analysis. At present only -40-50% of the real yield potential of cereals is realised. In case of oilseed rape the utilisation of the yield potential is 60-65%. Among the cereals, the largest share is accounted for by barley with 25-43% and wheat with 15-29%. During four years (2000-2003), total inputs increased 21%. Total inputs were the highest in large farms. As an average for 2000-2003 FADN grain producers were profitable in all size groups but consideration of total labour costs indicates that small grain farms were unprofitable. Average farm family income was 1,376 EEK ha(-1). There is a non-linear relationship between farm size and economic indicators. Farm family income increases up to similar to 400 ha. The increase is most significant in the size range 40-200 ha where the increase in farm size by one hectare increases profit by 7.6 EEK ha(-1). Further increase will decelerate profit and the most efficient use of labour occurs in this size range as well. Cost benefit is the highest for farm size ranging from similar to 150 to 400 ha. Profit decreases with the increase in one annual work unit by 508 EEK ha(-1) and production becomes unprofitable in case a grain farm employs more than 2.6 workers per 100 ha.
- Authors:
- Garbuio, F. J.
- Barth, G.
- Caires, E. F.
- Source: Soil & Tillage Research
- Volume: 89
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2006
- Summary: Brazil has extensive pasturelands that could be used, in part, for grain production. A no-till system was established on pastureland to obtain a suitable method for liming upon conversion from pasture to a no-till cropping system. The study was conducted during the period from 1998 to 2003, in Parana State (Brazil), on a clayey, kaolinitic, thermic Rhodic Hapludox. Soil chemical properties and grain production were evaluated after application of dolomitic lime. The experimental treatments were: control (no lime), split application of lime on the surface (three yearly applications of 1.5 t ha -1), surface lime (4.5 t ha -1), and incorporated lime (4.5 t ha -1). The lime rate was calculated to raise the base saturation in the topsoil (0-0.20 m) to 70%. The cropping sequence was: soyabean ( Glycine max L. Merril), barley ( Hordeum distichum L.), soyabean, wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.), soyabean, corn ( Zea mays L.), and soyabean. When surface-applied, liming neutralized acidity and increased exchangeable Ca 2++Mg 2+ to a depth of 0.10 m, and to a depth of 0.20 m, when incorporated. Split application of lime on the surface resulted in a slower neutralization reaction only in the first year after liming. Soil pH increased with liming and resulted in a decline of exchangeable Al 3+ and an increase in base saturation. At 0-0.05 m depth, lime incorporation resulted in lower levels of soil organic matter than surface application. It took 4-5 years after lime incorporation for soil organic matter to return to its baseline value. Liming increased grain yield in only one crop of soyabean, and only when lime was surface-applied at the full rate. However, cumulative grain yield was higher with liming than in the control treatment (no lime), regardless of the application method. Surface application of lime, at either full or split rates, was the best alternative to neutralize soil acidity when establishing a no-till system on pastureland because, in addition to conserving soil structure, it provided a greater economic return.
- Authors:
- Source: Review of agricultural experiments 2006. Trials and research in the agronomy sector.
Oversigt over Landsfors<o>gene 2006. Fors<o>g og unders<o>gelser i de land<o>konomiske foreninger.
- Year: 2006
- Summary: The organization and aims of the 'Landsforsgene', the collective name for the body that coordinates agricultural experiments in Denmark, are described. The growing season 2005-2006 in Denmark was characterized by long periods of severe drought in summer that resulted in lower crop yields, although the economic effect was mitigated to some extent by higher prices. Separate sections of the review deal with winter barley, winter rye, triticale, winter wheat, spring barley, oats, spring wheat, various seed crops, field seeds, winter rape, manures and calcium treatments, growing techniques, organic farming, potatoes, sugar beet, grass and green fodder crops, maize, plant breeding, general information on experimental design and aims, and a list of authors.
- Authors:
- Leuning, R.
- Baigent, R.
- Eckard, R.
- Barker-Reid, F.
- Phillips, F.
- Gates, W.
- Kelly, K.
- Galbally, I. E.
- Meyer, C. P.
- Weeks, I. A.
- Source: Greenhouse 2005: action on climate change
- Year: 2005
- Authors:
- Ahuja, L. R.
- Westfall, D. G.
- Peterson, G. A.
- Sherrod, L. A.
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 69
- Issue: 5
- Year: 2005
- Summary: Previous studies of no-till management in the Great Plains have shown that increased cropping intensity increased soil organic carbon (SOC). The objectives of this study were to (i) determine which soil C pools (active, slow, and passive) were impacted by cropping intensity after 12 yr of no-till across potential evapotranspiration (PET) and slope position gradients; (ii) relate C pool sizes to the levels found in total SOC; and (iii) determine C pool sizes relative to C levels found in a grass treatment (G). Cropping systems were wheat (Triticum aestivum)-fallow (WIT), wheat-corn (Zea mays L.)-fallow (WCF), wheat-corn-millet (Panicum miliaceum)-fallow (WCMF), and continuous cropping (CC) at three PET sites in Colorado. Active C (Soil microbial biomass C [SMBC]); and slow pool C (particulate organic matter C; POM-C) increased as cropping intensity increased, dependent on PET. Passive C (mineral associated organic C [MAOC]) was strongly influenced by a site-by-slope position interaction but not by cropping system. Toeslope soils had 35% higher POM-C compared with summits and sideslopes. All C pools were strongly correlated with total SOC, with the variability decreasing as C pool turnover time increased. Carbon pool sizes in cropping systems relative to levels found in G were independently influenced by cropping system. The highest were found in the CC system, which had 91, 78, and 90% of the amounts of C found in the perennial G system in the active, slow, and passive C pools, respectively.
- Authors:
- Source: Environment International
- Volume: 31
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2005
- Summary: Reducing and off-setting anthropogenic emissions of CO, and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) are important strategies of mitigating the greenhouse effect. Thus, the need for developing carbon (C) neutral and renewable sources of energy is more than ever before. Use of crop residue as a possible source of feedstock for bioenergy production must be critically and objectively assessed because of its positive impact on soil C sequestration.. soil quality maintenance and ecosystem functions. The amount of crop residue produced in the US is estimated at 367x10(6) Mg/year for 9 cereal crops, 450x10(6) Mg/year for 14 cereals and legumes, and 488x10(6) Mg/year for 21 crops. The amount of crop residue produced in the world is estimated at 2802x10(6) Mg/year for cereal crops, 3107x10(6) Mg/year for 17 cereals and legumes, and 3758x10(6) Mg/year for 27 food crops. The fuel value of the total annual residue produced is estimated at 1.5x10(15) kcal, about 1 billion barrels (bbl) of diesel equivalent, or about 8 quads for the US; and 11.3x10(15) kcal, about 7.5 billion bbl of diesel or 60 quads for the world. However, even a partial removal (30-40%) of crop residue from land can exacerbate soil erosion hazard, deplete the SOC pool, accentuate emission of CO, and other GHGs from soil to the atmosphere, and exacerbate the risks of global climate change. Therefore, establishing bioenergy plantations of site-specific species with potential of producing 10-15 Mg biomass/year is an option that needs to be considered. This option will require 40-60 million hectares of land in the US and about 250 million hectares worldwide to establish bioenergy plantations. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
- Authors:
- Schuman, G. E.
- Gollany, H. T.
- Ellert, B. H.
- Reeder, J. D.
- Morgan, J. A.
- Liebig, M. A.
- Source: Soil & Tillage Research
- Volume: 83
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2005
- Summary: Concern over human impact on the global environment has generated increased interest in quantifying agricultural contributions to greenhouse gas fluxes. As part of a research effort called GRACEnet (Greenhouse Gas Reduction through Agricultural Carbon Enhancement Network), this paper summarizes available information concerning management effects on soil organic carbon (SOC) and carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), and methane (CH4) fluxes in cropland and rangeland in northwestern USA and western Canada, a region characterized by its inherently productive soils and highly variable climate. Continuous cropping under no-tillage in the region increased SOC by 0.27 ± 0.19 Mg C ha-1 yr-1, which is similar to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimate for net annual change in C stocks from improved cropland management. Soil organic C sequestration potential for rangelands was highly variable due to the diversity of plant communities, soils, and landscapes, underscoring the need for additional long-term C cycling research on rangeland. Despite high variability, grazing increased SOC by 0.16 ± 0.12 Mg C ha-1 yr-1 and converting cropland or reclaimed mineland to grass increased SOC by 0.94 ± 0.86 Mg C ha-1 yr-1. Although there was generally poor geographical coverage throughout the region with respect to estimates of N2O and CH4 flux, emission of N2O was greatest in irrigated cropland, followed by non-irrigated cropland, and rangeland. Rangeland and non-irrigated cropland appeared to be a sink for atmospheric CH4, but the size of this sink was difficult to determine given the few studies conducted. Researchers in the region are challenged to fill the large voids of knowledge regarding CO2, N2O, and CH4 flux from cropland and rangeland in the northwestern USA and western Canada, as well as integrate such data to determine the net effect of agricultural management on radiative forcing of the atmosphere.
- Authors:
- Massheder, J.
- Smith, P.
- Wright, J.
- Smith, K. A.
- Smith, J.
- Flynn, H. C.
- Source: Global Change Biology
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 9
- Year: 2005
- Summary: The current Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) default methodology (tier 1) for calculating nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from nitrogen applied to agricultural soils takes no account of either crop type or climatic conditions. As a result, the methodology omits factors that are crucial in determining current emissions, and has no mechanism to assess the potential impact of future climate and land-use change. Scotland is used as a case study to illustrate the development of a new methodology, which retains the simple structure of the IPCC tier 1 methodology, but incorporates crop- and climate-dependent emission factors (EFs). It also includes a factor to account for the effect of soil compaction because of trampling by grazing animals. These factors are based on recent field studies in Scotland and elsewhere in the UK. Under current conditions, the new methodology produces significantly higher estimates of annual N2O emissions than the IPCC default methodology, almost entirely because of the increased contribution of grazed pasture. Total emissions from applied fertilizer and N deposited by grazing animals are estimated at 10 662 tN2O-Nyr-1 using the newly derived EFs, as opposed to 6 796 tN2O-Nyr-1 using the IPCC default EFs. On a spatial basis, emission levels are closer to those calculated using field observations and detailed soil modelling than to estimates made using the IPCC default methodology. This can be illustrated by parts of the western Ayrshire basin, which have previously been calculated to emit 8-9 kgN2O-Nha-1yr-1 and are estimated here as 6.25-8.75 kgN2O-Nha-1yr-1, while the IPCC default methodology gives a maximum emission level of only 3.75 kgN2O-Nha-1 yr-1 for the whole area. The new methodology is also applied in conjunction with scenarios for future climate- and land-use patterns, to assess how these emissions may change in the future. The results suggest that by 2080, Scottish N2O emissions may increase by up to 14%, depending on the climate scenario, if fertilizer and land management practices remain unchanged. Reductions in agricultural land use, however, have the potential to mitigate these increases and, depending on the replacement land use, may even reduce emissions to below current levels.
- Authors:
- Drenovsky, R. E.
- Whisson, D. A.
- Scow, K. M
- Ingels, C. A.
- Source: American Journal of Enology and Viticulture
- Volume: 56
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2005
- Summary: Several cover crop mixes were planted in a winegrape vineyard in Sacramento County to test their effects on vine growth, production, juice composition, soil microbial ecology, and gopher activity over a three-year period (1998 to 2000). The trial was conducted in a Vitis vinifera L. cv. Merlot vineyard on a silt loam soil. Vines were planted in 1993 on 5BB rootstock, spaced 2.1 x 3.4 m. The mixes used were: California native perennial grass (no-till), annual clover (no-till), green manure (disked), cereals (disked), and disked control. Cover crops were planted on either side of entire rows, with a disked alley separating treatment replicates. A 1.2-m herbicide strip was maintained under the vines. Drip irrigation and fertigation were applied uniformly across all treatments, but additional nitrogen fertilizer was applied to the grass mixes. Weed biomass increased in the clover mix but decreased in the native grass mix. Grapevine petiole nitrogen content was highest in the bell bean mix and very low in the native grass mix. There were very few differences in leaf water potential or pruning weights of the vines, and in yields or juice Brix, pH, or titratable acidity in any year. Cover-cropped soils had greater microbial biomass than disked or berm soils, and the no-till mixes had greater microbial biomass than the disked mixes. Gophers were very numerous in 1999 only, with nearly all activity exclusively in the clover mix.