- Authors:
- Huffman, T.
- Coote, D. R.
- Green, M.
- Source: Canadian Journal of Soil Science
- Volume: 92
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Agricultural soils that are covered by vegetation or crop residue are less susceptible to degradation by wind and water erosion, organic matter depletion, structural degradation and declining fertility. In general, perennial crops, higher yields, reduced tillage and continuous cropping provide more soil cover than annual crops, lower yields, intensive tillage, residue harvesting and fallowing. This study presents a model for estimating the number of days in a year that the soil surface is protected and demonstrates its application on the Canadian prairies over the period from 1981 to 2006. Over the 25-yr study period, the average soil cover on Canadian prairie soils increased by 4.8% overall. The improvement came primarily as a result of widespread adoption of no-till and a decline in the use of summerfallow, but the gains were offset to a great deal by a shift from higher-cover crops such as wheat, oats and barley to more profitable but lower-cover crops such as canola, soybeans and potatoes. The implication of these trends is that, even though protection of prairie agricultural soils has improved over the past 25 yr, soil cover could decline dramatically over the next several decades if crop changes continue, the adoption of conservation tillage reaches a peak and residue harvesting for biofuels becomes more common.
- Authors:
- Huffman, T.
- Green, M.
- Coote, D.
- Source: Canadian Journal of Soil Science
- Volume: 92
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Agricultural soils that are covered by vegetation or crop residue are less susceptible to degradation by wind and water erosion, organic matter depletion, structural degradation and declining fertility. In general, perennial crops, higher yields, reduced tillage and continuous cropping provide more soil cover than annual crops, lower yields, intensive tillage, residue harvesting and fallowing. This study presents a model for estimating the number of days in a year that the soil surface is protected and demonstrates its application on the Canadian prairies over the period from 1981 to 2006. Over the 25-yr study period, the average soil cover on Canadian prairie soils increased by 4.8% overall. The improvement came primarily as a result of widespread adoption of no-till and a decline in the use of summerfallow, but the gains were offset to a great deal by a shift from higher-cover crops such as wheat, oats and barley to more profitable but lower-cover crops such as canola, soybeans and potatoes. The implication of these trends is that, even though protection of prairie agricultural soils has improved over the past 25 yr, soil cover could decline dramatically over the next several decades if crop changes continue, the adoption of conservation tillage reaches a peak and residue harvesting for biofuels becomes more common.
- Authors:
- Ruzibaev, E.
- Akramkhanov, A.
- Lamers, J. P. A.
- McDonald, A.
- Mirzabaev, A.
- Ibragimov, N.
- Kienzler, K. M.
- Egamberdiev, O.
- Source: Field Crops Research
- Volume: 132
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Rainfed and irrigated agricultural systems have supported livelihoods in the five Central Asian countries (CAC) for millennia, but concerns for sustainability and efficient use of land and water resources are long-standing. During the last 50 years, resource conserving technologies were introduced in large parts of the rainfed areas while the irrigated areas were expanded largely without considering resource conservation. In more recent years, the use of conservation agriculture (CA) practices has been reported for the different agricultural production (AP) zones in CAC, albeit centering on a single AP zone or on single factors such as crop yield, implements or selected soil properties. Moreover, conflicting information exists regarding whether the current practices that are referred to as 'CA' can indeed be defined as such. Overall information on an application of CA-based crop management in Central Asia is incomplete. This discussion paper evaluates experimental evidence on the performance of CA and other resource conserving technologies in the three main AP zones of CAC, provides an overview of farmer adoption of production practices related to CA, and outlines technical and non-technical challenges and opportunities for the future dissemination of CA practices in each zone. Agronomic (e.g. implements, crop yields, duration. and crop residues), institutional (e.g. land tenure) and economic (e.g. short vs. long-term profitability) perspectives are considered. At present, adoption of CA-based agronomic practices in the rainfed production zone is limited to partial crop residue retention on the soil surface or sporadically zero tillage for one crop out of the rotation, and hence the use of single CA components but not the full set of CA practices. In the irrigated AP zones, CA is not commonly practiced and many of the pre-conditions that typically encourage the rapid spread of CA practices appear to be absent or limiting. Further, our analysis suggests that given the diversity of institutional, socio-economic and agro-ecological contexts, a geographically differentiated approach to CA dissemination is required in the CAC. Immediate priorities should include a shift in research paradigms (e.g. towards more participatory approaches with farmers), development of commercially available reduced and no-till seeders suitable for smaller-scale farm enterprises, and advocacy so that decision makers understand how different policies may encourage or discourage innovations that lead towards more sustainable agricultural intensification in the CAC.
- Authors:
- Lamso, N. D.
- Guéro, Y.
- Tittonell, P.
- Lahmar, R.
- Bationo, B. A.
- Source: Field Crops Research
- Volume: 132
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Low inherent fertility of tropical soils and degradation, nutrient deficiency and water stress are the key factors that hamper rainfed agriculture in semi-arid West Africa. Conservation Agriculture (CA) is currently promoted in the region as a technology to reduce soil degradation, mitigate the effect of droughts and increase crop productivity while reducing production costs. CA relies on the simultaneous use of three practices: (1) minimum or zero-tillage; (2) maintenance of a permanent soil cover and; (3) diversified profitable crop rotation. The most prominent aspect of CA for degraded lands in the semi-arid tropics would be the organic soil cover that impacts on the soil water balance, biological activity, soil organic matter build-up and fertility replenishment. Yet, the organic resources are the most limiting factor in Sahelian agroecosystems due to low biomass productivity and the multiple uses of crop residues, chiefly to feed the livestock. Hence, CA as such may hardly succeed in the current Sahelian context unless alternative sources of biomass are identified. Alternatively, we propose: (1) to gradually rehabilitate the biomass production function of the soil through increased nutrient input and traditional water harvesting measures that have been promoted as "soil and water conservation" technologies in the Sahel, e.g. zai, in order to restore soil hydrological properties as prerequisite to boosting biomass production; (2) to encourage during this restorative phase the regeneration of native evergreen multipurpose woody shrubs (NEWS) traditionally and deliberately associated to crops and managed the year around and; (3) to shift to classical, less labour intensive CA practices once appropriate levels of soil fertility and water capture are enough to allow increased agroecosystem primary productivity (i.e., an active 'aggradation' phase followed by one of conservation). The CA systems we propose for the Sahelian context are based on intercropping cereal crops and NEWS building on traditional technologies practiced by local farmers. Traditionally, NEWS are allowed to grow in croplands during the dry season; they reduce wind erosion, trap organic residues and capture the Harmattan dust, influence the soil hydraulics and favour soil biological activity under their canopies. They are coppiced at the end of the dry season, leaves and twigs remain as mulch while branches are collected for domestic fuel and other uses. Shoots re-sprouting during the rainy season are suppressed as weeds. Such CA systems have limited competition with livestock due to the poor palatability of the shrub green biomass, which may increase their acceptance by smallholders. Such aggradation-conservation strategy is not free of challenges, as it may imply initial soil disturbance that entail important labour investments, substantially change the structure and management of the cropping system (annual crop-perennial plant), and lead to emerging tradeoffs in the use of resources at different scales. This paper offers a state of the art around NEWS and their integration in relay intercropping CA systems, discusses the above mentioned challenges and the main research needs to address them.
- Authors:
- Lollato, R. P.
- Lollato, M. A.
- Edwards, J. T.
- Source: Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
- Volume: 67
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2012
- Authors:
- Luna, J. M.
- Mitchell, J. P.
- Shrestha, A.
- Source: Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems
- Volume: 27
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Organic farming has been historically dependent on conventional tillage operations to convert perennial pasture leys to annual crop rotations, incorporate crop residues, compost and cover crops, as well as to mechanically kill existing vegetation. Conventional tillage, however, has long been known to lead to soil degradation and erosion. A recently developed no-till organic production system that uses a roller-crimper technology to mechanically kill cover crops was evaluated in two states in the western United States. In Washington, pumpkins ( Cucurbita spp.) grown in a no-till roller-crimper (NT-RC) system produced yields 80% of conventional tillage, but with fewer weeds. However, in California on-farm research trials in organic cotton ( Gossypium barbadense L.), tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), eggplant ( Solanum melongena L.) and cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.), the no-till system produced virtual crop failure, or yields less than 20% of the standard production method. The major problems associated with rolled cover crops in California included reduced crop seedling emergence, planter impediment with excessive residue, lack of moisture and delay in transplanting of vegetable crops due to continued growth of cover crops, in-season crop competition from cover crop regrowth and impracticability of using cultivators. Further, excessive dry residue during summer in California can present the risk of fire. In both California and Oregon, considerable success has been demonstrated with zone tillage (strip tillage) in conventionally produced field and vegetable crops. In a replicated Oregon trial, the organic strip tillage treatment produced 85% of the broccoli ( Brassica oleracea L.) yield compared to a conventional tillage treatment. Our studies suggest that the zone tillage concept may offer opportunities to overcome many of the agronomic challenges facing no-till.
- Authors:
- Mailapalli, D. R.
- Horwath, W. R.
- Wallender, W. W.
- Burger, M.
- Source: Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
- Volume: 138
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Development of best management practices (BMPs) such as conservation tillage and winter cover crop to mitigate runoff and reduce dissolved chemicals in irrigation runoff is an important objective for controlling surface water pollution attributable to agricultural activities. In this study, the effect of standard tillage (ST), ST with winter cover cropping (STCC), and no-till (NT) management practices on infiltration, runoff, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export from furrow-irrigated fields of 244-m length was investigated for summer 2007 and 2008 irrigations. The practices were implemented for 2 years. The average surface residue cover was 11, 44, and 32% for ST, STCC, and NT, respectively, for 2007 and 11, 59, and 61%, respectively, in the following year of the study. Two irrigations in each year were considered for the analysis. The runoff samples were collected from each tillage treatment using ISCO autosamplers at regular time intervals. The infiltration and runoff were estimated using a volume balance model (VBM) by considering a 0.2-m irrigation requirement. Converting from ST to STCC increased the infiltration by 14 and 43% and reduced the runoff by 48 and 43% in 2007 and 2008 irrigations, respectively; whereas, converting ST to NT enhanced the infiltration by 4% in both years and decreased the runoff by 19 and 23% in 2007 and 2008 irrigations, respectively. The authors observed only slightly higher DOC concentrations in STCC, but there was a 24% increase for NT in 2007 irrigations, and both compared to with ST ranged from 3.98 to 5.46 mg/L. The DOC concentration was not significantly different among the treatments in 2008 irrigations (3.48 to 4.6 mg/L). Combining the runoff and DOC concentration effects, the DOC export for STCC was decreased by 55% in both years; whereas, it was decreased by 4 and 27% for NT in 2007 and 2008 irrigations, respectively, compared with ST. Although STCC and NT have higher concentrations, the reduction in export in these treatments is attributable to lower runoff. These results suggest that DOC export can be controlled with STCC practice. No-till showed the same trend, although these results must be confirmed after extended implementation of this practice.
- Authors:
- Moriasi, D.
- Steiner, J. L.
- Starks, P. J.
- Saleh, A.
- Osei, E.
- Source: Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
- Volume: 67
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2012
- Summary: No-till farming has been identified as an important conservation practice with potential to improve soil quality and protect water quality. However, adoption of new tillage and production practices is determined by numerous economic and noneconomic factors in addition to land stewardship. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of fuel costs and crop yield on farm-level economics in no-till systems in comparison with other tillage systems for wheat production in southwestern Oklahoma. The Farm-level Economic Model, an annual economic simulation model, was used in conjunction with survey data from the Fort Cobb Reservoir Watershed in southwestern Oklahoma to determine impacts of alternative tillage practices on farm profits. Sensitivity analysis was performed using plausible ranges in diesel prices, winter wheat grain yields, herbicide costs, labor wages, and farm size. The results indicate that if winter wheat grain yields are not significantly impacted by tillage systems, no-till would be more profitable than conventional tillage or the current mix of tillage practices in the watershed. Only when there is a significant wheat yield penalty associated with no-till (10% or greater) might no-till be less profitable than conventional tillage or the status quo at reasonably high fuel prices. In general, for each 1% improvement in wheat yields under no-till relative to conventional tillage, no-till farm profits improve by US$7 ha -1 (US$3 ac -1) on farms that produce only winter wheat and an average of US$2.50 ha -1 (US$1 ac -1) if averaged across all farms in the Fort Cobb Reservoir Watershed, including those that do not produce winter wheat. The study also finds that higher diesel prices, higher labor wages, lower herbicide costs, and smaller farm sizes are all relatively advantageous to no-till.
- Authors:
- Ugarte, D. G. de la T.
- English, B. C.
- Roberts, R. K.
- Larson, J. A.
- Toliver, D. K.
- West, T. O.
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 104
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2012
- Summary: This research evaluated differences in yields and associated downside risk from using no-till and tillage practices. Yields from 442 paired tillage experiments across the United States were evaluated with respect to six crops and environmental factors including geographic location, annual precipitation, soil texture, and time since conversion from tillage to no-till. Results indicated that mean yields for sorghum [ Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] and wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) with no-till were greater than with tillage. In addition, no-till tended to produce similar or greater mean yields than tillage for crops grown on loamy soils in the Southern Seaboard and Mississippi Portal regions. A warmer and more humid climate and warmer soils in these regions relative to the Heartland, Basin and Range, and Fruitful Rim regions appear to favor no-till on loamy soils. With the exception of corn ( Zea mays L.) and cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) in the Southern Seaboard region, no-till performed poorly on sandy soils. Crops grown in the Southern Seaboard were less likely to have lower no-till yields than tillage yields on loamy soils and thus had lower downside yield risk than other farm resource regions. Consistent with mean yield results, soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.] and wheat grown on sandy soils in the Southern Seaboard region using no-till had larger downside yield risks than when produced with no-till on loamy soils. The key findings of this study support the hypothesis that soil and climate factors impact no-till yields relative to tillage yields and may be an important factor influencing risk and expected return and the adoption of the practice by farmers.
- Authors:
- Hoogmoed, W. B.
- Oenema, O.
- Cai D.
- Jin, K.
- Wu, X.
- Zhao, Q.
- Feng, Z.
- Zhang, D.
- Dai, K.
- Wu, H.
- Wang, X.
- Source: Field Crops Research
- Volume: 132
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Dryland farming in the dry semi-humid regions of northern China is dominated by mono-cropping systems with mainly maize ( Zea mays L.) or wheat ( Triticum aestivum), constrained by low and variable rainfall, and by improper management practices. Addressing these problems, field studies on tillage and residue management for winter wheat and spring maize were conducted at 4 sites in Linfen, Tunliu and Shouyang (Shanxi province) and Luoyang (Henan province). These studies (a.o.) explored the impacts of different tillage and residue application methods on soil physical conditions, water storage, water use, water use efficiency (WUE) and crop yields of wheat and maize. An analysis of the results of these studies is presented. Conservation tillage, comprising no-till as well as reduced tillage practices (subsoiling, deep ploughing) showed benefits which were more prominent in combination with residue application. Benefits compared to conventional tillage were found in the form of improved soil physical conditions, such as higher topsoil bulk densities but lower subsoil bulk densities. This resulted in a better water storage during the summer fallow or rainy season in winter wheat fields, and a better water conservation and soil protection in spring maize fields. Compared to conventional methods, reduced tillage gave yields around 13-16% higher in spring maize and round 9-37% higher in winter wheat. Yields under no-till were very close to those from conventional methods. Surface application of crop residue for maize was found to increase the risk for delayed seedling emergence, because of low temperatures, leading to a recommendation for incorporation of residue in combination with reduced tillage. For winter wheat, subsoiling in combination with straw mulching after harvest in summer every other two or three year, and no-till seeding is a promising practice for sandier soils and low rainfall conditions. For heavier clay loam soils, deep ploughing with straw mulching after wheat harvest in summer every other two or three year, and no-till seeding practice is recommended. For spring maize, deep ploughing with straw and fertilizers incorporation after harvest in fall, and no-till seeding practices are recommended. Subsoiling or no-till with residue mulching after harvest in fall, and no-till seeding practices in spring are also promising practices, the latter only in situations where low spring temperatures are not a problem. Continuous no-till is not recommended.