- Authors:
- Sweeney, D. W.
- Moyer, J. L.
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 96
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2004
- Summary: With renewed interest in legumes as green manures, it is important to understand their effect on in-season N uptake of following non-legume row crops. This study assessed the effect of legumes as green manures on in-season N uptake by subsequent grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] grown in conservation tillage systems in the eastern Great Plains. Treatments were (i) red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) before grain sorghum vs. continuous grain sorghum, (ii) reduced or no-tillage, and (iii) fertilizer N rates. The experiment was conducted on two adjacent sites (Parson silt loam: fine, mixed thermic Mollic Albaqualf) similar in organic matter but Site 1 higher in pH, P, and K than Site 2. In-season N uptake was often statistically greater in reduced-tillage than no-tillage systems. At both sites, red clover as a previous crop resulted in about 25% greater N uptake by sorghum vs. sorghum grown continuously with no previous legume crop. Nitrogen uptake by sorghum at the boot and soft dough growth stages responded linearly to increasing N rate, but the slope was 135 kg ha(-1) during the first year for both legumes at each site, but values for red clover remained greater than those for hairy vetch in subsequent years, especially at the higher fertility site. Grain yield tended to be maximized when N uptake at the soft dough stage exceeded 100 kg ha(-1) at Site 2 but continued to increase as N uptake increased at the higher-fertility Site 1. Utilizing legumes as green manures can increase in-season N uptake by following grain sorghum crops compared with continuous sorghum in these prairie soils.
- Authors:
- Rich, J.
- Wiatrak, P.
- Katsvairo, T.
- Marois, J.
- Wright, D.
- Source: Proceedings of the 26th Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, 8-9 June, 2004
- Year: 2004
- Summary: Soils in the southeast have low organic matter content, low native fertility, and low water holding capacity which has resulted in stagnant yields. Long term studies across the country (Morrow, Sanborn, Magruder, Old Rotation [Auburn]) have shown that land coming out of long term perennial grasses often has an organic matter content of over 4% and decreases as it stays in continuous annual cropping and levels off after 80-100 years once the level reaches about 1 1/2% with use of conservation tillage, cover crops, proper rotation, and modern fertility practices. Years of research in the southeast have shown that perennial grasses such as bahiagrass can help improve soil structure and reduce pests such as nematodes and increase crop yields, sometimes dramatically. Research in the southeast with this perennial grasses grown in rotation with crops has shown higher yields (50% more groundnuts than under conventional annual cropping systems), increased infiltration rates (more than 5 times faster), higher earthworm numbers (thousands per acre vs. none in many cases), and a more economically viable (potential for 3-5 times more profit) cropping system. Diversification into livestock can add another dimension to the farming system making it more intensive and provide a readily available use for perennial grasses.
- Authors:
- Source: Weed Technology
- Volume: 18
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2004
- Summary: In 1998, 1,260 soil samples were collected from 63 of 99 Iowa counties to characterize the weed seedbanks in fields under the conservation reserve program (CRP) and adjacent fields under continuous cultivation. Five annual grass and 13 broadleaf weed species were identified in both the CRP and adjacent cultivated fields. Seedbank differences between CRP and adjacent cultivated fields were evident only for foxtails, common lambsquarters, pigweeds, and sweetclover, with the average of 3.288, 10,681, 38, and 1,709 seeds/m(2), respectively; the corresponding seed population in adjacent CRP fields was 59, 57, 1,924, and 74%, respectively. However, weed species diversity was not significantly different between fields in CRP and continuous cultivation. Only CRP fields in the northwest Iowa crop-reporting district had a higher foxtail species seed population (4,915 seeds/m2) than the adjacent cultivated fields (1,782 seeds/m2). Land under CRP in northern (N), eastern, and southern (S) districts had 58% (4,158 seeds/m(2)), 6% (312 seeds/m(2)), and 18% (594 seeds/m(2)) of the continuously cultivated foxtail species seedbank. Common lambsquarters seed populations were 4,128 and 3,801 seeds/m2 in the cultivated fields of the N and central (C) districts, compared with 772 and 252 seeds/m2 in adjacent CRP fields, respectively. Pigweed species seeds were more numerous in the cultivated fields than in adjacent CRP fields in the northeast, C, and S Iowa districts. Sweetclover seed population was consistently higher in CRP land because it was included as part of the CRP covers seeding. Overall, broadleaf weed seeds comprised 90% of the seedbanks in both CRP and adjacent cultivated land. A competitive cover crop canopy in CRP probably reduced weed seedbanks by suppression of weeds and seed production. Also, annual seed production, differences in weed biology, and differential herbicide performance in cultivated fields may have contributed to higher seed populations.
- Authors:
- de Sousa, R. O.
- Leitzke, V. W.
- Pinto, L. F. S.
- Sousa, R. O. de
- Pauletto, E. A.
- Borges, J. R.
- Source: Revista Brasileira de Agrociencia
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2004
- Summary: Soil compaction is a problem that affects most crops and influences both plant growth and productivity, as well as soil and water conservation. A 3-year experiment was conducted in Centro Agropecuaho da Raima, Federal University of Pelotas (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) to evaluate the compaction of a Typical Endoaqualf involving continuous rice systems (conventional, minimum tillage and no tillage) and crop rotation systems with different cover crops under no-tillage, using a penetrometer. The results show that the largest resistance of the soil to the penetrometer in the 0-20 cm layer occurred in the conventional and minimum tillage continuous rice systems. Results for the continuous rice and crop rotation under no-tillage were similar to the non-cultivated soil. All treatments presented increased resistance to penetration below 40 cm depth.
- Authors:
- Sherrod,L. A.
- Shaver,T. M.
- Peterson,G. A.
- Source: Geoderma
- Volume: 116
- Issue: 1-2
- Year: 2003
- Summary: Great Plains dryland agriculture is a risky venture because of large annual fluctuations in precipitation and high evaporation potentials. Water capture is limited by low water infiltration rates because many of our soils have relatively small aggregate size distributions, which limit infiltration, and are also susceptible to crusting and sealing. No-till management has permitted cropping intensification, which via improved water storage, has increased crop residue returned to the soil, decreased surface bulk density, and increased surface soil porosity. Our objective was to quantify the relationship between crop residue biomass generated by cropping system intensification and the physical properties of the surface soil (0-2.5-cm depth). This study was conducted within an existing long-term dryland experiment consisting of three sites in eastern Colorado that transect an evapotranspiration gradient. Each site transects a soil catena with three distinct soils arranged along a slope gradient. Only soils at the summit and toe slopes were sampled for this study. Soils are Argiustolls and Ustochrepts. Three no-till cropping systems, Wheat-Fallow (WF), Wheat-Corn-Fallow (WCF), and Continuous Cropping (CC), were sampled in the summer of 1998 after the cropping systems had been in place for 12 years. Bulk density, effective porosity, aggregate size distribution, sorptivity, and soil aggregate organic C content were measured at the surface 2.5 cm of the soil in each cropping system at the two soil positions at each site. Bulk density was reduced by 0.01 g cm(-3) for each 1000 kg ha(-1) of residue addition over the 12-year period. Each 1000 kg ha(-1) of residue addition increased effective porosity by 0.3%. Increases in macroaggregation were associated with linear increases in the C content of the aggregates; each g kg(-1) of organic C in the macroaggregates increased the proportion of macroaggregates by 4.4%. Implementation of no-till intensive cropping systems under this semiarid environment increased, residue biomass, which has ultimately increased effective porosity, and thus water capture potential was increased.
- Authors:
- Source: Biogeochemistry
- Volume: 63
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2003
- Summary: There is a potential to sequester carbon in soil by changing agricultural management practices. These changes in agricultural management can also result in changes in fossil-fuel use, agricultural inputs, and the carbon emissions associated with fossil fuels and other inputs. Management practices that alter crop yields and land productivity can affect the amount of land used for crop production with further significant implications for both emissions and sequestration potential. Data from a 20-year agricultural experiment were used to analyze carbon sequestration, carbon emissions, crop yield, and land-use change and to estimate the impact that carbon sequestration strategies might have on the net flux of carbon to the atmosphere. Results indicate that if changes in management result in decreased crop yields, the net carbon flux can be greater under the new system, assuming that crop demand remains the same and additional lands are brought into production. Conversely, if increasing crop yields lead to land abandonment, the overall carbon savings from changes in management will be greater than when soil carbon sequestration alone is considered.
- Authors:
- Acosta-Martinez, V.
- Gill, T. E.
- Zobeck, T. M.
- Kennedy, A. C.
- Source: Biology and Fertility of Soils
- Volume: 38
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2003
- Summary: Microbes (i.e., fungi and bacteria) are needed to maintain the quality of semiarid soils and crop production. Enzyme (produced by microbes) activities were increased in the soil when cotton was rotated with sorghum or wheat under reduced or no-tillage in comparison to continuous cotton under tillage. Soil bacteria and fungi did not change, according to one analysis conducted, due to crop rotation under reduced or no-tillage in comparison to continuous cotton under tillage. The increases in enzyme activities, however, are indicating that microbes and their enzymes will be increased, and thus nutrients will be more available to plants, more organic matter will be formed, and other soil properties will also positively change if crop rotations with reduced or no-tillage are applied to semiarid soils in comparison to the typical current practice of continuous cotton with tillage.
- Authors:
- Ahuja, L. R.
- Westfall, D. G.
- Peterson, G. A.
- Sherrod, L. A.
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 67
- Issue: 5
- Year: 2003
- Summary: Soil organic C (SOC) has decreased under cultivated wheat (Triticum aestivum)-fallow (WF) in the central Great Plains.We evaluated the effect of no-till systems of WF, wheat-corn (Zea Mays)-fallow (WCF), wheat-corn-millet (Panicum miliaceum)-fallow, continuous cropping (CC) without monoculture, and perennial grass (G) on SOC and total N (TN) levels after 12 yr at three eastern Colorado locations. Locations have long-term precipitation averages of 420 mm but increase in potential evapotranspiration (PET) going from north to south. Within each PET location, cropping systems were imposed across a topographic sequence of summit, sideslope, and toeslope. Cropping intensity, slope position, and PET gradient (location) independently impacted SOC and TN to a 5-cm soil depth. Continuous cropping had 35 and 17% more SOC and TN, respectively, than the WF system. Cropping intensity still impacted SOC and TN when summed to 10 cm with CC > than WF. Soil organic C and TN 20% in the CC system compared with WF in the 0- to 10-cm depth. The greatest impact was found in the 0- to 2.5-cm layer, and decreased with depth. Soil organic C and TN levels at the high PET site were 50% less than at the low and medium PET sites, and toeslope soils were 30% greater than summit and sideslopes. Annualized stover biomass explained 80% of the variation in SOC and TN in the 0- to 10-cm soil profile. Cropping systems that eliminate summer fallowing are maximizing the amount of SOC and TN sequestered.
- Authors:
- Source: Canadian Journal of Soil Science
- Volume: 83
- Issue: 5
- Year: 2003
- Summary: The effects of tillage and crop rotations on soil N availability and economy were evaluated over two rotation cycles to address the paucity of such information. From 1993 through 2000, Leith sandy loam soil (Gray Luvisol) of Alberta, Canada was sampled to 120 cm in the autumn from four crop rotations: (i) continuous wheat ( Triticum aestivum); (ii) field pea ( Pisum sativum)-wheat-rape ( Brassica rapa [ B. campestris])-wheat; (iii) red clover ( Trifolium pratense) green manure-wheat-canola-wheat/red clover; (iv) fallow-wheat-rape-wheat, and analysed for KCl-extractable N. The rotations were managed under a conventional tillage (CT) or a no-till (NT) system, and were fertilized based on soil test results. A N budget was constructed for each cropping system comprising N added in seed and fertilizers, and by symbiotic fixation and N exported in the grain. More nitrate accumulated under CT than NT, resulting in lower N fertilizer application rates for CT plots. Soil mineralizable N was higher under NT than CT, and was not influenced by crop rotations. The trend for residual soil nitrate among crop rotations was: fallow rotation > green manure rotation > continuous wheat > field pea rotation, due mostly to residual nitrate following the first phase of the rotations. There was no interaction of tillage with rotation. The continuous wheat and field pea rotation maintained a balanced N budget. The red clover rotation resulted in net N import in each rotation cycle of approximately 25 kg ha -1 under CT and 37 kg ha -1 under NT; net N export from the fallow rotation was 30 kg ha -1 under NT and 46 kg ha -1 under CT.
- Authors:
- Gracia, R.
- Moret, D.
- Arrúe, J. L.
- López, M. V.
- Source: Soil & Tillage Research
- Volume: 72
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2003
- Summary: Maintenance of crop residues on the soil surface is considered the most effective method to control wind erosion. In semiarid Aragon (NE Spain), where the risk of wind erosion can be high, the adoption of conservation tillage systems has been encouraged as a fallow management alternative. However, little information concerning the dynamics of residue cover during fallow is available for this area. We report here results on the evolution of barley residues during two fallow periods under conventional tillage (CT), reduced tillage (RT) and no-tillage (NT). The three tillage treatments were compared under both continuous cropping (CC) and cereal-fallow (CF) rotation. The CC system involves a summer fallow period of 5-6 months and the CF rotation a long-fallow of 17-18 months. Effects of specific tillage operations on soil cover are also presented and discussed in relation to wind erosion control during the long-fallow period. Average dry mass of barley residues at harvest was 1395 and 729 kg ha(-1) in the first and second year of the study, respectively. In general, crop residues at harvest were not significantly affected by tillage or cropping system. Primary tillage operations had the major influence on residue incorporation with reduction percentages of residue cover of 90-100% in CT (mouldboard ploughing) and 50-70% in RT (chiselling). During the two long-fallow periods, large clods (4-10 cm diameter) produced by mouldboard ploughing did not fully compensate for the complete burial of residues and the soil surface was insufficiently protected against wind erosion (soil covers