- Authors:
- Parton, W. J.
- Halvorson, A. D.
- Del Grosso, S. J.
- Source: Journal of Environmental Quality
- Volume: 37
- Year: 2008
- Summary: Agricultural soils are responsible for the majority of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in the USA. Irrigated cropping, particularly in the western USA, is an important source of N2O emissions. However, the impacts of tillage intensity and N fertilizer amount and type have not been extensively studied for irrigated systems. The DAYCENT biogeochemical model was tested using N2O, crop yield, soil N and C, and other data collected from irrigated cropping systems in northeastern Colorado during 2002 to 2006. DAYCENT uses daily weather, soil texture, and land management information to simulate C and N fluxes between the atmosphere, soil, and vegetation. The model properly represented the impacts of tillage intensity and N fertilizer amount on crop yields, soil organic C (SOC), and soil water content. DAYCENT N2O emissions matched the measured data in that simulated emissions increased as N fertilization rates increased and emissions from no-till (NT) tended to be lower on average than conventional-till (CT). However, the model overestimated N2O emissions. Lowering the amount of N2O emitted per unit of N nitrified from 2 to 1% helped improve model fit but the treatments receiving no N fertilizer were still overestimated by more than a factor of 2. Both the model and measurements showed that soil NO3- levels increase with N fertilizer addition and with tillage intensity, but DAYCENT underestimated NO3- levels, particularly for the treatments receiving no N fertilizer. We suggest that DAYCENT could be improved by reducing the background nitrification rate and by accounting for the impact of changes in microbial community structure on denitrification rates.
- Authors:
- Berrada, A.
- Reule, C. A.
- Bartolo, M. E.
- Halvorson, A. D.
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 100
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2008
- Summary: Onion (Allium cepa L.) is a high cash value crop with a very shallow root system that is frequently irrigated and fertilized with high N rates to maximize yield. Converting from furrow-irrigated to drip-irrigatcd onion production may reduce N fertilizer needs, water inputs, and NO3-N leaching potential. Onion growth and N uptake, fresh yield, and residual soil NO3-N were determined under drip and furrow irrigation on a clay loam soil with N fertilizer rates from 0 to 224 kg N ha(-1). Onions were sampled bi-weekly from 25 May to 30 August in 2005 and 2006 from each treatment. In 2005, 72% less water was applied with the drip system compared with furrow system, and 57% less in 2006. Onion yields were significantly greater with the drip system. Total marketable fresh onion yield increasedwith increasing N rate in 2005 only.The drip system had more colossal and jumbo sized onions and less medium sized onions than the furrow system. Biomass production and N accumulation accelerated in mid-June each year with an average total N accumulation (leaves + bulbs) of 121 kg N ha(-1) at final harvest. Irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) and N use efficiency (NUE) were higher with the drip system than with the furrow system. Residual soil NO3-N levels were greater in the drip-irrigated treatments after onion harvest in 2005 than in the furrow-irrigated treatments, but soil NO3-N levels were similar after harvest in 2006. Adjusted gross economic returns (less the cost of N, water, and drip system) were greater with drip irrigation than with furrow irrigation. This study demonstrates that fresh onion yields, potential economic returns, IWUE, and NUE can be improved in Colorado by using drip irrigation for onion production rather than furrow irrigation.
- Authors:
- Reule, C. A.
- Del Grosso, S. J.
- Halvorson, A. D.
- Source: Journal of Environmental Quality
- Volume: 37
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2008
- Summary: We evaluated the effects of irrigated crop management practices on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from soil. Emissions were monitored from several irrigated cropping systems receiving N fertilizer rates ranging from 0 to 246 kg N ha-1 during the 2005 and 2006 growing seasons. Cropping systems included conventional-till (CT) continuous corn (Zea mays L.), no-till (NT) continuous corn, NT corn-dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) (NT-CDb), and NT corn-barley (Hordeum distichon L.) (NT-CB). In 2005, half the N was subsurface band applied as urea-ammonium nitrate (UAN) at planting to all corn plots, with the rest of the N applied surface broadcast as a polymer-coated urea (PCU) in mid-June. The entire N rate was applied as UAN at barley and dry bean planting in the NT-CB and NT-CDb plots in 2005. All plots were in corn in 2006, with PCU being applied at half the N rate at corn emergence and a second N application as dry urea in mid-June followed by irrigation, both banded on the soil surface in the corn row. Nitrous oxide fluxes were measured during the growing season using static, vented chambers (1-3 times wk-1) and a gas chromatograph analyzer. Linear increases in N2O emissions were observed with increasing N-fertilizer rate, but emission amounts varied with growing season. Growing season N2O emissions were greater from the NT-CDb system during the corn phase of the rotation than from the other cropping systems. Crop rotation and N rate had more effect than tillage system on N2O emissions. Nitrous oxide emissions from N application ranged from 0.30 to 0.75% of N applied. Spikes in N2O emissions after N fertilizer application were greater with UAN and urea than with PCU fertilizer. The PCU showed potential for reducing N2O emissions from irrigated cropping systems.
- Authors:
- Paton, R. J.
- Morton, J. D.
- Littlejohn, R. P.
- Houlbrooke, D. J.
- Source: Soil Use and Management
- Volume: 24
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2008
- Summary: The North Otago Rolling Downlands (NORD) of New Zealand is currently undergoing a large change in land use with subsequent intensification as a result of a new large community irrigation scheme. To assess the effect of this change, a 4-year monitoring survey was established on two common Pallic soil types of the area to determine the influence of irrigation term (short, 5 years) and grazing animal (cattle vs. sheep) on a range of physical and organic matter soil quality parameters. This 4-year survey also included the historical land use of dryland sheep farming in the absence of irrigation water. Irrigation term had no significant (P > 0.05) effect on soil physical parameters (percentage macroporosity and bulk density) for 3 of 4 years and no significant effect (P > 0.05) on topsoil total carbon or nitrogen contents. However, irrigation term had a significant (P < 0.01) but biologically small effect on the ratio of carbon to nitrogen with narrowing of the range under longer term irrigation. A significant difference between the dryland and irrigated surveys was found for macroporosity (dryland sheep 17.3% v/v vs. irrigated sheep 13.4% v/v; P < 0.001) and for the C:N ratio (dryland sheep 10.7 vs. irrigated sheep 10.2; P < 0.05). The change in macroporosity under irrigation is likely to take effect within 1 or 2 years of land-use change as little discernable differences in soil physical properties were evident from land under short- or long-term irrigation.
- Authors:
- Leistritz, F. L.
- Bangsund, D. A.
- Source: Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal
- Volume: 19
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2008
- Summary: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to identify and describe key economic and policy-related issues with regard to terrestrial C sequestration and provide an overview of the economics of C sequestration on agricultural soils in the USA. Design/methodology/approach - Recent economic literature on carbon sequestration was reviewed to gather insights on the role of agriculture in greenhouse gas emissions mitigation. Results from the most salient studies were presented in an attempt to highlight the general consensus on producer-level responses to C sequestration incentives and the likely mechanisms used to facilitate C sequestration activities on agricultural soils.
Findings - The likely economic potential of agriculture to store soil C appears to be considerably less than the technical potential. Terrestrial C sequestration is a readily implementable option for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and can provide mitigation comparable in cost to current abatement options in other industries. Despite considerable research to date, many aspects of terrestrial C sequestration in the USA are not well understood.
Originality/value - The paper provides a useful synopsis of the terms and issues associated with C sequestration, and serves as an informative reference on the economics of C sequestration that will be useful as the USA debates future greenhouse gas emissions mitigation policies.
- Authors:
- Mechlia, N.
- Masmoudi, M.
- Lhomme, J.
- Karray, J.
- Source: Agricultural Water Management
- Volume: 95
- Issue: 5
- Year: 2008
- Summary: Water transfers within mixed crops systems are complicated to understand due to the large number of complex interactions between the various components. Standard techniques fail to provide the proper assessment of the components of the water balance. Experiments and modeling developments are used to understand the dynamics of water transfers within the association of olive trees with annual crops under irrigation in Central Tunisia. The whole system is represented by a unit area made up of three components: a plot with the annual crop, a plot with the olive tree and a plot of bare soil. The modeling approach is based on the concept of reservoir. The model works on a daily time step and accounts for the lateral transfers of water occurring between the components of the system: (i) the water uptake by the roots of olive trees; (ii) the physical flow of water between the irrigated plot and the non-irrigated ones. A field experiment was carried out during 2 years (2002, 2003) and three crop cycles (spring potato, spring pea and autumn potato) in order to calibrate the model and test its validity. Olive tree transpiration was estimated from sap flow measurements and soil moisture in the different compartments was measured by neutron probe technique. The experimental data compare fairly well with the model outputs. The first purpose of the model is to understand the functioning of the olive tree-annual crop association from a water standpoint, but it can be easily extended to other intercropping systems mixing perennial vegetation with annual crops or used as a management tool. The estimates of the water extracted by the olive trees in each reservoir appear to be much more significant than those of the water physically transferred between reservoirs.
- Authors:
- Stevens, W.
- Jabro, J.
- Sainju, U.
- Source: Journal of Environmental Quality
- Volume: 37
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2008
- Summary: Management practices can influence soil CO 2 emission and C content in cropland, which can effect global warming. We examined the effects of combinations of irrigation, tillage, cropping systems, and N fertilization on soil CO 2 flux, temperature, water, and C content at the 0- to 20-cm depth from May to November 2005 at two sites in the northern Great Plains. Treatments were two irrigation systems (irrigated vs. non-irrigated) and six management practices that contained tilled and no-tilled malt barley ( Hordeum vulgaris L.) with 0 to 134 kg N ha -1, no-tilled pea ( Pisum sativum L.), and a conservation reserve program (CRP) planting applied in Lihen sandy loam (sandy, mixed, frigid, Entic Haplustolls) in western North Dakota. In eastern Montana, treatments were no-tilled malt barley with 78 kg N ha -1, no-tilled rye ( Secale cereale L.), no-tilled Austrian winter pea, no-tilled fallow, and tilled fallow applied in dryland Williams loam (fine-loamy, mixed Typic Argiborolls). Irrigation increased CO 2 flux by 13% compared with non-irrigation by increasing soil water content in North Dakota. Tillage increased CO 2 flux by 62 to 118% compared with no-tillage at both places. The flux was 1.5- to 2.5-fold greater with tilled than with non-tilled treatments following heavy rain or irrigation in North Dakota and 1.5- to 2.0-fold greater with crops than with fallow following substantial rain in Montana. Nitrogen fertilization increased CO 2 flux by 14% compared with no N fertilization in North Dakota and cropping increased the flux by 79% compared with fallow in no-till and 0 kg N ha -1 in Montana. The CO 2 flux in undisturbed CRP was similar to that in no-tilled crops. Although soil C content was not altered, management practices influenced CO 2 flux within a short period due to changes in soil temperature, water, and nutrient contents. Regardless of irrigation, CO 2 flux can be reduced from croplands to a level similar to that in CRP planting using no-tilled crops with or without N fertilization compared with other management practices.
- Authors:
- Lawrence, R.
- Jones, C.
- Weist, D.
- Schulthess, U.
- Christensen, N.
- Source: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, Denver, Colorado, USA, 20-23 July, 2008
- Year: 2008
- Summary: RapidEye's five satellites to be launched in the summer of 2008 will make it possible to regularly monitor the N-status of crops from space. The sensors on board of each satellite are equipped with five broad bands: blue, green, red, rededge, and NIR. This opens new avenues for red-edge based algorithms to predict the N-status of cereals. In a study conducted in Montana in 2007, we obtained the best results to predict tissue N content (TNC) of irrigated spring wheat and barley, as well as dryland barley from the following algorithm, based on light reflectance (R) of the canopy in the red, red-edge, and NIR bands: ( TNC= RNIR - Rred-edge )/( RNIR -s* Rred ) where s stands for slope of the soil line, i.e. the separately measured bare soil reflectance of the NIR band divided by the red band. Red-edge band based algorithms will open new avenues to optimize in-season N management of cereals, and for monitoring and verifying the efficacy of N fertilization.
- Authors:
- Belle, R. A.
- Dutra, L. M. C.
- Konig, O.
- Kuss, R. C. R.
- Roggia, S.
- Sturmer, G. R.
- Source: Ciência Rural
- Volume: 38
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2008
- Summary: The effects of irrigation (supplied throughout the crop growth period or during critical periods only) and plant density (250 000 or 400 000 plants/ha) on the grain yield of soyabean were studied from January to May 2005 in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The grain yield did not significantly vary between the plants irrigated throughout the growth period and plants irrigated during critical periods only. The grain yield of non-irrigated plants increased by 21% when the population was increased to 400 000 plants/ha.
- Authors:
- Cassman, K. G.
- Specht, J. E.
- Weiss, A.
- Setiyono, T. D.
- Dobermann, A.
- Source: Field Crops Research
- Volume: 108
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2008
- Summary: Different approaches have been used to simulate leaf area index (LAI) in soybean ( Glycine max L. Merr). Many of these approaches require genotype-specific calibration procedures. Studies modeling LAI dynamics under optimal growth conditions with yields close to the yield potential of soybean have remained scarce. A sink-driven approach was developed and evaluated for LAI simulation in soybean under near-optimal environments. The rate of change in expanding leaf area was simulated using the first derivative of a logistic function accounting for plant population density, air temperature, and water deficit. The rate of change in senescing leaf area was also simulated using the first derivative of a logistic function, assuming monocarpic senescence that began at the flowering stage (R1). Phenology was simulated as a function of temperature and photoperiod. Data for model development and evaluation were obtained from irrigated field experiments conducted at two locations in Nebraska, where agronomic management was optimized to achieve growth at a near yield potential level. LAI simulation with the proposed model had average RMSE of 0.52 m 2 m -2 for independent data at the two locations. The proposed model has minimum input requirements. Interactions between leaf growth and source-driven processes can be incorporated in the future, while maintaining the basic physiological assumptions underlining leaf expansion and senescence.