• Authors:
    • Knighton, R. E.
    • Casey, F. X. M.
    • Derby, N. E.
  • Source: Vadose Zone Journal
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 2
  • Year: 2009
  • Summary: Proper N management for agricultural production is critical to minimize groundwater contamination with NO 3. For 18 yr, research was conducted to observe NO 3-N concentrations in the vadose zone, groundwater, and subsurface drainage under sprinkler-irrigated, primarily corn ( Zea mays L.) production. Potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) and soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.] were also grown intermittently on the site. The lysimeter leachate NO 3-N concentration increased to 156 mg L -1 under corn production within 1 yr after the initiation of irrigation (at the onset of the study), then decreased to
  • Authors:
    • Miyao, G.
    • Jackson, J.
    • Mitchell, J. P.
    • Horwath, W. R.
    • Doane, T. A.
    • Brittan, K.
  • Source: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
  • Volume: 85
  • Issue: 3
  • Year: 2009
  • Summary: In spite of potential benefits and positive assessments of reducing primary tillage operations, only a small part of irrigated row crops is currently managed using reduced tillage, for reasons that include concerns about its agronomic suitability for certain crop rotations. Three years of a tomato/corn rotation under standard and no-tillage management were used to understand the fate of a fertilizer and cover crop nitrogen (N) application. Uptake of both inputs was reduced under no-tillage during the year of application, in this case a tomato crop. As a result, more input N was retained in the soil in this system. The initial challenge of reduced tomato yields diminished as no-tillage management remained in place and the soil N reservoir developed. Corn production was not affected by tillage treatment. Inclusion of a legume cover crop increased the amount of fertilizer N retained in the soil over time, more so under no-tillage than under standard tillage, emphasizing the benefit of cover crops in reducing the amount of fertilizer required to maintain productivity. While acceptance of reduced tillage ultimately depends on economic performance, the results of this study support its agronomic viability for irrigated row crops.
  • Authors:
    • Sabau, N. C.
    • Domuta, C.
    • Borza, I.
    • Bandici, G.
    • Samuel, A.
    • Ciobanu, C.
    • Ardelean ,I.
    • Ciobanu, G.
    • Sandor, M.
    • Domuta, C.
    • Brejea, R.
    • Vuscan, A.
  • Source: Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Agriculture
  • Volume: 66
  • Issue: 1
  • Year: 2009
  • Summary: Field studies were conducted in Oradea, Romania, from 2003 to 2008, in a long term trial placed in 1990 on preluvosoils. The climate indicator de Martonne aridity index (IdM) was used for quantification of the correlation between climate and wheat yield in unirrigated and irrigated conditions and a new class called arid was used for climate index characterization. Maintaining the soil water reserve on 0-50 cm depth between easily available water content and field capacity using the irrigation determined the increase of the IdM values for period IV-VI with 79% in 2003, 73% in 2004, 36% in 2005, 16% in 2006, 162% in 2007 and with 131% in 2008. Using the irrigation and the improvement of the microclimate conditions determined to obtain the yield gains, showed very significant results every year and every crop rotation studied, both in unirrigated and irrigated conditions. The smallest wheat yields were obtained in monocrop and the biggest in the wheat-maize-soyabean rotation. In the all 3 rotations, the direct links statistically assured were registered between the values of the IdM and yields in unirrigated and irrigated wheat. These correlations sustained the need of the irrigation in wheat from Crisurilor Plain. Correlation between the IdM was stronger in the wheat-maize-soyabean rotation compared to the wheat-maize rotation and with wheat monocrop. As a consequence, rotation of wheat-maize-soyabean was recommended because the climate and microclimate conditions were better used.
  • Authors:
    • Bara, C.
    • Sabau, N. C.
    • Domuta, C.
    • Borza, I.
    • Bara, V.
    • Samuel, A.
    • Ardelean, I.
    • Bara, L.
    • Ciobanu, G.
    • Sandor, M.
    • Domuta, C.
    • Brejea, R.
    • Vuscan, A.
  • Source: Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Fascicula: Protecţia Mediului
  • Volume: 14
  • Year: 2009
  • Summary: The paper is based on the research carried out during 2003-2008 in a long term trial placed in 1990 on the preluvosoil from Oradea. Climate indicator "de Martonne aridity index" (IdM) was used for quantification the correlation between climate and wheat yield in unirrigated and irrigated conditions and new class called "arid" was purposed for climate index characterization. Maintaining the soil water reserve on 0-50 cm depth between easily available water content and field capacity using the irrigation determined the increase of the IdM values for period IV-VI with 79% in 2003, 73% in 2004, 36% in 2005, 16% in 2006, 162% in 2007 and with 131% in 2008; using the irrigation and the improvement of the microclimate conditions determined to obtain the yield gains, very significant every year and every crop rotation studied; both in unirrigated conditions and in irrigated conditions, the smallest yields wheat were obtained in monocrop and the biggest in the wheat-maize-soybean crop rotation; in the all three crop rotation, the direct links statistically assured were registered between the values of the De Martonne aridity index and yields in unirrigated and irrigated wheat. These correlations sustain the need of the irrigation in wheat from Crisurilor Plain; correlation between De Martonne aridity index is stronger (R 2=0.7361 xx) in the wheat-maize-soybean crop rotation in comparison with wheat-maize crop rotation (R 2=0.6215 x) and with wheat monocrop (R 2=0.6105 x). As consequence, crop rotation of wheat-maize-soybean is recomanded because the climate and microclimate conditions are better use.
  • Authors:
    • Joshi, O. P.
    • Billore, S. D.
    • Dupare, B. U.
    • Verma, S. K.
  • Source: Soybean Research
  • Volume: 7
  • Year: 2009
  • Summary: A study was conducted to visualize the impact of soybean cultivation in the "Soya State", Madhya Pradesh. The data were collected using well-designed interview schedule containing relevant questions on how soybean has affected farmers lifestyle as well as overall farming scenario? Majority of the respondents perceived soybean cultivation as a major driving force for their socio-economic development. A steady increase in the farmers' inclination to grow soybean was observed during the last five decades, while, decreasing their area in traditionally grown crops like sorghum, pigeon pea, groundnut, cotton and black gram. During soybean introduction many changes in the overall farming scenario of Madhya Pradesh have occurred. The change was recorded in the land holding pattern of farmers which revealed that small and marginal farmers have further reduced their land holdings while larger farmers have not only managed their holdings but also added newer areas to their total farm size. The cost of cultivation as well as rates fetched by the soybean showed an upward trend with passage of time during these five decades. An inverse relationship between the labour availability and wages was also observed. The gathered opinion from farmers brought out that fertilizer consumption and insect-load appeared to have increased with time. It seems that in spite the irrigation facilities have increased during these 50 years, particularly that of canal, tube wells and ponds, soybean by and large, remained to be a rainfed crop. However, the farmers have shifted from bullock drawn implements to tractor drawn implements. This led to limiting number of animals with farmers, thereby progressive reduction in the use of manures. Subsequent to the introduction of soybean, the socio-economic status of the farmers has improved.
  • Authors:
    • Gerpen, J. H. van
    • Kinney, A. J.
    • Schweiger, B.
    • Tat, M.
    • Tenopir, P.
    • LaVallee, B. J.
    • Graef, G.
    • Clemente, T. E.
  • Source: Plant Biotechnology Journal
  • Volume: 7
  • Issue: 5
  • Year: 2009
  • Summary: Phenotypic characterization of soybean event 335-13, which possesses oil with an increased oleic acid content (>85%) and reduced palmitic acid content (
  • Authors:
    • Doka, L. F.
    • Vad, A.
  • Source: Cereal Research Communications
  • Volume: 37
  • Issue: Suppl. 1
  • Year: 2009
  • Summary: Effects of crop-rotation, fertilization and irrigation on the yield of maize has been studied in different cropyears characterized by different water supply (2007 year=dry; 2008 year=optimum) on chernozem soil. Our scientific results proved that in water stress cropyear (2007) the maximum yields of maize were 4316 kg ha -1 (monoculture), 7706 kg ha -1 (biculture), 7998 kg ha -1 (triculture) in non irrigated circumstances and 8586 kg ha -1, 10 970 kg ha -1, 10 679 kg ha -1 in irrigated treatment, respectively. In dry cropyear (2007) the yield-surpluses of irrigation were 4270 kg ha -1 (mono), 3264 kg ha -1 (bi), 2681 kg ha -1 (tri), respectively. In optimum water supply cropyear (2008) the maximum yields of maize were 13 729-13 787 (mono), 14 137-14 152 kg ha -1 (bi), 13 987-14 180 kg ha -1 (tri) so there was no crop-rotation effect. In water stress cropyear (2007) fertilization caused yield depression in non irrigated treatment (control=2685 kg ha -1; N 240+PK=2487 kg ha -1). Our scientific results proved that the effects of abiotic stress could be strongly reduced by using the optimum crop models in maize production. We obtained 8,6-11,0 t ha -1 maximum yields of maize in water stress cropyear and 13,7-14,2 t ha -1 in optimum cropyear on chernozem soil with using appropriate agrotechnical elements.
  • Authors:
    • Raus, L.
    • Bucur, D.
    • Jitareanu, G.
    • Ailincai, C.
    • Ailincai, D.
    • Zbant, M.
  • Source: Cercetări Agronomice în Moldova
  • Volume: 42
  • Issue: 2
  • Year: 2009
  • Summary: The influence of long-term fertilization and irrigation on wheat and maize yield and soil fertility was studied at the Agricultural Research and Development Station of Podu-Iloaiei since 1980. These experiments were carried out on a 10% slope field, on a Cambic Chernozem with clayey loam texture (423 g clay, 315 g loam and 262 g sand), a neuter to weakly acid reaction and a mean nutrient supply. The mean annual rainfall amounts, recorded in the last 28 years, were higher, with values comprised between 12.7 and 279.2 mm, compared to the multiannual mean on 80 years (542 mm) in 16 years, and lower by 25.3-236.7 mm in 10 years. Annual application of rates of N 160 P 80, in a four-year crop rotation (soybean-wheat-sugar beet-maize)+a reserve field, cultivated with legumes and perennial grasses, determined the accumulation of a reserve of mobile phosphates of 78 mg/kg soil. Under irrigated, a good plant supply with mineral elements and the increase in the content of organic carbon from soil were done by applying the rate of N 80P 70+30 t/ha manure. Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, although applied at high rates (N 130+100 P 2O 5), could not prevent the decrease in organic carbon content from soil.
  • Authors:
    • Domuta, C.
    • Ardelean, I.
    • Bandici, G.
  • Source: Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Fascicula: Protecţia Mediului
  • Volume: 14
  • Year: 2009
  • Summary: The paper sustain the importance of the crop rotation on quality of the wheat yield and is based on the results carried out during 2003-2006 in a long term trial out placed on the preluvosoil from Oradea in 1990. Both in nonirrigated and irrigated conditions the smallest values of the protein, wet gluten and dry gluten were obtained in wheat monocrop; the values increased in the crop rotation wheat maize and the biggest values were registered bin the crop rotation wheat-maize-soybean.
  • Authors:
    • Wasaya, A.
    • Asif, M.
    • Tanveer, A.
    • Nadeem, M. A.
    • Tahir, M.
    • Ali, A.
    • Jamil-ur-Rehman
  • Source: Pakistan Journal Of Life and Social Science
  • Volume: 7
  • Issue: 2
  • Year: 2009
  • Summary: In field experiment at Faisalabad, Pakistan conducted during August, 2005, the effect of different irrigation management strategies on growth and yield of soybean was investigated. The experiment comprised of eight irrigation practices of viz; rainfed, one irrigation at vegetative growth stage, one irrigation at flowering, one irrigation at pod formation, two irrigations at vegetative growth stage and at flowering, two irrigations at vegetative growth stage and at pod formation, two irrigations at flowering and at pod formation and three irrigations at vegetative growth stage, at flowering and at pod formation. Number of plants m -2, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and seed yield was significantly higher when crop was irrigated with three irrigations at vegetative growth stage, at flowering and at pod formation.