- Authors:
- Van Soest, L. J. M.
- Jansen, J.
- Goossens, P. J.
- Bas, N.
- Van Treuren, R.
- Source: Molecular ecology
- Volume: 14
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2005
- Summary: To support conservation policies for old Dutch grasslands that are still in agricultural use, morphological variation and AFLP-based (amplified fragment length polymorphism-based) genetic diversity was studied in perennial ryegrass and white clover populations and compared with the diversity in reference varieties. In addition, AFLP variation was also studied in grasslands located in nature reserves. From principal component analysis (PCA), it appeared that date of ear emergence in perennial ryegrass and characters related to plant vigour in white clover were the main morphological characters separating the reference varieties from the old Dutch grassland populations, and some of the grassland populations from each other. In both species, intrapopulation variation was lower for the reference varieties. Lower heterogeneity within the reference varieties was also found in the AFLP analysis. All common AFLP's observed in old Dutch grasslands could also be found in the reference varieties and nature reserves. Only a small number of low-frequency alleles found in old Dutch grasslands were absent from the other two groups. However, band frequencies of markers could vary considerably between populations, which may have been caused by selection. Analysis of the AFLP data by PCA distinguished the majority of reference varieties from the old Dutch grasslands, and showed genetic differentiation only between some grasslands. Comparison of old Dutch grasslands with grasslands in nature reserves indicated that basically the same range of genetic variation is covered by the two groups. Our study indicates that the Netherlands harbour a more or less continuous population for major parts of the diversity of perennial ryegrass and white clover. It was concluded that no specific conservation measures are presently needed to maintain genetic diversity of perennial ryegrass and white clover occurring in old Dutch grasslands.
- Authors:
- Prado A., R. del
- Diaz S., J.
- Espinoza N., N.
- Source: XVII Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Malezas (ALAM) I Congreso Iberoamericano de Ciencia de las Malezas, IV Congreso Nacional de Ciencia de Malezas, Matanzas, Cuba, 8 al 11 de noviembre del 2005, pp. 326
- Year: 2005
- Summary: Eight biotypes of herbicide-resistant weeds have been described in Chile. All belong to grass weeds, specifically wild oat ( Avena fatua), ryegrass ( Lolium rigidum), Italian ryegrass ( L. multiflorum) and crested dogtailgrass ( Cynosurus echinatus), which are the most common in the main wheat, barley, oats, lupin and canola producing area (36degreesS to 39degreesS). The biotypes have shown resistance to ACCasa, ALS and EPSP inhibitors. Most biotypes have appeared in farm fields subjected to intensive land use, with annual crops, with a trend to wheat monoculture in some cases, and with intense use of no-till and herbicides with similar mode of action. Herbicides most frequently used have been glyphosate (EPSP), diclofop-methyl and clodinafop-propargyl (ACCasa). Cross-resistance to ACCasa was found in some biotypes of wild oat and ryegrass, with greater resistance to aryloxyphenoxypropionates than to cyclohexanediones. All ACCasaresistant biotypes were susceptible to iodosulfuron and flucarbazone Na (ALS). These two herbicides are recommended for wheat and began to be used just recently in the country. Two biotypes of Italian ryegrass were found resistant to glyphosate. One of these biotypes showed, in addition, resistance to ALS; that is to say, showed multiple resistance. Also the crested dogtailgrass biotype showed multiple resistance to ACCasa and ALS.
- Authors:
- McRae, F. J.
- Brooke, G.
- Francis, R. J.
- Dellow, J. J.
- Source: Weed control in winter crops 2005
- Year: 2005
- Summary: This publication provides a guide to chemical weed control during different growth stages of fallow, wheat, barley, oats, rye, triticale, rape, safflower, lentil, linseed, lupin, chickpea, faba bean and field pea in New South Wales, Australia. Recommended timing of herbicide application is given. Sensitivity of winter crop cultivars to herbicides is outlined. Information is also included on crop rotation, use of surfactants and oils, water quality for herbicide application, spray equipment clean-up, herbicide spray drift, compatibility of winter crop herbicides and insecticides, and common retail prices of chemicals used on winter crops.
- Authors:
- Australia, Wagga Wagga Agricultural Institute
- Source: Cultivar X herbicide screening: 2005 results
- Year: 2005
- Summary: The results are included on this CD-ROM for herbicide trials involving wheat, barley, oats, triticale, rape, lupin and field pea. Field trials were sprayed with the recommended application rate (1xR) and twice the rate (2xR). The high rate establishes the safety margin of the herbicide and confirms the differences in tolerances between the cultivars used. New varieties and advanced lines from various breeding programmes were tested at the x2 rate of only a subset of herbicides. Grain yield of sprayed versus unsprayed plots is used as a measure of crop tolerance of the herbicide. The results of not just 2005 trials are included but also those from 2002, 2003 and 2004 are also included on the CD-ROM together with photographs from the trials.
- Authors:
- Levesque, G.
- Prevost, D.
- Chantigny, M. H.
- Belanger, G.
- Angers, D. A.
- Rochette, P.
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 68
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2004
- Summary: There is considerable uncertainty relative to the emissions of N2O from legume crops. A study was initiated to quantify N2O fluxes from soils cropped to alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.), and to improve our understanding of soil and climatic factors controlling N2O emissions from these crops. Measurements were made on three soils cropped to alfalfa, soybean, or timothy (Phleum pratense L.), a perennial grass used as a control. In situ soil-surface N2O emissions (FN2O) were measured 47 times during the 2001 and 2002 growing seasons. Soil water, NH4-N, NO3-N, and N2O contents, and soil temperature were also determined to explain the variation in gas fluxes. Emissions of N2O were small under the grass where very low soil mineral N content probably limited denitrification and N2O production. Soil mineral N contents under legumes were up to 10 times greater than under timothy. However, soil mineral N contents and FN2O were not closely related, thus suggesting that the soil mineral N pool alone was a poor indicator of the intensity of N2O production processes. Higher FN2O were measured under legume than under timothy in only 6 out of 10 field comparisons (site-years). Moreover, the emissions associated with alfalfa (0.67-1.45 kg N ha-1) and soybean (0.46-3.08 kg N ha-1) production were smaller than those predicted using the emission coefficient proposed for the national inventory of greenhouse gases (alfalfa = 1.60-5.21 kg N ha-1; soybean = 2.76-4.97 kg N ha-1). We conclude that the use of the current emission coefficient may overestimate the N2O emissions associated with soybean and alfalfa production in eastern Canada.
- Authors:
- Harveson, R. M.
- Burgener, P. A.
- Blumenthal, J. M.
- Baltensperger, D. D.
- Lyon, D. J.
- Source: Crop Science
- Volume: 44
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2004
- Summary: ummer fallow is commonly used to stabilize winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production in the Central Great Plains, but summer fallow results in soil degradation, limits farm productivity and profitability, and stores soil water inefficiently. The objectives of this study were to quantify the production and economic consequences of replacing summer fallow with spring-planted crops on the subsequent winter wheat crop. A summer fallow treatment and five spring crop treatments [spring canola (Brassica napus L.), oat (Avena sativa L.) + pea (Pisum sativum L.) for forage, proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.), dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), and corn (Zea mays L.)] were no-till seeded into sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) residue in a randomized complete block design with five replications during 1999, 2000, and 2001. Winter wheat was planted in the fall following the spring crops. Five N fertilizer treatments (0, 22, 45, 67, and 90 kg N ha-1) were randomly assigned to each previous spring crop treatment in a split-plot treatment arrangement. The 3-yr mean wheat grain yield after summer fallow was 29% greater than following oat + pea for forage and 86% greater than following corn. The 3-yr mean annualized net return for the spring crop and subsequent winter wheat crop was $4.20, -$6.91, -$7.55, -$29.66, -$81.17, and -$94.88 ha-1 for oat + pea for forage, proso millet, summer fallow, dry bean, corn, and spring canola, respectively. Systems involving oat + pea for forage and proso millet are economically competitive with systems using summer fallow.
- Authors:
- Ingram, L. J.
- Schuman, G. E.
- Mortenson, M. C.
- Source: Environmental Management
- Volume: 33
- Issue: Supplement 1
- Year: 2004
- Summary: Management practices can significantly influence carbon sequestration by rangeland ecosystems. Grazing, burning, and fertilization have been shown to increase soil carbon storage in rangeland soils of the Great Plains. Research was initiated in 2001 in northwestern South Dakota to evaluate the role of interseeding a legume, Medicago sativa ssp. falcata, in northern mixed-grass rangelands on carbon sequestration. Sampling was undertaken on a chronosequence of sites interseeded in 1998, 1987, and 1965 as well as immediately adjacent untreated native rangeland sites. Soil organic carbon exhibited an increase of 4% in the 1998, 8% in the 1987, and 17% in the 1965 interseeding dates compared to their respective native untreated rangeland sites. Nitrogen fixation by the legume led to significant increases in total soil nitrogen and increased forage production in the interseeded treatments. Increases in organic carbon mass in this rangeland ecosystem can be attributed to the increase in soil organic carbon storage and the increased aboveground biomass resulting from the increased nitrogen in the ecosystem. The practice of interseeding adaptable cultivars of alfalfa into native rangelands may help in the mitigation of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide and enhance the long-term sustainability of the ecosystem.
- Authors:
- Feller, C.
- Oliver, R.
- Lesaint, S.
- Villenave, C.
- Girardin, C.
- Blanchart, E.
- Azontonde, A.
- Barthès, B.
- Source: Soil Use and Management
- Volume: 20
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2004
- Summary: Long term fallow is no longer possible in densely populated tropical areas, but legume cover crops can help maintain soil fertility. Our work aimed to study changes in soil carbon in a sandy loam Ultisol in Benin, which involved a 12-year experiment on three maize cropping systems under manual tillage: traditional no-input cultivation (T), mineral fertilized cultivation (NPK), and association with Mucuna pruriens (M). The origin of soil carbon was also determined through the natural abundance of soil and biomass 13C. In T, NPK and M changes in soil carbon at 0±40 cm were ±0.2, +0.2 and +1.3 tC ha±1 yr±1, with residue carbon amounting to 3.5, 6.4 and 10.0 tC ha±1 yr±1, respectively. After 12 years of experimentation, carbon originating from maize in litter-plus-soil (0±40 cm) represented less than 4% of both total carbon and overall maize residue carbon. In contrast, carbon originating from mucuna in litter-plus-soil represented more than 50% of both total carbon and overall mucuna residue carbon in M, possibly due to accelerated mineralization of native soil carbon (priming effect) and slow mulch decomposition. Carbon originating from weeds in litter-plus-soil represented c. 10% of both total carbon and overall weed residue carbon in T and NPK. Thus mucuna mulch was very effective in promoting carbon sequestration in the soil studied.
- Authors:
- Brandsater, L. O.
- Løes, A. K.
- Riley, H.
- Source: European weed research society. Proceedings of the 6th EWRS workshop on physical and cultural weed control, Lillehammer, Norway, 8-10 March, 2004
- Year: 2004
- Summary: Due to official regulations, Norwegian agriculture is divided into cereal cropping areas with very little animal husbandry, and areas with high livestock density in the coastal and mountain regions. Stockless organic farming requires a good management of green manure crops. This paper presents crop rotations designed for organic farming with low livestock density, combining weed control and nutrient supply. Rotation 1 consists of green manure, followed by barley with subcropped legume, oats and peas, green manure or winter rye, rye, ryegrass-clover, and late planted rapeseed. Rotation 1 is designed for a full-time farmer with good access to cultivated land, where 66% of the land is used for cereals and rapeseed, and 34% for green manure. Rotation 2 consists of cereal or lettuce, followed by 4-5 rotations of ley, then potatoes, green manure, cabbage with early mulch, and carrots with late mulch. Rotation 2 is designed for a part-time farmer with less farmland who wants to keep the land in shape and produce some cash crops, but cannot manage to cultivate all the farmland intensively. Forty-four percent of the land is then used for vegetables and herbs, and 56% to produce mulch or green manure crops. Green manure and mulch leys must be cut regularly to control perennial weeds.
- Authors:
- Riley, H.
- Løes, A. K.
- Brandsæter, L. O.
- Source: European weed research society. Proceedings of the 6th EWRS workshop on physical and cultural weed control, Lillehammer, Norway, 8-10 March, 2004
- Year: 2004
- Summary: Due to official regulations, Norwegian agriculture is divided into cereal cropping areas with very little animal husbandry, and areas with high livestock density in the coastal and mountain regions. Stockless organic farming requires a good management of green manure crops. This paper presents crop rotations designed for organic farming with low livestock density, combining weed control and nutrient supply. Rotation 1 consists of green manure, followed by barley with subcropped legume, oats and peas, green manure or winter rye, rye, ryegrass-clover, and late planted rapeseed. Rotation 1 is designed for a full-time farmer with good access to cultivated land, where 66% of the land is used for cereals and rapeseed, and 34% for green manure. Rotation 2 consists of cereal or lettuce, followed by 4-5 rotations of ley, then potatoes, green manure, cabbage with early mulch, and carrots with late mulch. Rotation 2 is designed for a part-time farmer with less farmland who wants to keep the land in shape and produce some cash crops, but cannot manage to cultivate all the farmland intensively. Forty-four percent of the land is then used for vegetables and herbs, and 56% to produce mulch or green manure crops. Green manure and mulch leys must be cut regularly to control perennial weeds.