- Authors:
- Schillinger, W. F.
- Wuest, S. B.
- Williams, J. D.
- Gollany, H. T.
- Source: Soil & Tillage Research
- Volume: 86
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2006
- Summary: Water erosion and runoff can be severe due to poor infiltration through frozen soil in the dryland wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production region of the inland Pacific Northwest (PNW), USA. For more than 70 years, farmers and researchers have used various methods of subsoiling to reduce runoff and erosion and to improve infiltration and soil moisture storage. The practice and equipment have evolved from chiseling continuous open channels across hillslopes to the rotary subsoiler that pits the soil. Farmers often subsoil wheat stubble after harvest, but do not employ this practice on newly planted winter wheat fields. These fields are especially vulnerable to erosion because of meager residue cover after a year of fallow. A 6-year field study was conducted in eastern Washington to determine the effect of rotary subsoiling in newly planted winter wheat on over-winter water storage. erosion, infiltration, and grain yield. There were two treatments, rotary subsoiling and control. The rotary subsoiler created one 40 cm-deep pit with 4 L capacity every 0.7 m(2). Natural precipitation did not cause rill erosion in either treatment because of mild winters during the study period. Net change in water stored over winter was significantly (P < 0.05) improved with rotary subsoiling compared to the control in 2 of 6 years. Grain yield was not affected by treatments in any year or when averaged over years. In 2003, we simulated rainfall for approximately 3 h at a rate of 18 mm/h on both subsoiled and control plots to determine runoff and erosion responses on frozen soils. Rotary subsoiling reduced runoff (P < 0.01) by 38%. Rotary subsoiling also significantly reduced erosion (P < 0.01) during the 20-45 min period after runoff had begun. The total quantities of eroded soils were 1.3 and 3.4 Mg/ha for the subsoiled and control treatments, respectively, with inter-rill the dominant erosion process. The average infiltration rate for the control treatment (3.3 mm/h) was half of the rate for the subsoiled treatment (6.6 mm/h), at the end of the 3 h simulation. Rotary subsoiling of newly-planted winter wheat can increase soil moisture stored over-winter and reduce runoff and soil loss on frozen soils, but the benefit of this practice for increasing grain yield has not been proven.
- Authors:
- Volk, L. B. D.
- Cogo, N. P.
- Castro, L. G.
- Source: Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo
- Volume: 30
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2006
- Summary: Although being temporary, the presence of tillage-induced surface roughness in the soil is an important requirement in conservation tillage systems. The reason is that surface roughness increases both surface retention and surface infiltration of water in the soil, reduces runoff velocity and volume, and traps eroded sediments, thus reducing water erosion damages. With this in mind, this study was developed with the objective of evaluating modifications in soil surface roughness by tillage and rainfall actions related to water erosion, in the absence and presence of mulch cover. The experiment was carried out in the field, at the Agriculture Experimental Station of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (EEA/UFRGS), in Eldorado do Sul County, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, in 1996 and 1997, using simulated rainfalls on a sand), clay loam Paleudult with 0.07 m m(-1) slope steepness. The tillage types evaluated in the study included plowing, plowing plus double-disking and no-till, all them in the absence and presence of 60% soil cover (oat residue), submitted to four simulated rainfall tests. The first test consisted of a rainfall segmented in four portions, lasting for 20, 20, 30, and 30 min, separated 30 to 40 min front each other, applied immediately after tillage. The remaining tests consisted of uninterrupted rains of 90-min duration, applied 1, 20, and 35 days after the first rain. These rainfalls were applied with the rotating-boom rainfall simulator at a constant intensity of 64.0 mm h(-1). Tillage caused greater changes in the soil surface roughness titan rainfall. Soil surface roughness was most reduced by rain action in the very first event in recently-tilled soil, in the pre-runoff period. Soil surface roughness impeded or delayed runoff ill treatments with soil Mobilization in the rainfall segments with short duration applied soon after tillage, impeding or reducing water and soil losses in that period, regardless of soil cover. In the continuous, subsequent long rains, surface roughness did not influence water loss in the studied treatments without cover, where it was high throughout the experimental period, but it did reduced water loss in the presence of cover. Water loss in no-till was high for such rains throughout the experiment. Under the same rain type, soil loss reduction as influenced by roughness was more evident in the absence of cover, whereas it was substantially obscured in its presence. Mulch of crop residue added to the soil surface did not preserve the initially high surface roughness created by tillage in the degraded soil used in the study. Nevertheless, by the end of the experiment more than half of the theoretical initial water and sediment retention capacity still remained in the microdepressions formed by roughness. The obtained data were consistent with theories and concepts used in soil erosion mechanics studies.
- Authors:
- Cavigelli, M. A.
- Szlavecz, K.
- Clark, S.
- Purrington, F.
- Source: Environmental Entomology
- Volume: 35
- Issue: 5
- Year: 2006
- Summary: Ground beetle assemblages were compared in organic, no-till, and chisel-till cropping systems of the USDA Farming Systems Project in Maryland. The cropping systems consisted of 3-yr rotations of corn ( Zea mays L.), soybean ( Glycine max L. Merr.), and wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) that were planted to corn and soybean during the 2 yr of field sampling (2001-2002). Each year, ground beetles were sampled using pitfall traps during three 9- to 14-d periods corresponding to spring, summer, and fall. A total of 2,313 specimens, representing 31 species, were collected over the 2 yr of sampling. The eight most common species represented 87% of the total specimens collected and included Scarites quadriceps Chaudoir, Elaphropus anceps (LeConte), Bembidion rapidum (LeConte), Harpalus pensylvanicus (DeGeer), Poecilus chalcites (Say), Clivina impressefrons LeConte, Agonum punctiforme (Say), and Amara aenea (DeGeer). Canonical variates analysis based on the 10 most abundant species showed that the carabid assemblages in the three cropping systems were distinguishable from each other. The organic system was found to be more different from the no-till and chisel-till systems than these two systems were from each other. In 2002, ground beetle relative abundance, measured species richness, and species diversity were greater in the organic than in the chisel-till system. Similar trends were found in 2001, but no significant differences were found in these measurements. Relatively few differences were found between the no-till and chisel-till systems. The estimated species richness of ground beetles based on several common estimators did not show differences among the three cropping systems. The potential use of ground beetles as ecological indicators is discussed.
- Authors:
- Source: PNAS, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
- Volume: 103
- Issue: 49
- Year: 2006
- Summary: The defining features of any cropping system are (i) the crop rotation and (ii) the kind or intensity of tillage. The trend worldwide starting in the late 20th century has been (i) to specialize competitively in the production of two, three, a single, or closely related crops such as different market classes of wheat and barley, and (ii) to use direct seeding, also known as no-till, to cut costs and save soil, time, and fuel. The availability of glyphosate- and insect-resistant varieties of soybeans, corn, cotton, and canola has helped greatly to address weed and insect pest pressures favored by direct seeding these crops. However, little has been done through genetics and breeding to address diseases caused by residue- and soil-inhabiting pathogens that remain major obstacles to wider adoption of these potentially more productive and sustainable systems. Instead, the gains have been due largely to innovations in management, including enhancement of root defence by antibiotic-producing rhizosphere-inhabiting bacteria inhibitory to root pathogens. Historically, new varieties have facilitated wider adoption of new management, and changes in management have facilitated wider adoption of new varieties. Although actual yields may be lower in direct-seed compared with conventional cropping systems, largely due to diseases, the yield potential is higher because of more available water and increases in soil organic matter. Achieving the full production potential of these more-sustainable cropping systems must now await the development of varieties adapted to or resistant to the hazards shown to account for the yield depressions associated with direct seeding.
- Authors:
- Yang, H. S.
- Amos, B.
- Burba, G. G.
- Suyker, A. E.
- Arkebauer, T. J.
- Knops, J. M.
- Walters, D. T.
- Cassman, K. G.
- Dobermann, A.
- Verma, S. B.
- Ginting, D.
- Hubbard, K. G.
- Gitelson, A. A.
- Walter-Shea, E. A.
- Source: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
- Volume: 131
- Issue: 1-2
- Year: 2005
- Summary: Carbon dioxide exchange was quantified in maize ( Zea mays)-soybean ( Glycine max) agroecosystems employing year-round tower eddy covariance flux systems and measurements of soil C stocks, CO 2 fluxes from the soil surface, plant biomass, and litter decomposition. Measurements were made in 3 cropping systems: (a) irrigated continuous maize; (b) irrigated maize-soybean rotation; and (c) rainfed maize-soybean rotation during 2001-2004. The study was conducted at the University of Nebraska Agricultural Research and Development Centre near Mead, Nebraska, USA. Because of a variable cropping history, all 3 sites were uniformly tilled by disking prior to initiation of the study. Since then, all sites are under no-till, and crop and soil management follow best management practices prescribed for production-scale systems. Cumulative daily gain of C by the crops (from planting to physiological maturity), determined from the measured eddy covariance CO 2 fluxes and estimated heterotrophic respiration, compared well with the measured total above and belowground biomass. Two contrasting features of maize and soyabean CO 2 exchange are notable. The value of integrated gross primary productivity (GPP) for both irrigated and rainfed maize over the growing season was substantially larger (ca. 2:1 ratio) than that for soyabean. Also, soyabean lost a larger portion (0.80-0.85) of GPP as ecosystem respiration (due, in part, to the large amount of maize residue from the previous year), as compared to maize (0.55-0.65). Therefore, the seasonally integrated net ecosystem production (NEP) in maize was larger by a 4:1 ratio (approximately), as compared to soyabean. Enhanced soil moisture conditions in the irrigated maize and soyabean fields caused an increase in ecosystem respiration, thus eliminating any advantage of increased GPP and giving about the same values for the growing season NEP as the rainfed fields. On an annual basis, the NEP of irrigated continuous maize was 517, 424, and 381 g C m -2 year -1, respectively, during the 3 years of our study. In rainfed maize, the annual NEP was 510 and 397 g C m -2 year -1 in years 1 and 3, respectively. The annual NEP in the irrigated and rainfed soyabean fields were in the range of -18 to -48 g C m -2. Accounting for the grain C removed during harvest and the CO 2 released from irrigation water, our tower eddy covariance flux data over the first 3 years suggest that, at this time: (a) the rainfed maize-soybean rotation system is C neutral; (b) the irrigated continuous maize is nearly C neutral or a slight source of C; and (c) the irrigated maize-soybean rotation is a moderate source of C. Direct measurement of soil C stocks could not detect a statistically significant change in soil organic carbon during the first 3 years of no-till farming in these 3 cropping systems.
- Authors:
- Source: Biology and Fertility of Soils
- Volume: 41
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2005
- Summary: Management practices, such as no tillage (NT) and intensive cropping, have potential to increase C and N sequestration in agricultural soils. The objectives of this study were to investigate the impacts of conventional tillage (CT), NT, and cropping intensity on soil organic C (SOC) and N (SON) sequestration and on distribution within aggregate-size fractions in a central Texas soil after 20 years of treatment imposition. Tillage regime and cropping sequence significantly impacted both SOC and SON sequestration. At 0-5 cm, NT increased SOC storage compared to CT by 33% and 97% and SON storage by 25% and 117% for a sorghum/wheat/soybean (SWS) rotation and a continuous sorghum monoculture, respectively. Total SOC and SON storage at both 0-5 and 5-15 cm was greater for SWS than continuous sorghum regardless of tillage regime. The majority of SOC and SON storage at 0-5 cm was observed in 250-m to 2-mm aggregates, and at 5-15 cm, in the >2-mm and 250-m to 2-mm fractions. Averaged across cropping sequences at 0-5 cm, NT increased SOC storage compared to CT by 212%, 96%, 0%, and 31%, and SON storage by 122%, 92%, 0%, and 37% in >2-mm, 250-m to 2-mm, 53- to 250-m, and
- Authors:
- Source: Soil Use and Management
- Volume: 21
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2005
- Authors:
- Castellanos, J. Z.
- Buenger, E. D.
- Follett, R. F.
- Source: Soil & Tillage Research
- Volume: 83
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2005
- Summary: Conservation tillage could enhance soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration, but is rarely used in cropping systems in Mexico, especially under irrigation. A study was conducted on a clayey, smectitic, isothermic Udic Pellustert to evaluate the use of traditional-deep and no-tillage systems on SOC dynamics for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-corn (Zea mays L.) and wheat-bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cropping systems. Experimental design was a randomized block of five tillage/crop-rotation (two crops per year) systems with four replications: (WC-CTb) wheat-corn, burning the residues of both crops, plowing and disking twice (WC-CT) wheat-corn under conventional tillage (plowing and disking twice to incorporate crop residues following the harvest of each crop), (WC-NT) wheat-corn under no-till, (WB-CT) wheat-bean under conventional tillage, and (WB-NT) wheat-bean under no-till. Each crop in the sequence received one of three fertilizer-N rates broadcast as urea: (a) 0, 150, and 300 kg N ha(-1) for corn; (b) 0, 40, and 80 kg N ha(-1) for bean; and (c) 0, 125, and 250 kg N ha(-1) for wheat. The baseline year was 1994, and relative changes were measured from 1994 to 1999 for grain yield and residue production, crop residue C and delta(13)C, SOC, soil C/N ratio, and change in soil delta(13)C. Interaction of cropping system x fertilizer-N rate was highly important to grain yield and crop residue production and amount of crop-residue C produced. High N rates increased SOC sequestration and decreased soil C/N ratios. In WC systems, more negative delta(13)C was associated with higher N rates, indicating increased contribution of wheat (a C(3) plant) residue C relative to corn (a C(4) plant). In WB, N-rate and tillage had no effect on SOC sequestration. Highest rate of SOC sequestration was under WC-NT and when increases in SOC from 1994 to 1999 were annualized was 1.0 and 1.9 Mg SOC yr(-1) in the 0-15- and 15-30-cm depths, respectively. Corresponding SOC in 0-15- and 15-30-cm depths in the WC-CT treatment was 0.2 and 0.6 Mg yr(-1) and amounts in all other treatments were equal or lower than those observed for WC-CT. There was a significant correlation between aboveground crop-residue C produced and amount of SOC sequestered. Results from this study indicate no-till on N-fertilized WC systems can potentially increase SOC sequestration on large areas of irrigated Vertisols in Central Mexico while maintaining high crop yields.
- Authors:
- Paustian,Keith
- Cole,C. Vernon
- Sauerbeck,Dieter
- Sampson,Neil
- Peairs,F. B.
- Bean,B.
- Gossen,B. D.
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 97
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2005
- Summary: The intensification of traditional wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-fallow production systems may have important consequences for management of insects, pathogens, and weeds in Great Plains dryland production systems. Assessment of these consequences is difficult due to the diversity of production systems, environmental conditions, and pests found in the region. Certain pest groups, such as weeds, traditionally controlled during the fallow period, may be favored by intensified cropping while others, such as those specializing on wheat, should be disadvantaged. Changes in pest and disease complexes will likely be evolutionary rather than revolutionary, as has been the case with other significant changes in production practices. Preventive practices in dryland production systems currently emphasize the control of grassy weeds while intensified systems may have less emphasis on the control of volunteer wheat. Crop rotation will remain a key avoidance strategy for pathogens and will help broaden herbicide options. Pest monitoring provides essential information on pest activity and environmental conditions and will become more complex as production systems are intensified. Important suppressive practices for dryland production systems include conservation biological control, tillage, and chemical controls. Chemical control, in particular, is expected to become more complicated due to drift concerns, rotational restrictions, the possible need for herbicide-tolerant crops, and the development of weed populations resistant to glyphosate. Pest management requirements should be considered during cropping system design and establishment.
- Authors:
- Erbach, D. C.
- Stokes, B. J.
- Graham, R. L.
- Turhollow, A. F.
- Wright, L. L.
- Perlack, R. D.
- Year: 2005