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- Policies and procedures
Policies and procedures
Operating hours
K-State Libraries will periodically, but not less than once a semester, publish the operating hours of library facilities. Scheduled events are not allowed outside of these operating hours without pre-approval from the Resource Link coordinator and their designee.
Facilities usage
The organizations as defined in the Libraries' policies and procedures are listed as such.
Center for Student Involvement (CSI) organizations:
- A student organization shall be defined as any organization whose membership is comprised of students, faculty and/or staff, but at no time shall the membership of students be less than 80% of the total members. The officers of the organization must be students.
University organization:
- A campus organization shall be defined as any organization whose membership is comprised entirely of university persons, but at no time shall the university membership be less than 80% of the total members.
- A university-community organization is one which is comprised of university and community persons. At no time shall the total membership of university persons be less than 50%. At least 50% of the officers must be university persons.
- A university organization can be a university departmental meeting involving university faculty and staff.
Outside entities:
- An outside organization is one in which over 50% of the membership is comprised of off-campus people having no affiliation with the university.
- An outside organization is any group not fitting the definitions for CSI or university organizations.
Guidelines regarding organizations:
- Registered student organizations or university departments may not serve as “fronts” for other groups in order to obtain free or reduced rates on meeting spaces for any department or off-campus user.
- Meetings and events reserved by K-State student organizations or departments must fall under the following guidelines:
- Event or meeting must be planned and managed by a CSI-registered organization or university department. Members of the organization or department are to be actively involved with the planning of the meeting or event.
- A majority of those attending events scheduled by a student organization or university department are expected to be K-State students, faculty or staff, or have a legitimate connection to the organization or university department.
Use of collaboration rooms
Room guidelines
- Talking is permitted in the rooms, but please be mindful of your neighbors who are also studying nearby.
- Users are not allowed to cover the windows of the collaboration rooms.
- Do not leave items unattended in the collaboration rooms. If you discover belongings in the room, please notify an employee at the welcome desk on the first floor or at the library help desk on the second floor. The employee will remove the items and take them to the lost and found at the second-floor help desk.
- Inappropriate conduct, such as excessive noise and sleeping, is not permitted. Students are required to abide by Kansas State University’s Student Code of Conduct. The Libraries reserves the right to remove users from rooms, limit future room use and report inappropriate conduct to the appropriate university authorities.
- Report damage to room furniture or equipment to an employee at the library help desk on the second floor or the welcome desk on the first floor immediately. Unreported damage will be treated as an act of vandalism and reported to university police.
- Furniture may not be moved into or out of collaboration rooms.
- Only K-State students, faculty and staff can use the online reservation system to reserve a collaboration room up to one month in advance. Each person is limited to four hours of reservations per day.
- The first 35 characters of the subject line of the reservation will show up on the room’s booking display. This is the only information that will show up on the display. Neither the name nor the eID of the person making the reservation will appear.
- Reservations are to be made only for specific uses. Reserving a room “just in case” or blocking out a room with back-to-back bookings by different members of a group prevents fair access by all patrons. The Libraries reserves the right to limit future collaboration room use if the system is abused.
- Instructions for making an advance reservation, calendars showing bookings for each room and descriptions of each room are available on the Libraries collaboration room webpage.
Graduate student lockers in Hale Library
- Only currently registered K-State graduate students are eligible.
- Existing locker holders who become unregistered must give up their locker.
How to request a locker:
- Graduate Student Lockers are allocated through a lottery system. Applications are accepted throughout the year; however, the lottery only takes place once per year at the beginning of the fall semester. Lockers may be allocated at other times if there is availability.
- To request a locker, complete our online application.
How to claim an assigned locker:
- Recipients will be notified before the end of the first week of fall classes. This notification will instruct recipients to claim their assigned locker by visiting the library help desk on the second floor of Hale Library within 30 days The first time a recipient wishes to open their locker, they will need to visit the library help desk so that library personnel can accompany them and open their locker with an override key.
- Lockers that are not claimed within 30 days may be allocated to others who had requested a locker.
Locker use agreement:
The online application includes a locker use agreement. By submitting an application, you are indicating that you accept the agreement.
Locker renewals:
- Each person who is assigned a locker for the fall semester will receive an email prior to finals week asking if they wish to renew their locker for the following spring and summer semesters. Individuals who do not request a renewal will be required to empty their locker by the end of finals week of the fall semester.
- A person who is assigned a locker for the spring and summer semesters may not renew their locker for the upcoming fall semester. They may, however, submit a new application to reenter the locker lottery.
Locker use guidelines:
- Locker users will choose their own combination.
- Lockers must be kept locked at all times except when accessing the locker.
- No items are to be affixed to the locker’s interior or exterior.
- Lockers may not be permanently altered by the assignee.
Locker content responsibility:
- You may store items in the lockers at your own risk.
- Hale Library is not responsible or liable for stored items.
- Hale Library is not responsible or liable for the loss, theft or damage of locker contents.
Allowed items:
- Personal books.
- K-State library materials or interlibrary loan items that are checked out to the locker assignee.
- Electronic devices that are turned off (i.e., cell phones, tablets, computers, etc.).
- Research materials.
- Writing implements.
- Notebooks and notepads, etc.
- Nonperishable items, such as granola bars or water bottles.
Prohibited items:
- Unsealed food or drink containers.
- Items with a noticeable odor.
- Items that make a sound.
- Perishable items.
- Prohibited, dangerous and/or illegal items (i.e., controlled substances, drugs, alcohol, flammable materials, chemicals, explosives, weapons).
- Library books or items not checked out to the locker assignee.
Locker inspection:
- Hale Library reserves the right to conduct locker inspections at any time without notice.
- Any violations discovered during a locker inspection will require the locker’s assignee to immediately clear out their locker. In addition, the locker’s assignee will no longer be eligible for any future locker assignments.
Locker damage:
- Locker assignee must immediately report any and all locker issues to the Hale Library help desk at 785-532-7427 or libhelp@k-state.edu.
Locker clearing:
- If your locker was assigned in the fall semester and you do not request a renewal, your locker must be emptied by the last day of the fall semester. If you requested a renewal in the fall or if your locker was assigned in the spring or summer, your locker must be emptied by the last day of the summer semester.
- Any contents remaining in lockers will be removed after the locker expiration date.
- Any library property left in a locker will be returned to the library.
- Abandoned personal items will be brought to the lost and found area at the Hale Library help desk, 785-532-7427, libhelp@k-state.edu. Abandoned personal items may be reclaimed from the Hale Library help desk for 30 days from the expiration date.
- Locker users who do not clear their lockers before the locker expiration date will lose their locker privileges for a one-year period.
Tabling events in Hale Library
General policy:
- Tabling events held within Hale Library must be scheduled and approved by the Resource Link coordinator. Scheduling must be completed and approved one week prior to the event date. Only tables which are scheduled and provided by Hale Library will be permitted. The restrictions of this policy shall not apply to other registered events within the library.
Prohibited tabling events in the library include:
- Any activity that violates Kansas State University’s policies, regulations, guidelines and plans.
- Any activity that violates Kansas State University Libraries' limitations policies.
- Any polictical acivity.
- The one exception is voter registration drives; they are able to table within Hale Library.
Permitted organizations:
- Center for Student Involvement (CSI)-registered organizations.
- Official colleges, departments or units of Kansas State University.
- Manhattan Public Library and Manhattan Christian College.
Tabling limitations:
- No more than one table may be scheduled at any time without approval from the Resource Link coordinator or their designee.
- Organizations utilizing library space for tabling events may only schedule a table for a maximum of one day in a seven-day period, concluding on the date of the requested event. Schedule permitting, additional days may be allowed to organizations.
- Permission may be granted to table more than one day in a seven-day period for special events as determined by the Resource Link coordinator.
- Organizations utilizing library space for tabling events may only schedule a table for a maximum of one day in a seven-day period, concluding on the date of the requested event. Schedule permitting, additional days may be allowed to organizations.
Space amenities:
- The Resource Link main area includes six tables with four chairs per table and ample whiteboard space. The area also houses four consultation rooms, each with one table, two chairs, whiteboards and electrical outlets.
- Hale 104 and various locations throughout the second floor of Hale Library may be used for tabling events that fit within the scope of permitted activities.
What is provided:
- Hale Library will provide one table, two chairs and one sign holder located at each table. If needed, additional tables and chairs may be provided but are not guaranteed.
Promotional materials:
- The director of communication and marketing for Hale Library or their designee holds the right to make decisions on all marketing material used in the Libraries.
- Promotional materials must stay within the permitted space. (i.e. no posters, pamphlets, flyers, etc., are allowed on other tables, walls or nonlibrary-approved locations.)
- Promotional and informational tables will be decided by the Resource Link coordinator or their designee with input from the organization making the request.
Audio-visual restrictions:
- Visual promotions are allowed within the reserved area, given that the visuals do not disturb patrons around the space.
- Audio promotions are not permitted within the Libraries. Special permission may be granted depending on the accessibility of audio usage, as determined by the Resource Link coordinator or their designee.
Each organization shall:
- Post its name on the table within clear view of passersby.
- Leave the table in its original location.
- Remain within the permitted tabling space.
- In the case of co-sponsorship, the CSI organization must be in attendance at all times.
Distribution of literature
- The K-State Libraries director of communications and marketing assumes responsibility for the regulation of literature and promotion on K-State Libraries premises, in accordance with the Kansas State University Literature and Notice Regulations.
- Literature may be displayed/distributed from pre-approved locations within the Libraries. Locations within Hale Library include:
- The bulletin board near the first-floor entrance.
- Within the Resource Link, given approval by the Resource Link coordinator.
- Literature may be distributed only from scheduled tables on the first and second floor of Hale Library.
- Distribution of literature is prohibited outside and at the entrance to the Libraries. Hale Library entrances are defined as:
- West: to the edge of the loggia ramp
- South: to the edge of the sidewalk directly in front of Hale Library
- The posting of any sign, flyer or poster on or hanging above glass windows and doors is prohibited. The purpose is to maintain transparency into the various office spaces, meeting rooms, etc.
Sales, solicitation and advertising
K-State Libraries follows the university's policy for sales, solicitation and advertising.
Photography, filming and media inquiries
- Photography and filming are prohibited in Hale Library, unless approval has been granted by the Libraries.
- Media inquiries and requests to film or photograph can be sent the K-State Libraries director of communications and marketing.
Removal of furniture and equipment
There will be no furniture or equipment removed from any Libraries building without prior approval.
Undesirable conduct
- Undesirable conduct by individuals the Libraries (including all entrances into the building) may result in those individuals being requested by library staff to leave the premises. Entrances to Hale Library are defined as:
- West: to the edge of the loggia ramp
- South: to the edge of the sidewalk directly in front of Hale Library
- Undesirable conduct is defined as such conduct which in any way defaces or damages the premises, obstructs the intended and effective use of the premises, or obstructs or interferes with the intended and effective use of the premises by members or guests of the Kansas State University student body, faculty or administration.
- If a person engaged in undesirable conduct is requested to leave the premises and fails to do so within a reasonable time, Library staff, at their discretion, may seek the assistance of the K-State Police Department to remove the individual. Additional assistance may be called upon when deemed necessary.
- All individuals using library facilities are expected to take reasonable steps to ensure proper care of the building and equipment. Any cost related to repairs and/or replacement of library facilities and/or equipment due to damage, misuse or vandalism shall be the responsibility of the group or person causing the damage.
- Violators will be prosecuted. Violations will include, but are not limited to: theft, criminal trespass and vandalism.
Alcohol and tobacco
- The use and distribution of alcohol and like-minded substances are prohibited the library. Exceptions may be made for library-sanctioned events as approved by the Libraries dean or their designee.
- Smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco and electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are prohibited.
Please review the university policy on smoking.
Service animals
K-State Libraries follows the university’s policy for service animals.
Bicycles, skateboards, coasters, roller blades and skates
Bicycles, skateboards, coasters, roller blades, roller skates, hover boards or similar devices are not allowed inside the Libraries, including entrances. Hale Library entrances are defined as:
- West: to the edge of the loggia ramp
- South: to the edge of the sidewalk directly in front of Hale library
Please review the university policy on bicycles and scooters.
Lost and found
- K-State Libraries is not responsible for the security of personal items brought into the building. Patrons are expected to keep their belongings, especially valuables, within their sight at all times.
- Found items can be turned in at the second-floor help desk of Hale Library.
- Containers holding food items or liquids will be emptied before they are stored in the Lost and Found.
- All unclaimed property at the end of the semester will be turned over to one of several charitable organizations utilized by the Libraries or discarded.
K-State IDs:
- If you find a K-State student ID card, you can turn it into the lost and found at the second-floor help desk of Hale Library. We will email the patron to notify them their ID has been turned in. If it’s not claimed within two days, the ID card will be brought to the K-State ID Card Center at the Student Union.
Unattended minors
A primary mission of K-State Libraries is to provide a safe, secure, comfortable and convenient facility for patrons and staff. Staff can provide general guidance about library resources. K-State Libraries does not provide childcare services.
- Unattended child:
- An unattended child is any person under 10 years of age unaccompanied by a responsible adult or babysitter, and who is unable to care for themselves or use the library responsibly.
- Guardians:
- This term encompasses any designated adults, including parents, caregivers, teachers, chaperones and/or babysitters (age 14 or older); guardians are considered responsible for the welfare and behavior of the children they are accompanying.
- Inappropriate behavior: Examples of inappropriate behavior may include but are not limited to:
- Disruptive behavior, such as running, shouting, climbing, rude actions, horseplay, using technology at an inappropriate volume, etc.
- Verbal or physical abuse of staff or other people in the library, such as cursing, demeaning comments, talking back, rude comments, hitting, biting, kicking, punching, teasing other children, etc.
- Damage to property of the library or others’ possessions, such as breaking or ruining supplies, improper use of furniture or equipment, theft, hiding property, etc.
- Guardians are responsible for the welfare and behavior of their children. The library is not responsible for unattended children.
- Any child under 10 years old must be accompanied by a guardian at all times who helps them follow library rules.
- An exception exists for children attending a planned, scheduled library program. However, the guardian is expected to remain in the library building and immediately join the child at the end of the program.
- Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Staff will ask children to modify their behavior. Children whose behavior continues to be disruptive will be asked to leave the library. If a child is not able to leave the library without an adult, they should not be in the library alone.
- At closing time or in the event of an emergency, staff will assist unattended children in calling a guardian. If a guardian cannot be contacted within 30 minutes or at the library’s closing time, staff will call campus police who will assume responsibility for the child.
- Parents should be aware of circumstances for unexpected library closures (storms, power outages, etc.). Changes to the library hours of operation are announced via the PA system and if warranted, posted on the library website.