103-A Eleanor and Ben Brent Collaboration Room
Capacity: 6 Amenities: table, chairs, and dry erase surface π Reserve room 103a
103-B Collaboration Room
Capacity: 6 Amenities: table, chairs, and dry erase surface π Reserve room 103b
103-C Mark and Ann Knackendoffel Collaboration Room
Capacity: 7 Amenities: table, chairs, 60 inch monitor, and dry erase surface π Reserve room 103c

103-D Bruce and Jan Adams Collaboration Room
Capacity: 6 Amenities: table, chairs, 60 inch monitor, and dry erase surface π Reserve room 103d
103-E Marilyn and Bill Taylor Collaboration Room
Capacity: 5 Amenities: table, chair, 60 inch monitor, and dry erase surface π Reserve room 103e
103-F Morey E. and Yolanda R. Oldweiler Collaboration Room
Capacity: 5 Amenities: table, chairs, 60 inch monitor, and dry erase surface π Reserve room 103f
103-G Bruce and Megan Weber Collaboration Room
Capacity: 4 Amenities: table, chair, 60 inch monitor, and dry erase surface π Reserve room 103g |
103-H Dan and Beth Bird Collaboration Room
Capacity: 5 Amenities: table, chairs, 60 inch monitor, and dry erase surface π Reserve room 103h |
103-J M. Alan and Katherine Hale Collaboration Room
Capacity: 5 Amenities: table, chairs, 60 inch monitor, and dry erase surface π Reserve room 103j |
103-K Joleen Hill Collaboration Room
Capacity: 5 Amenities: table, chair, 60 inch monitor, and dry erase surface π Reserve room 103k |
103-L Collaboration Room
Capacity: 5 Amenities:table, chairs, 60 inch monitor, and dry erase surface π Reserve room 103L |
103-M Collaboration Room
Capacity: 4 Amenities: table, chair, 60 inch monitor, and dry erase surface π Reserve room 103m |

107 Shwan Alkhatib Collaboration Room
Capacity: 20 Amenities: tables, chairs, five 60 inch monitors π Reserve room 107 |