
Save money on your textbooks

K-State Libraries support two programs to help students save money on their textbooks.

1. Digital textbooks

Open Textbook iconsThe easiest way to save money on textbooks is to look for this icon in KSIS or the course catalog. These classes use open or alternative textbooks that are free to K-State students. There is a $10 course fee that supports the adoption and creation of open and alternative textbooks at K-State. They are also available digitally so you can access them from your phone, laptop or tablet at any time.

These materials are open or alternative educational resources that are either created or adopted by instructors. Instructors can apply for grants to switch their course materials to open educational resources.

We’ve saved K-State students over $10 million since 2013!
Private donations help make this program possible.

2. Textbooks on Reserve

Did you know that you might not have to pay for textbooks at all?

K-State Libraries have hundreds of textbooks at our library help desks. Most textbooks can be checked out for two hours. Free scanners are available so you can scan the section you need.

Note: Copying, displaying or distributing copyrighted works, may infringe the owner’s copyright. Any use of computers or duplicating facilities that infringe copyrighted works is subject to appropriate disciplinary action as well as those civil remedies and crimal penalties provided by federal law.


Find a textbook

See if we have your textbook by searching Search It by course number, instructor or title, or ask us, and we can look for you. If the Libraries don't have a textbook you need, you can request that we obtain a copy by visiting a library help desk.

Search for a textbook

Important check out policies

Most textbooks are a part of our Course Reserves collection. In order to ensure the greatest number of students have access to these materials, they have special check out policies. Due dates and fines are strictly enforced.

Learn about check out policies and fines


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