• Authors:
    • Puurveen, H.
    • Kryzanowski, L. M.
    • Goddard, T. W.
    • Pattey, E.
    • Grant, R. F.
  • Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
  • Volume: 70
  • Issue: 1
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: The attribution of N2O emission factors to N inputs from chemical fertilizers requires an understanding of how those inputs affect the biological processes from which these emissions are generated. We propose a detailed model of soil N transformations as part of the ecosystem model ecosys for use in attributing N2O emission factors to fertilizer use. In this model, the key biological processes--mineralization, immobilization, nitrification, denitrification, root, and mycorrhizal uptake--controlling the generation of N2O were coupled with the key physical processes--convection, diffusion, volatilization, dissolution--controlling the transport of the gaseous reactants and products of these biological processes. Physical processes controlling gaseous transport and solubility caused large temporal variation in the generation and emission of N2O in the model. This variation limited the suitability of discontinuous surface flux chambers measurements used to test modeled N2O emissions. Continuous flux measurements using micrometeorological techniques were better suited to the temporal scales at which variation in N2O emission occurred and at which model testing needed to be conducted. In a temperate, humid climate, modeled N2O emissions rose nonlinearly with fertilizer application rate once this rate exceeded the crop and soil uptake capacities for added N. These capacities were partly determined by history of fertilizer use, so that the relationship between N2O emissions and current N inputs depended on earlier N inputs. A scheme is proposed in which N2O emission factors rise nonlinearly with fertilizer N inputs that exceed crop plus soil N uptake capacities.
  • Authors:
    • Chong, G. W.
    • Martinson, E. J.
    • Omi, P. N.
    • Hunter, M. E.
  • Source: International Journal of Wildland Fire
  • Volume: 15
  • Issue: 2
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: Establishment and spread of non-native species following wildfires can pose threats to long-term native plant recovery. Factors such as disturbance severity, resource availability, and propagule pressure may influence where non-native species establish in burned areas. In addition, pre- and post-fire management activities may influence the likelihood of non-native species establishment. In the present study we examine the establishment of non-native species after wildfires in relation to native species richness, fire severity, dominant native plant cover, resource availability, and pre- and post-fire management actions (fuel treatments and post-fire rehabilitation treatments). We used an information-theoretic approach to compare alternative hypotheses. We analysed post-fire effects at multiple scales at three wildfires in Colorado and New Mexico. For large and small spatial scales at all fires, fire severity was the most consistent predictor of non-native species cover. Non-native species cover was also correlated with high native species richness, low native dominant species cover, and high seeded grass cover. There was a positive, but non-significant, association of non-native species with fuel-treated areas at one wildfire. While there may be some potential for fuels treatments to promote non-native species establishment, wildfire and post-fire seeding treatments seem to have a larger impact on non-native species.
  • Authors:
    • Trettin, C. C.
    • Bliss, N. B.
    • Keller, J. K.
    • Megonigal, J. P.
    • Bridgham, S. D.
  • Source: Wetlands
  • Volume: 26
  • Issue: 4
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: We examine the carbon balance of North American wetlands by reviewing and synthesizing the published literature and soil databases. North American wetlands contain about 220 Pg C, most of which is in peat. They are a small to moderate carbon sink of about 49 Tg C yr(-1), although the uncertainty around this estimate is greater than 100%, with the largest unknown being the role of carbon sequestration by sedimentation in freshwater mineral-soil wetlands. We estimate that North American wetlands emit 9 Tg methane (CH4) yr(-1); however, the uncertainty of this estimate is also greater than 100%. With the exception of estuarine wetlands, CH4 emissions from wetlands may largely offset any positive benefits of carbon sequestration in soils and plants in terms of climate forcing. Historically, the destruction of wetlands through land-use changes has had the largest effects on the carbon fluxes and consequent radiative forcing of North American wetlands. The primary effects have been a reduction in their ability to sequester carbon (a small to moderate increase in radiative forcing), oxidation of their soil carbon reserves upon drainage (a small increase in radiative forcing), and reduction in CH4 emissions (a small to large decrease in radiative forcing). It is uncertain how global changes will affect the carbon pools and fluxes of North American wetlands. We will not be able to predict accurately the role of wetlands as potential positive or negative feedbacks to anthropogenic global change without knowing the integrative effects of changes in temperature, precipitation, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, and atmospheric deposition of nitrogen and sulfur on the carbon balance of North American wetlands.
  • Authors:
    • Amon, B.
    • Weiland, P.
    • Trimborn, M.
    • Clemens, J.
  • Source: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
  • Volume: 112
  • Issue: 2-3
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: Biogas treatment of animal manures is an upcoming technology because it is a way of producing renewable energy (biogas). However, little is known about effects of this management strategy on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions during fermentation, storage, and field application of the substrates compared to untreated slurries. In this study, we compared cattle slurry and cattle slurry with potato starch as additive during the process of fermentation, during storage and after field application. The addition of potato starch strongly enhanced CH4 production from 4230 l CH4 m-3 to 8625 l CH4 m-3 in the fermenter at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 29 days. Extending the HRT to 56 days had only a small effect on the CH4 production.Methane emissions from stored slurry depended on storage temperature and were highest from unfermented slurry followed by the slurry/starch mixture. Gas emissions from untreated and fermented slurry during storage were further analyzed in a pilot-scale experiment with different levels of covering such as straw cover, a wooden lid and no cover. Emissions of greenhouse gases (CH4,N2O, NH3) were in the range of 14.3-17.1 kg CO2 eq. m-3 during winter (100 day storage period) and 40.5-90.5 kg CO2 eq. m-3 during summer (140 day storage period). A straw cover reduced NH3 losses, but not overall GHG emissions, whereas a solid cover reduced CH4 and NH3 emissions. After field application, there were no significant differences between slurry types in GHG emissions (4.15-8.12 kg CO2 eq. m-3a-1). GHG emissions from slurry stores were more important than emissions after field application. Co-digestion of slurry with additives such as starch has a large potential to substitute fossil energy by biogas. On a biogas plant, slurry stores should be covered gas-tight in order to eliminate GHG emissions and collect CH4 for electricity production.
  • Authors:
    • Pazsiczki, I.
    • Brunsch, R.
    • Berg, W.
  • Source: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
  • Volume: 112
  • Issue: 2-3
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: Liquid manure storage facilities are sources of methane, nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions. Different materials for covering liquid manure storage facilities to reduce gaseous emissions were investigated on laboratory scale (65 l): perlite (Pegu¨ litTM), lightweight expanded clay aggregate (LecaTM) and chopped straw—both individually and combined with lactic acid or saccharose, respectively. Methane is the predominant greenhouse gas emitted from liquid manure storage facilities. Nitrous oxide plays a role when surfaces become encrusted when it occurs by using the cover materials investigated. Common cover materials have good reduction effects on ammonia but less on greenhouse gas emissions. Straw can increase emissions of methane and nitrous oxide, as can granules. Lowering the pH value of the slurry can reduce both methane and nitrous oxide emissions. Combinations of covering and acidifying should cause a pH value below 6.0 to reduce methane and nitrous oxide emissions effectively. Lower pH value seems to be necessary also to reduce ammonia emissions effectively.
  • Authors:
    • Horfarter, R.
    • Hougaard, H.
    • Broge, N.
    • Knudsen, L.
    • Hansen, O. M.
    • Schelde, K.
    • Thomsen, A.
    • Berntsen, J.
  • Source: Precision Agriculture
  • Volume: 7
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: Several methods were developed for the redistribution of nitrogen (N) fertilizer within fields with winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) based on plant and soil sensors, and topographical information. The methods were based on data from nine field experiments in nine different fields for a 3-year period. Each field was divided into 80 or more subplots fertilized with 60, 120, 180 or 240 kg N ha-1. The relationships between plot yield, N application rate, sensor measurements and the interaction between N application and sensor measurements were investigated. Based on the established relations, several sensor-based methods for within-field redistribution of N were developed. It was shown that plant sensors predicted yield at harvest better than soil sensors and topographical indices. The methods based on plant sensors showed that N fertilizer should be moved from areas with low and high sensor measurements to areas with medium values.The theoretical increase in yield and N uptake, and the reduced variation in grain protein content resulting from the application of the above methods were estimated. However, the estimated increases in crop yield, N-uptake and reduced variation in grain protein content were small.
  • Authors:
    • Janzen, H. H.
    • Angers, D. A.
    • Gregorich, E. G.
    • VandenBygaart, A. J.
    • Bolinder, M. A.
  • Source: Canadian Journal of Soil Science
  • Volume: 86
  • Issue: 3
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: Modelling soil organic carbon (SOC) stock changes in agroecosystems can be performed with different approaches depending on objectives and available data. Our objective in this paper is to describe a scheme for developing a dynamic SOC algorithm for calculating net greenhouse gas emissions from Canadian farms as a function of management and local conditions. Our approach is flexible and emphasizes ease of use and the integration of available knowledge. Using this approach, we assessed the performance of several SOC models having two or more compartments for some common agroecosystems in Canada. Analysis of long-term data for conventional management practices at different sites (n = 36) in Canada, including recent model applications in the literature on some of those data, indicated that the results obtained with two-compartment models, such as the Introductory Carbon Balance Model (ICBM) and Modified Woodruff Model (MWM), yielded results comparable to those of a multi-compartment model (CENTURY). The analysis also showed that a model such as ICBM need stuning to be applied to management and conditions across Canada. Two-compartment models programmable in a simple spreadsheet format, though they may not supplant more complex models in allapplications, offer advantages of simplicity and transparency in whole-farm analyses of greenhouse gas emissions. Key words: Virtual Farm, soil organic carbon, soil disturbance, C inputs, Introductory Carbon Balance Model (ICBM), CENTURY, Modified Woodruff Model (MWM).
  • Authors:
    • Derksen, D.
    • May, W.
    • Johnston, A.
    • Clayton, G.
    • Lafond, G.
    • Stevenson, F.
  • Source: Canadian Journal of Plant Science
  • Volume: 86
  • Issue: 2
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: Surface residues and standing stubble protect soil against erosion and mitigate against crop water deficits by conserving additional moisture. However, residues and stubble can also present a dilemma for producers practising no-till in terms of nitrogen (N) fertilizer management and row spacing. The objective of this research was to determine how row spacing, N management using urea and two rates of post-emergent herbicide (66 and 100% of recommended) affect spring wheat establishment and plant development. The study was conducted using a no-till system and a canola-spring wheat cropping system at three locations over a 3-yr period. The N management and row spacing treatments were (1) 23-cm row spacing with fall banded N on 30 cm; (2) 23-cm row spacing with spring banded N on 30 cm; (3) 30-cm row spacing with the N side-banded; (4) 23-cm row spacing with the N side-banded; and (5) sweep on 23-cm spacing with seed and fertilizer scattered over a 20-cm width. Herbicide rates did not affect wheat development. Planting depth was greater for the sweep treatment, but only by 6 mm. Plant densities were at the low end of the optimal range of 200-250 plants m -2 for all treatments and were least for the 30 cm row spacing. Average frequencies for tillers T0, T1, T2 and T3 were 20, 81 61 and 10%, respectively. Fall and spring band treatments resulted in lower tiller frequencies than the sweep treatment, with intermediate levels for the side-band treatments. Tiller frequencies were identical between the 23-cm and 30-cm row spacings with N side-banded. Greater tiller frequencies for the sweep treatment likely resulted from the greater spread of seed, reducing inter-plant competition and closer proximity of the seed to fertilizer N. Spike density was not affected by N management. Expected spike density, calculated from tiller frequency and plant density data, was within 1% of the actual spikes recorded, when averaged over treatments. This means that tiller frequencies at the 5 to 5.5 leaf stage are a good predictor of expected spike density. Wider row spacings did not affect plant and tiller development but applying N fertilizer at time of seeding provided better spring wheat tiller development.
  • Authors:
    • Solberg, E. D.
    • Nyborg, M.
    • Malhi, S. S.
    • Izaurralde, R. C.
    • Jakas, M. C. Quiroga
  • Source: Agronomy Journal
  • Volume: 98
  • Issue: 5
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: Field experiments were conducted from 1991 to 1995 at Josephburg (Orthic Black Chernozem, Typic Cryoboroll) and Cooking Lake (Orthic Gray Luvisol, Typic Cryoboralf), Alberta, to determine the impact of topsoil removal on selected soil properties, N-mineralization potential, and crop yield, and the effectiveness of various amendments for restoring the productivity of eroded soils. The simulated-erosion levels were established in the autumn of 1990 by removing 20 cm of topsoil in 5-cm depth increments. The four amendments were: control, addition of 5 cm of topsoil, fertilizers to supply 100 kg N ha(-1) and 20 kg P ha(-1), and cattle manure at 75 Mg ha(-1). Topsoil and manure were applied once in the autumn of 1990, while fertilizers were applied annually from 1991 to 1995. Available N and P; total C, N, and P; and N-mineralization potential decreased, while bulk density increased with increasing depth of topsoil removal. Tiller number, plant height, spike density, thousand-kernel weight, and leaf area index decreased with simulated erosion. Grain yield reductions due to simulated soil erosion were either linear or curvilinear functions of nutrient removal. Application of N and P fertilizers and manure improved grain yield and reduced the impact of yield loss due to erosion. Return of 5 cm of topsoil also increased grain yield, but to a lesser extent than manure or fertilizers. Grain yields were maximized when fertilizers were also applied to organic amendment treatments. Our findings suggest the importance of integrated use of organic amendments and chemical fertilizers for best crop yields on severely eroded soils.
  • Authors:
    • Deen, W.
    • Janovicek, K.
    • Meyer-Aurich, A.
    • Weersink, A.
  • Source: Agronomy Journal
  • Volume: 98
  • Issue: 5
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: The objective of our research was to identify economically efficient corn (Zea mays L.) based tillage-rotation combinations using a 20-yr data set from a long-term experiment in Ontario, Canada. Seven rotations in two tillage systems (moldboard and chisel plow) were analyzed. We found multiple benefits associated with diversifying rotations in both tillage systems The integration of soybean [Glycine mar (L.) Merr.] or soybean and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) resulted in 7 to 11% higher corn yields in the chisel tillage system. In the plow tillage system corn yield in rotation with soybean and wheat increased by 5%, when wheat was underseeded with red clover (Trifolium pratense L.). These diversified rotations resulted in an increase in yearly net returns of $51 to $64 in the moldboard tillage system and $96 to $108 in the chisel tillage system. The diversification of rotations reduces variance of net return and thus makes the rotations attractive to risk averse producers. Furthermore diversified rotations showed less response to price changes. Diversified rotations evaluated in this study also proved to be less affected by increasing energy costs. Red clover seeded into wheat resulted in 5% higher yields for the following corn crop in the moldboard system. Rotations that included red clover cover lowered production risk but did not have higher net returns than comparable rotations without red clover. However, the potential for red clover to reduce N fertilization requirements for the following corn, was not considered in this study. Yield penalties due to chisel plowing with financial consequences were only observed in continuous corn. In all other rotations the effect of tillage was negligible. An increase in energy costs forces farmers to switch to crops with lower inputs rather than switch to reduced tillage.