• Authors:
    • Schlegel, A. J.
    • Stone, L. R.
  • Source: Agronomy Journal
  • Volume: 102
  • Issue: 2
  • Year: 2010
  • Summary: Efficient water use is the primary determinant of profitability in dryland crop production of the western Great Plains. For a sustainable increase in precipitation use efficiency (PUE) from that typical of the traditional winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-fallow rotation with conventional stubble-mulch (sweep) tillage (CT) to occur, decreased use of fallow and tillage is required. Our objective was to quantify the effect of tillage intensity (no-till [NT], reduced tillage [RT], and CT) and phase of the winter wheat-grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]-fallow rotation on selected sod properties that influence PUE, with emphasis on infiltration and the association between water-stable aggregates (WSA) and infiltration rate. Soil water content at -1.5 MPa matric potential, concentration of WSA >= 0.5 mm, mean weight diameter of WSA, and ponded steady-state infiltration rate were significantly greater with NT than RT or CT (infiltration rates: NT, 30.6; RT, 15.3; and CT, 11.4 mm h(-1)). Infiltration rate was significantly greater in the wheat phase (25.8 mm h(-1)) than in the sorghum (15.4 mm h(-1)) or fallow (16.2 mm h(-1)) phases. The significantly better conditions of aggregate stability and water infiltration with NT management and the lack of development of poor infiltration properties during the wheat season that would need to be alleviated by tillage after harvest reinforce the appropriateness of NT management in crop production systems of the region.
  • Authors:
    • Waggoner, J. A.
    • Conover, D. M.
    • Kreuter, U. P.
    • Ansley, R. J.
    • Baker, S. A.
    • Dowhower, S. L.
    • Teague, W. R.
  • Source: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
  • Volume: 137
  • Issue: 1
  • Year: 2010
  • Summary: This paper examines if post-fire deferment and periodic rests provided by rotational grazing allowed for more rapid recovery of soil cover, soil chemical and physical parameters, and vegetation composition after summer patch burning than continuous grazing. We evaluated the recovery of native rangeland vegetation and soils subjected to summer patch burns in continuously and rotationally grazed pastures in 2002, 2003 and 2004. Each year, 12% of each treatment replicate was burned as a single patch in a different, non-adjacent area under continuous grazing, and as a single paddock of a rotationally grazed 8-pasture-1-herd system. Recovery of vegetation and soils on burned patches were measured annually until the summer of 2006 and compared to those in immediately adjacent unburned areas in both grazing treatments. Herbaceous cover and biomass took 2 years to recover to control levels on soils with greater mesquite cover and more C-3 grasses, and 3 years on soils with more C-4 grasses. The rotational grazing treatment had less bare ground and lower soil temperatures on both unburned and burned areas than the continuously grazed treatment, which has significant implications for infiltration rates, runoff and erosion in favor of the rotational management. Soil C and C to N ratios were also higher with rotational grazing. Soil physical parameters were not affected by either the burn or grazing treatments but the presence of trees reduced soil temperature, improved soil physical parameters and infiltration rate relative to open grassland.
  • Authors:
    • U.S. EPA
  • Year: 2010
  • Authors:
    • U.S. EPA
  • Year: 2010
  • Authors:
    • Conway, R.
    • Noe, S.
    • Schwartz, R.
    • Nefstead, W.
    • Gallagher, P.W.
    • Shapouri, H.
  • Year: 2010
  • Summary: The Agricultural Resource Management Survey of corn growers for the year 2005 and the 2008 survey of dry mill ethanol plants are used to estimate the net energy balance of corn ethanol. This report measures all conventional fossil fuel energy used in the production of 1 gallon of corn ethanol. The ratio is about 2.3 BTU of ethanol for 1 BTU of energy inputs, when a portion of total energy input is allocated to byproduct, and fossil fuel is used for processing energy. The ratio is somewhat higher for some firms that are partially substituting biomass energy in processing energy.
  • Authors:
    • van Groenigen, K. J.
    • van Kessel, C.
    • Oenema, O.
    • Velthof, G. L.
    • van Groenigen, J. W.
  • Source: European Journal of Soil Science
  • Volume: 61
  • Issue: 6
  • Year: 2010
  • Summary: Agricultural soils are the main anthropogenic source of nitrous oxide (N2O), largely because of nitrogen (N) fertilizer use. Commonly, N2O emissions are expressed as a function of N application rate. This suggests that smaller fertilizer applications always lead to smaller N2O emissions. Here we argue that, because of global demand for agricultural products, agronomic conditions should be included when assessing N2O emissions. Expressing N2O emissions in relation to crop productivity (expressed as above-ground N uptake: "yield-scaled N2O emissions") can express the N2O efficiency of a cropping system. We show how conventional relationships between N application rate, N uptake and N2O emissions can result in minimal yield-scaled N2O emissions at intermediate fertilizer-N rates. Key findings of a meta-analysis on yield-scaled N2O emissions by non-leguminous annual crops (19 independent studies and 147 data points) revealed that yield-scaled N2O emissions were smallest (8.4 g N2O-N kg-1N uptake) at application rates of approximately 180-190 kg Nha-1 and increased sharply after that (26.8 g N2O-N kg-1 N uptake at 301 kg N ha-1). If the above-ground N surplus was equal to or smaller than zero, yield-scaled N2O emissions remained stable and relatively small. At an N surplus of 90 kg N ha-1 yield-scaled emissions increased threefold. Furthermore, a negative relation between N use efficiency and yield-scaled N2O emissions was found. Therefore, we argue that agricultural management practices to reduce N2O emissions should focus on optimizing fertilizer-N use efficiency under median rates of N input, rather than on minimizing N application rates.
  • Authors:
    • Ochsner, T. E.
    • Venterea, R. T.
  • Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
  • Volume: 74
  • Issue: 2
  • Year: 2010
  • Summary: Quantifying N2O emissions from corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] fields under different fertilizer regimes is essential to developing national inventories of greenhouse gas emissions. The objective of this study was to compare N2O emissions in plots managed for more than 15 yr under continuous corn (C/C) vs. a corn-soybean (C/S) rotation that were fertilized during the corn phase with either anhydrous NH3 (AA) or urea (U). During three growing seasons, N2O emissions from corn following corn were nearly identical to corn following soybean. In both systems, however, N2O emissions with AA were twice the emissions with U. After accounting for N2O emissions during the soybean phase, it was estimated that a shift from C/S to C/C would result in an increase in annual emissions of 0.78 kg N ha-1 (equivalent to 0.11 Mg CO2-C ha-1) when AA was used, compared with only 0.21 kg N ha-1 (0.03 Mg CO2-C ha-1) with U. In light of trends toward increased use of U, these results suggest that fertilizer-induced soil N2O emissions may decline in the future, at least per unit of applied N, although further study is needed in different soils and cropping systems. While soil CO2 emissions were 20% higher under C/C, crop residue from the prior year did not affect soil inorganic N or dissolved organic C during the subsequent season. We also compared different flux-calculation schemes, including a new method for correcting chamber-induced errors, and found that selection of a calculation method altered N2O emissions estimates by as much as 35%.
  • Authors:
    • Barbour, N.
    • Archer, D. W.
    • Johnson, J. M. F.
  • Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
  • Volume: 74
  • Issue: 2
  • Year: 2010
  • Summary: The agricultural sector is a small but significant contributor to the overall anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emission and a major contributor of N2O emission in the United States. Land management practices or systems that reduce GHG emission would aid in slowing climate change. We measured the emission of CO2, CH4, and N2O from three management scenarios: business as usual (BAU), maximum C sequestration (MAXC), and optimum greenhouse gas benefits (OGGB). The BAU scenario was chisel or moldboard plowed, fertilized, in a 2-yr rotation (corn [Zea mays L.]-soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr]). The MAXC and OGGB scenarios were strip tilled in a 4-yr rotation (corn-soybean-wheat [Triticum aestivum L.]/alfalfa [Medicago sativa L.]-alfalfa). The MAXC received fertilizer inputs but the OGGB scenario was not fertilized. Nitrous oxide, CO2, and CH4 emissions were collected using vented static chambers. Carbon dioxide flux increased briefly following tillage, but the impact of tillage was negligible when CO2 flux was integrated across an entire year. The sod tended to be neutral to a slight CH4 sink under these managements scenarios. The N2O flux during spring thaw accounted for up to 65% of its annual emission, compared with 6% or less due to application of N fertilizer. Annual cumulative emissions of CO2, CH4, and N2O did not vary significantly among these three management scenarios. Reducing tillage and increasing the length of the crop rotation did not appreciably change GHG emissions, Strategies that reduce N2O flux during spring thaw could reduce annual N2O emission.
  • Authors:
    • Horwath, W. R.
    • Rolston, D. E.
    • Kallenbach, C. M.
  • Source: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
  • Volume: 137
  • Issue: 3
  • Year: 2010
  • Summary: Agricultural management practices such as subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) and winter legume cover cropping (WLCC) influence soil water dynamics as well as carbon and nitrogen cycling, potentially changing emission rates of soil CO2 and N2), principal greenhouse gases. A split plot tomato field trial in California's Central Valley was used to evaluate the use of SDI and WLCC on event-based CO2 and N2O emissions. SDI and WLCC were compared to the region's more conventional practices: furrow irrigation (FI) and no cover crop (NCC). Our results indicate that SDI offers the potential to manage cover crops without the significant increases in greenhouse gas production during the growing season as seen under FI cover-cropped systems. The highest N2O emissions occurred during the beginning of the rainy season in November in the FI-WLCC treatment(5 mg m-2 h-1) and the lowest in August in the SDI-NCC treatments (4.87 [micro]g m-2 h-1). CO2 emissions under WLCC were 40% and 15% greater compared to NCC under FI and SDI, respectively. The treatment with the greatest effect on CO2 and N2O emissions was WLCC, which increased average growing season N2O and CO2 emissions under FI by 60 [micro]g N2O m-2 h-1 and 425 mg CO2 m-2 h-1 compared to NCC. In SDI there was no effect of a cover crop on growing season CO2 and N2O emissions. In the rainy season, however, SDI N2O and CO2 emissions were not different from FI. In the rainy season, the cover crop increased N2O emissions in SDI only and increased CO2 emissions only under FI. Subsurface drip shows promise in reducing overall N2O emissions in crop rotations with legume cover crops.
  • Authors:
    • Kaufman, L.
  • Source: The New York Times
  • Year: 2010