Graduate study room

Graduate study room

Room 334 on the 3rd floor of Hale Library is reserved for graduate student use only. The grad study room is intended for individual, quiet study and is available on a first come, first served basis.

Access to graduate study room

Graduate students can access the room by holding their K-State ID card up to the RFID reader to unlock the door. Graduate students with cards that show an expiration date at the bottom right of their card will be able to use the RFID system. Graduate students who have older ID cards will need to obtain a new card through the K-State ID Center (replacement fees apply) or ask staff at the Help Desk on the second floor to be let into the space.

If you have trouble accessing the room, please visit the Hale Library Help Desk on the second floor or call (785) 532-3014.


The graduate study room has 28 individual lockers available for student use.

Sign up for a locker

Use of graduate study room

K-State Libraries reserve the right to limit future use of the room to any users that don’t adhere to the room policies.

Room policies

  • Only graduate students are permitted to use the room.
  • Doors should not be propped open.
  • Room is for quiet study only.
  • Furniture should not be moved in or out of the room.
  • Do not leave items unattended.
  • Students are required to abide by Kansas State University’s Student Code of Conduct.