Donations and giving

Donations and giving

Archives and Special Collections is a growing collection of rare, unique and notable materials. The department selectively seeks donations of materials that fit within their collecting areas. Specifically, the department is actively seeking to include previously unarchived and silenced communities.

If you are interested in donating material to Archives and Special Collections, contact us at or (785) 532-7456. You may also contact a curator of a collection directly to discuss your materials.

  • Roger Adams: Kansas life and culture, cookery and rare books
  • Cliff Hight: Consumer movement archives
  • Ryan Leimkuehler: University archives and history

For information regarding transfer of university records to the archives, contact Ryan Leimkuehler.

Financial support

In addition to donated materials, the department also purchases important items to add to our collections. Donor support allows us to act quickly and secure these materials when they are available. Donations to Archives and Special Collections also allow us to:

  • conserve and preserve items
  • hire students to support processing and digitization of collections
  • create educational exhibits
  • utilize crowdsourcing software
Donate to Archives and Special Collections


Impact stories

Morse Department of Archives and Special Collections
K-State Libraries
1117 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

(785) 532-7456