Daniel IretonDaniel Ireton

Associate professor
Academic services librarian
Email: dli6873@k-state.edu

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Subject librarian for:
Aerospace studies, art, dance, military science, philosophy, political science, security studies and theatre.

About Daniel:
Daniel can meet individually with students or faculty to help with research questions and help faculty develop research assignments for students using library resources. He also can visit your undergraduate or graduate class to teach information literacy skills like finding, using and evaluating library resources.

In addition to assisting students in his main subject areas, Daniel also helps students with the Student Veteran’s Center and military-connected populations on campus.

Research interest:
Games in education.

Fun fact:
Daniel studies historical European martial arts and even has a complete set of early 15th-century reproduction armor.


  • Master of Library Science, Emporia State University
  • Bachelor of Arts in Theatre, Kansas State University