Brice G. Hobrock Distinguished Faculty Award

The Brice G. Hobrock Distinguished Faculty Award was established by the Friends of K-State Libraries to honor Dean Emeritus Hobrock upon his retirement in 2004. Annually, the award recognizes outstanding librarianship and superior accomplishments among the K-State Libraries faculty.

Nominees are evaluated based on their professional activities during the last two years. One recipient is honored with a plaque of recognition and an award of $1,000 sponsored by the Friends of the K-State Libraries.

Guidelines and eligibility

The Hobrock Award is available to tenured and pre-tenured faculty holding a minimum 0.5 appointment at K-State Libraries at the rank of assistant professor, associate professor or professor.

Nominees must have held a minimum 2-year continuous appointment in the Libraries. The award evaluates a nominee's professional activities within the last two years. Award recipients are not eligible for the award more than once every five years. The dean and associate deans are not eligible to receive the award.

2024 Winner

Jason Coleman, academic services librarian

“Jason generated content to guide students in literature search. Students said they would use these resources in other classes. Jason's help has been pivotal for updating my academic responsibilities and to create new content that effectively engages our undergraduate students."

Previous winners