
Finding materials in Special Collections

Use the search box on the Special Collections homepage to limit your search to items held in Archives and Special Collections. Make sure you explore the variety of searches by using the first drop-down menu. For example, archive materials need to be searched by selecting archival collections from the first drop-down menu. You can also browse all archival collections.

We strongly encourage researchers to contact our staff regarding their subject matter for additional research guidance and suggested materials.

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Using Special Collections materials

Archives and Special Collections staff must retrieve materials for patrons. Materials cannot leave the reading room, but free scanners are available for use. We recommend researchers contact us before their visit so staff can retrieve materials and have them ready for use. Researchers can complete an annual registration form in advance online.

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User registration form

Learn more about visiting Archives and Special Collections

Access Restrictions

Some materials may have restrictions on access or use based on confidentiality, copyright, condition or by donor request. Staff will explain to researchers the reasons for access restrictions. Patrons requesting access to restricted materials must contact the person or agency imposing the restriction. Access to restricted collections cannot be granted without written authority.


Image use and credit

In accordance with standard academic and general practices, please include a statement of acknowledgment with any images from the collection.

Full Citation for use in academic essays, scholarly articles and coursework:

Courtesy [“Title”], [Name of Collection], Morse Department of Archives and Special Collections, Kansas State
University Libraries, Box [Box #, when applicable]”

Example: Courtesy “Gordon Parks,” Gordon Parks Papers, Morse Department of Archives and Special Collections, Kansas State University Libraries, Box 1.


Credit for use in exhibitions or media projects:

Courtesy of Morse Department of Archives and Special Collections, Kansas State University Libraries.

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Morse Department of Special Collections
K-State Libraries
1117 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

(785) 532-7456