Teaching resources

Teaching resources

We offer a variety of resources to support your classroom instruction. You can incorporate several options on your own or work with your librarian to customize resources and instruction for your specific course.

We specialize in teaching students basic through advanced research skills, including how to evaluate information. We can also provide instruction for topics such as systematic reviews, research using primary resources and evidence-based research.

Contact my librarian

Online tutorials

The New Literacies Alliance project offers online tutorials to teach students important information literacy skills. K-State instructors can easily add the tutorials to their Canvas courses to track completion.

Find an online tutorial

Instruction sessions

Librarians can provide instruction for both in-person or online learning environments. Sessions can focus on introductory research skills; advanced, subject-specific research strategies; or instruction related to a class assignment. Librarians are also happy to help develop assignments.

Request library instruction

Research guides

Our research guides provide tailored help to students by subject or course. Many students may not be aware of these helpful guides. We recommend instructors add at least one research guide in their Canvas courses and point it out to students. Librarians can also create new guides to meet your specific course needs.

Contact your librarian to request a new guide

Canvas integration

There are several ways to incorporate the Libraries into your Canvas course.

Add a research guide

Add a librarian to connect with your students

Add an online tutorial as an assignment

Librarian collaboration

The possibilities for collaboration with our librarians are endless. Librarians have worked with instructors to apply for grants, scaffold research instruction with an entire program, co-teach classes and create classroom assignments that incorporate research skills.

Find your librarian

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